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What are you currently playing?


Together forever
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
I am extremely impressed by Desktop Dungeons every situation feels like a hard puzzle, ultimate min-maxing puzzle/roguelike game. Very unforgiving on mistakes as well.


pat pat
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Jan 1, 2009
I was considering starting Pillars of Eternity, but decided it was too expensive and I'm going to wait for it being on sale someday.

Started playing Planescape: Torment again. Played it for like 50 hours a few years back, but got stuck and never finished. And I was very interested in how the story would end, so.

I'm also playing Spec Ops: On The Line, but it's in my bf's steam library so I needed to play something else for when we are playing at the same time. It's supposed to have a very good story. I like the gameplay thus far, at least.

We're also thinking of playing Company of Heroes together.

Local time
Today 8:27 AM
May 1, 2015
Bentonville, AR
I'm obsessed with Kerbal Space Program. If you haven't heard of it, you run a space program on a planet called Kerbin that's populated by little green men. You have all sorts of rocket pieces that you can assemble however you want and take it to the launch pad to see what happens. It's entirely possible to learn just by experimenting, but the rockets function with actual rocket science, so if you know about stuff like deltaV, thrust to weight, specific impulse, etc. you could build a bad ass rocket from the get go.
The game has a full solar system with seven planets and nine moons and you reach them by manipulating orbital mechanics and newtonian physics. Amazing space sim.


Local time
Tomorrow 12:27 AM
Apr 30, 2015
Not playing anything at the moment, but the last game I tried was Planescape Torment. I stopped because it is a bit boring to begin with and I don't have the patience.

The best game I've ever played is Baldur's Gate II: Shadows Of Amn. I think that was when I had my first nerdgasm.


pat pat
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Ikaruga xx_xx

In the right state of mind this tingles my brain in a pleasantly pleasant way, but tch that's a difficult game. I think some of the trick, other than memorizing enemy patterns, is to make your brain think of all the dark things as one ting and all the white things as another thing. So instead of seeing 10 dark things and 10 white things, you are only seeing 1 of each. So to speak. That was probably a sucky explanation, but oh well.
If you manage to trick your brain into thinking it all the same, it might be able to process information fast enough to make this game slightly easier to play. I find that I also had to change my mindset from the enemies being enemies to being helpful things that charge you up.

I also really enjoy the music and think it complements the sound effects quite well.


pat pat
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Jan 1, 2009
A friend had Fable III laying around so I figured I'd try it. Though, after a fairly short time I've come to the conclusion this must be some kind of experiment to see how much of a crap game you can make and people will still play it. It has pretty much everything that recognizes a bad game.

There's the glowing trail, or quest arrow. It can be disabled, but I found it bugged back every time and started the game again. There's no map (!), so playing without it could be a bit bothersome as well.

There's a horrible, horrible inventory system, where you have to go into a room separate from the place you are in the game just to change clothes. You also have to go there to save and have to walk to a certain "picture" in that room to exit the game. Interacting with people is slow as you have to go into an own mode, do what you want to do, then exit that mode. And it happens very slowly.

There's also the walking, the endless walking. I've never really noticed in a game how far you have to walk, that can't be a good thing. And you get an annoying dog that shows you all the chests or digging areas in close proximity. I'm not even sure what joys you have in a game when rewards of exploration and challenge of combat is taken away.

Well, I only played it like an hour, I couldn't stand it

So, I started playing Gothic instead, which I already find charming. We'll see how much I end up liking it after playing it some more. It does seem promising so far.

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Nov 21, 2013
Ikaruga xx_xx
If (any of) you enjoyed this, you'd probably also enjoy the Touhou games.

It takes similar kind of skill while it also has a great soundtrack and narrative.

I personally don't play agility based games because it's the kind of thing I already train playing the piano, memorising muscle sequences and motoric focus. Though I still listen to Touhou arranges and read some lore from time to time because they are just that good (experiences may vary, no refunds).


You Silly Willy
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Nov 14, 2013
Somewhere in Indiana
Starcraft 2. The co-op is fun.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 8:27 AM
Jan 24, 2013
I have yet to finish The Witcher 3. It is an outstanding game that any RPG fan needs to play. The story and characters are fantastic, The combat system is very enjoyable to tinker around with and there's enough quests to make your head spin.


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 3:27 AM
Mar 14, 2010

interesting game. It's more combat and tactical oriented, where you're both a foot soldier and a commander. The only downside is that the story doesn't seem as fleshed out as the other games; they killed off one of the more interesting bad guys in a very non-climatic manner and chapter 2 was a bit dull in comparison to chapter 1.

The game was really good at opening as well and then the story become second to the combat and base-building. There also wasn't a lot of variation on boss fights. It was always the same fight as when you first encounter the skulls, but with a variation or twist that makes it harder. And some of those boss fights are ridiculously hard, Ninja Gaiden style hard.


Dark Magician
Local time
Today 6:27 AM
Aug 20, 2014
Southern California
No idea. I do wanna play something though. Possibly some MMOs I can waste alot of time on... maybe TERA or ESO.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 9:27 AM
Sep 25, 2008
Went back to play the most recent release of the SWTOR storyline, although I probably won't stay long.... more because of the time drain, I don't like my creative time spent just playing a game all the time... not anymore. I did my stint on WoW and other games where I was working full-time and then putting in 40-50 hours a week of gaming on top of that.

No idea. I do wanna play something though. Possibly some MMOs I can waste alot of time on... maybe TERA or ESO.

I did play TERA for a while -- sure was the prettiest mmo I've ever played, and the coolest/craziest costume design. for FTP I think, it was decent enough.


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 3:27 AM
Mar 14, 2010
Eve online, destiny, war thunder, ffxiv.

ffxiv was surprisingly good when I played it. afraid to get the new expansion though; I don't think having my weekends and weeknights feel like minutes. :)


You Silly Willy
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Nov 14, 2013
Somewhere in Indiana
Path of Exile. A nice free RPG alternative to Diablo III.

I played it a bit with a old D3 friend. He couldn't D3 due to hardcore death by suicidal explosion in ACT III.

Been playing Endless Legends recently. Workers are overpowered, though.


Local time
Today 1:27 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Got Mr ISTP to download AoE2, he suggested C&C - which I hate....
At least he's good for summin.

He said:

why would anyone want to play 1 over 2?

strange person

I agree Mr ISTP, I agree.


pat pat
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Farcry 4 with my partner. There are some things that are typical generic-appeal-to-the-masses-standard-bad, but it's still fun. I do think it's regrettable that you can't liberate towers together and have it unlocked on both accounts.

It's fun mocking around in an open world and explore the territory. Sometimes my partner steals the skins of the animals I killed, so then I have to murder him. That's just how it is

Oh, btw. One of my pet peeves is when you buy a game on steam (or get is as a gift like I did) and have to register for another site. I had to register to uplay to be able to play the game and that annoys the shit out of me : )
Also, unskippable logos


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:27 AM
Aug 31, 2009
I've been addicted to Rust, lately.

That would be the game with the naked men running around stealing from/murdering each other.


Local time
Today 2:27 PM
May 21, 2011
Borderlands 2, pokemon omega ruby, devil survivor 2, the sims 3 and dragon age: origins.


Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
I switch between dark souls and bloodborne, problem is that in both I'm on the final stages and I stopped playing for 1 month and now coming back to it to hardest bosses seems like impossible without the training of the previous fights in the game.
I also started playing fallout 4 cuz my brother bought it the other day. Not really sure how I feel about it. Kind of cool I guess

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 12:27 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Life, by Marshall Mathers.


I introverted think. Therefore, I am.
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Nov 21, 2016
United Kingdon
Currently mostly playing through Dead Effect 2 (which I'm quite enjoying playing through as the archer/katana class), also just started Mad Max (which has potential), playing through the F.E.A.R. series (done 1 + Expansions packs, halfway through 2) and Resident Evil 7 when I'm in the mood for survival horror.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 8:27 AM
Jan 24, 2013
Mass Effect Andromeda. I have to say its one of the few games I have played that actually got me to think about space more.


Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Apr 29, 2018
I recently finished resident evil 7 and assasins creed origins, both great games.
At first i was a bit angry about how slow RE was, specially when you are being followed by this guy in his home, i thought it was stupid and got super frustrated about what i thought were shitty controls or lack of mobility as if my character was physically disabled somehow... but then later things got more interesting and the control was not an issue anymore. Only negative thing: it was a bit too short.

AC O is amazing, i have not much to say against it, perhaps only negative thing is the price of the DLCs; 30 euros total, and that the roman fortress missions become a bit too repetitive after a while but just the landscapes and architecture are worth it so much, the battles at ship are really nice as well, i could actually hear people speaking greek and reminded me of my days in athens which was pretty emotional.
story felt a bit too forced by feminism at points... it's not a issue, but it's just so blatantly forced that feels so unnatural especially in the way they linked pieces of it, or how you suddenly play the girl in some crucial points, still one of the best games i've played for sure.

God of War is too hyped i think, i've watched tons of gameplay by now and feels like a souls game crossed with the last of us, and only god knows how much i hated the last of us... also enemies are too repetitive... i will buy it eventually, when the price goes down... like to 25 with the DLCs included haha.

Waiting for RDR 2.

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 7:27 AM
Nov 6, 2008
I'm going through Crusader Kings 2 right now with the full stock of DLC. It's amazing with everything incorporated into it. The main feature is emergent story-telling, from how you think about your character and the others they're interacting with. Plus, any piece of practical advice you might give about how to play this game is dangerous to be heard out of context. :tongue:

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Nov 21, 2013
Distant Worlds - Universe, one the best 4x strategies and I've tried all of them by now

Monster Hunter World, some good co-op action

Witcher 3, still trying to finish this massive game (started playing last year)


pat pat
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Witcher 3 is one of my alltime favorite games. Spoiler (not lore or story spoiler, but game mechanics spoiler)
the way you can research and explore more to have alternate endings to a quest which seems to have only one solution is brilliant, the game never tells you it's possible to have an alternative ending, you have to discover it for yourself

Anyways, I'm playing ff8, the typical boomer game. Nostalgia etc.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 2:27 AM
Dec 12, 2009
I really really really want to play Crossout but I hear it's a free-to-play/pay-to-win grindy dumpster fire full of spyware, and the meta is probably too competitive for a full time worker to keep up with.

I just want to build quirky shit and have fun :(


Local time
Today 7:27 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
I had to uninstall Endless Legend (again) because every time I pick it up I end up sinking enormous amounts of hours on it, its ridiculous. Goddamn that "just one more turn".

In its stead, now I'm also on the Witcher 3 train. Much easier to pick up and leave whenever. Besides I needed something to play with a gamepad, already spend 8+ hours on a keyboard and mouse at work...
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Oct 6, 2018
On a Tangent
Cookie clicker.
I'm not the only one still playing it am I?


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Disturber of the Peace
Local time
Today 9:27 AM
Oct 21, 2012
I had to uninstall Endless Legend (again) because every time I pick it up I end up sinking enormous amounts of hours on it, its ridiculous. Goddamn that "just one more turn".

I picked up Endless Space 2 recently and got the same syndrome. “Just one more turn...” whoops it’s 3am now.


pat pat
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Finished Red Dead Redemption

his wife and child were horrible, no wonder he walked voluntarily into death


sorry for english
Local time
Tomorrow 12:27 AM
Apr 26, 2013
Finished Red Dead Redemption

his wife and child were horrible, no wonder he walked voluntarily into death
Is it worth the time sink? I have rdr1, but only ever played like 3 hours of it. Finished rdr2 on the weekend and it was amazing. Wondering if I should go back and give rdr1 another shot...


pat pat
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Is it worth the time sink? I have rdr1, but only ever played like 3 hours of it. Finished rdr2 on the weekend and it was amazing. Wondering if I should go back and give rdr1 another shot...

Eh. Only if you get positive feels from being a completionist and riding around in western land. I guess the characters are pretty decently done, though, I usually felt the writers tried to make sense of why people did the crazy things they did. Though, I guess the fact I thought about the characters being written meant I was taken out of the story enough to think about the writers behind it...

It's not a game I'd recommend, but it's not the worst thing ever either.


*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste
Bladerunner (1997)
Fire Emblem Awakening (Again)
Smite and Paladins (Consistetly)

Coming soon:
Resident Evil 2 remake (PLEASE LET IT BE GOOD)

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:27 PM
Jun 7, 2017
started playing GTA online a few months back due to a lack of recreational activities. It's a highly toxic and anti-social virtual environment, but amusing nonetheless

anyone else playing?


eres muy bonita
Local time
Today 2:27 PM
Dec 29, 2018
yesterday i finished the story modes for RE 2 remake, tonight i'll try Hunk mode.
game was super cool, only bad thing for me is that it felt a bit too short
part time playing FIFA19 offline.
i never lose my nerve but the amount of bullshit you see online is quite smth. look, i lost like 12 matches one after other before xmas so i stopped playing for 1 week, then i came back 1st january and won 15 matches straight super easily. so probably there's smth wrong with the matchmaking or just more noobs playing after xmas. also the offline mode offers a lot of cool stuff to check so fuck it, i beat the german league with borussia dortmund in world class difficulty, which is imo the right difficulty before you start to freak out and the game starts feeling like a job. Then i played career mode using Liverpool, won all six trophies i was competing for. champions league from eight finals was extremely hard, lost all my home matches lol, even against Benfica, probably most victory goals came in the last 10 minutes of away matches. lol, the amount of realism was too high to not lol to, i mean, Mohamed Salah got injured, he dislocated his shoulder just like in real life so i couldn't use him till final. Final was much easier in comparison. I'll probably give it another season. I like the different weather settings they have and the amount of official stadiums.
also i bought MLB the show during xmas because it was 19e and i think it's a cool chill game. it's been a while since i don't play baseball and i have cool memories so it felt refreshing.
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