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Sex Magick


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
A subject which I'm interested in

Written by Samael Aun Weor
We left Eden through the gates of sex. Eden is sex itself.

We can only re-enter Eden through the gate we left through. This gate is sex. No one can enter Paradise through the wrong gate or gates. They do not exist in Paradise.

Paradise has no such gates. We must enter the same way we left. Eden is sex itself.

Sexual forces are everywhere; everything that exists in the world is the child of sex. We ourselves exist in the world because we had a father and a mother.

In Eden, there are two Trees: the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Tree of Life.

We left Eden for having eaten the forbidden fruit. We cannot enter Eden so long as we continue eating this fruit.

At the base of the spinal column there is a bone called the coccyx; in this bone there is an ethereal center called Muladhara, and within this ethereal center there is an inlaid serpent of fire. This serpent is the fire of the Pentecost, the fire of the Holy Spirit. This fire is terrific; it has tremendous power. This is the igneous serpent of our magical powers. In India, this serpent is called the Kundalini.

The wise men of India awaken Kundalini with Sexual Magic. Sexual Magic is very easy: a man and a woman may sexually unite and become “one flesh.” Both, however, men and women, must withdraw from the sexual act before and without spilling the seminal liquor [through the orgasm]. The seminal liquor must not be spilled within the womb; moreover, the seed must not be allowed to spill outside that organ. The man must withdraw from the woman, and the woman from the man, restraining the sexual impulse to avoid spilling the seminal liquor.

By restraining the sexual impulse, the semen [sexual energy] is turned into very subtle energies that rise up to the brain through two delicate nerve cords. These cords are the two witnesses which we are told about in the Apocalypse. They are the two olive branches of the temple, the two candlesticks that stand before the throne of the God of Earth.

A Yogi makes his home without needing to break the sixth commandment of the Law of God:

Thou shalt not fornicate.
During the act of Sexual Magic, it is possible for a spermatozoon, which the lunar hierarchies use to fertilize the womb, to escape, without there being any need to spill the semen.

God is the Innermost, and his throne is the spinal column. Sexual forces are solar and lunar. When the solar and lunar atoms unite in the coccyx, then the igneous snake of our magical powers awakens. With this snake we can awaken all the powers of the wise men.

This serpent enters through the lower orifice of the spinal cord. The cord is hollow inside. Along the spinal cord there is a canal through which the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit rises upward, little by little, until it reaches the brain. When the igneous serpent reaches the brain, then the soul is united with the Innermost and thus enters Eden.

The soul who unites with the Innermost has power over earth, over water, over fire. It can command winds and hurricanes. It can hear and see the things of the heavens, of the Earth and the abyss, and is able to know all divine things.

Jesus Christ said:

Verily, verily, I say to you, the one believing in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do. - John 14:12
…and so the only way to enter Paradise is through the gate through which we left it. That gate is sex. Nobody can enter Paradise through false gates.

Single people must transmute the seminal liquor with deep breathing, keeping the lungs full thirty seconds or more. This Swara exercise must be performed daily.

I have lots of questions, but I don't know who here could answer them, lol.

Repent your orgasms or be forever banished to Avitchi!

I jest now, but my soul is probably doomed


slightly inebriated
Local time
Today 4:29 PM
Feb 8, 2016
If you think sex is great you should try morphine!


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
Be sure that no seminal fluids are wasted, and preserve your life-force!

(oh wait, the article says that. :D)

I think a lot of people interested in this field get drawn to Crowley, Tantra, etc, initially because the material is flashier. Sex magick as many describe it just comes across as being good sex. If it's face melting then it's probably tantra.

I'm sure you have as you have a strong interest in this topic, but reading around I see the same things get emphasised in 'magical' traditions as a foundation:

live well, be healthy and physically active, do not entertain negative thoughts, cultivate self-discipline, study the classics and mathematics, avoid inertia, try to improve and work upon your character in any way you can.

All things I have no issue with, and seem more likely to me to lead to a better quality of life in the long-term.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Be sure that no seminal fluids are wasted, and preserve your life-force!

(oh wait, the article says that. :D)

I think a lot of people interested in this field get drawn to Crowley, Tantra, etc, initially because the material is flashier.

Initiates of the Black fraternity according to the above author, Samael Aun Weor.

Sex magick as many describe it comes across as just being good sex. If it's face melting then it's probably tantra.

I'm sure you have as you have a strong interest in this topic, but reading around I see the same things get emphasised in 'magical' traditions as a foundation:

live well, be healthy and physically active, do not entertain negative thoughts, cultivate self-discipline, study the classics and mathematics, avoid inertia, try to improve and work upon your character in any way you can.

All things I have no issue with, and seem more likely to me to lead to a better quality of life in the long-term.

See, I'm more interested in off world (on world?) entities..
But learning all this shit is part of the parcel apparently.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Firstly one becomes an Alchemist, then a Magician, then a Theurgist...

In order to attain Theurgy one firstly needs to be an Alchemist, and it is impossible to be an Alchemist without a spouse ...

I A O, these three vowels must be pronounced during the sexual trance - Revolution of Bel.

- Sameal, Revolution of Beelzebub.


Youknow, even if I wanted to try this stuff, just where am I supposed to find a willing spouse? mmm.

Looking on the internet is always an option.. But knowing my luck I'll be head hunted by some cult to be sacrificed at black mass.


Ahh, I dunno. Living with the devil sounds far easier, and better.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 9:29 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
So if I fuck without coming my sperm turns into holy firejuice, awakening a fire serpent inside my coccyx. By not coming this fire serpent receives special holy energy and slowly crawls up my spine and up my olive branches into the brain, at which point I can control the weather (or a famous black boxer from the 1960s not sure which) and will have divine knowledge and powers.

Also, breathing deeply transmutes my sperm.



"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
- Sameal, Revolution of Beelzebub.


Youknow, even if I wanted to try this stuff, just where am I supposed to find a willing spouse? mmm.

Looking on the internet is always an option.. But knowing my luck I'll be head hunted by some cult to be sacrificed at black mass.

Could just find a non-willing spouse? :D

I'm not familiar with the resource you're citing from but will look it up later. I find with Esotericism that the best research approach is to start with the primary sources and study modern ones against them, as a lot of modern groups will be based upon heavily diluted information.

You're right to be cautious I think. There are a lot of well meaning groups, but there are also a lot of unpleasant people it's better not to tangle with.

So if I fuck without coming my sperm turns into holy firejuice, awakening a fire serpent inside my coccyx. By not coming this fire serpent receives special holy energy and slowly crawls up my spine and up my olive branches into the brain, at which point I can control the weather (or a famous black boxer from the 1960s not sure which) and will have divine knowledge and powers.

Also, breathing deeply transmutes my sperm.


Yes, precisely. You sound ready for your initiation. :D


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Could just find a non-willing spouse? :D

I'm not familiar with the resource you're citing from but will look it up later. I find with Esotericism that the best research approach is to start with the primary sources and study modern ones against them, as a lot of modern groups will be based upon heavily diluted information.

Agree'd. But the primary sources are like, ancient.

I keep picking up the magical subject matter and then putting it back down. Chances of me ever truly becoming involved are minimal, chances of me becoming accomplished in any of it, even more so minimal. But my other subjects of interest keep directing me back here... I think I have a decent outline of the cornerstone's involved..

This guy Sameal is real interesting so far.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Sep 7, 2015
I don't think it's the sexual act that's making these people crazy. It's just their beliefs. It's a placebo effect.

Because I'm referring to psychology, a good metaphor is the technique which magician's/illusionist use. It's not nearly good enough to have a coin just disappear, but have it done because of a reason or consequence, and people go nuts. So just after covering the coin with their hands, they'll have you blow on it. To the viewer, it vanishes but not because it's a trick, but because you blew on it, and now the effect becomes more powerful.

The placebo effect isn't a joke or all that subtle. It's been said that it has cured ailments and made people completely drunk when they haven't ingested any alcohol. During a panic attack, the sufferer can feel exactly the way a real heart-attack would feel. Yet it was all just created with their heads.

Other cognitive biases could be at play, like the forer effect or confirmation bias. So let's say I had a strand of your hair, and I believed if I burnt it, you'd experience a horrible day. Three days later, you actually do seem very miserable. But would you have been even if I had not burnt a strand of your hair?

We don't need psychoactive drugs to trip ourselves right out of our mind, or have other-world experiences. Some of it is just believing weird things, and tricking ourselves to make it seem really real. It's fun, but not when endured frequently.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Nope, I think there's a whole other world/s out there - which you have no idea about :p

Donchu know about the force, even Yoda knows about the force.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Sep 7, 2015
I do have quite a good understanding of these worlds actually. I have had a few brief psychotic breaks, during which I've seen things in ways not intelligible of anybody's cognition, yet I had very intimate comprehension of all deep mysteries in reality and the universe. It was paradoxically beautiful and frightening; awe-striking. It pushed hard past the limits of my insight and perception.

I'm really thankful I'm not experiencing that now though. Something I realized is that ironically during that time, I actually had less understanding of things, and was vulnerable and naive to my own imagination. A break from reality is exactly that: not being able to comprehend reality and fact and instead, relying whole-heartedly in something created by whimsical dreaming.

I've had my fun with it, but now I strive to experiment and ponder with what actually is, instead of what I could imagine it to be. Or at least quarantining the results of my imagination to the make-belief realm, tagging it with the 'idealistic' or 'hypothetical' property.

The world I seen was just a thought, mixed with hallucination/illusion, and a brain that was malfunctioning at making sense of real things.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 9:29 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
HahA uNiCoRNS And mAgiCk!11!1!! xDDD

Remember to spell magic with a K, makes it more 3DgY~~`~~~

Availability heuristic, cognitive bias, fundamental attribution error. Everywhere.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I do have quite a good understanding of these worlds actually. I have had a few brief psychotic breaks, during which I've seen things in ways not intelligible of anybody's cognition, yet I had very intimate comprehension of all deep mysteries in reality and the universe. It was paradoxically beautiful and frightening; awe-striking. It pushed hard past the limits of my insight and perception.

I'm really thankful I'm not experiencing that now though. Something I realized is that ironically during that time, I actually had less understanding of things, and was vulnerable and naive to my own imagination. A break from reality is exactly that: Ignoring or refusing reality and facts instead, whole-heartedly believing in something created by whimsical dreaming.

I've had my fun with it, but now I strive to experiment with what actually is, instead of what I could imagine it to be. Or at least quarantining the results of my imagination to the make-belief realm, tagging it with the 'idealistic' property.

The world I seen was just a thought, mixed with hallucination/illusion, and a brain that was malfunctioning at making sense of things.

Are you discounting all magical theory based on your experiences?

Have you ever been a practicing magician?

Can I get the equivalent of an online restraining order against RB?


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 9:29 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
Are you discounting all magical theory based on your experiences?

Have you ever been a practicing magician?

Are you really defending the existence of Coccyx-dwelling, Spine-climbing, Blue-balls-powered Fire-lizards that give you the power to create hurricanes?

Have you ever been a divine fire-lizard that grants the ability to cause hurricanes?

Sinny91 said:
Can I get the equivalent of an online restraining order against RB?
You made a public thread. I'm posting in it. You're free to post in my threads too.

Don't flatter yourself, it's a lot less to do with you than it is to do with the content you post. Also pretty ironic in the face of all your bitching about censorship.

You're free to offer opinions about sex magick and so am I. Freedom of speech is such a bitch when it's not working to your advantage huh?

"FucK tHis ESTAblIShMEnT!!1!!"

Next day:

"PleASE sAve ME estaBlisHmenT!11!!"


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Sep 7, 2015
Are you discounting all magical theory based on your experiences?

Have you ever been a practicing magician?

Can I get the equivalent of an online restraining order against RB?

K, your just joking and have said you don't really go all for this sex magic stuff. But taking into account all your posts with conspiracy theories and aliens, I'm making a good guess you are prone to believing this stuff and taking it too far with yourself.

At first it's just fun and interesting, but then you delve deeper into bad sources and start believing it more and more. Especially with the religious stuff mingled in, I'm predicting it's going to have your mind really bent, and eventually lead you to hospitalization.

Or maybe not and I'm just using myself as an example. Religious stuff makes me crazy. :ahh:


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Are you really defending the existence of Coccyx-dwelling, Spine-climbing, Blue-balls-powered Fire-lizards that give you the power to create hurricanes?

Have you ever been a divine fire-lizard that grants the ability to cause hurricanes?

You made a public thread. I'm posting in it. You're free to post in my threads too.

Don't flatter yourself, it's a lot less to do with you than it is to do with the content you post. Also pretty ironic in the face of all your bitching about censorship.

You're free to offer opinions about sex magick and so am I. Freedom of speech is such a bitch when it's not working to your advantage huh?

"FucK tHis ESTAblIShMEnT!!1!!"

Next day:

"PleASE sAve ME estaBlisHmenT!11!!"

It was a rhetorical question, geared towards demonstrating my disdain for you & your trollish posts.

Don't flatter yourself.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
K, your just joking and have said you don't really go all for this sex magic stuff.

Oh if I actually believed it all, I'd be living a very different life than the one I am now, that's for sure. But I'm open to it... I'm open to everything.

But taking into account all your posts with conspiracy theories and aliens, I'm making a good guess you are prone to believing this stuff and taking it too far with yourself.

I know the pit falls of the culture of conspiracy theory...
But I have witnessed phenomena which 'regular' science cannot, or currently does not, account for.. Hence the exploration.

At first it's just fun and interesting, but then you delve deeper into bad sources and start believing it more and more. Especially with the religious stuff mingled in, I'm predicting it's going to have your mind really bent, and eventually lead you to hospitalization.

Or maybe not and I'm just using myself as an example. Religious stuff makes me crazy. :ahh:

I'm all for deconstructing the science of it all... Which is where I'll be going with this thread in due course, and was hoping to have input in regards to.

One of the questions I will now be exploring in depth is if there is a difference between a 'psychotic break', and communing with Angels and Demons via invocation... I was actually thinking a long those line's a few month ago in regards to Crowley and is HGA.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 9:29 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
Sinny91 said:
I'm all for deconstructing the science of it all... Which is where I'll be going with this thread in due course, and was hoping to have input in regards to.

If we start with a basic physiology textbook, we find that the human coccyx bone does not in fact, harbor fire-lizards.

It'd be an interesting experiment but I'd also wager that the act of, "deep breathing" doesn't transmute sperm either.

It was a rhetorical question, geared towards demonstrating my disdain for you & your trollish posts.

Don't flatter yourself.

I'm not sure if you understand how you're meant to use the term, "don't flatter yourself" because you just admitted that you said it to demonstrate your disdain for me personally.

Meaning that it's just as much about the fact that it's me as it is what I'm posting, since you actually have made this personal, whereas I tend to act this way to anyone who talks about this magick crap on the forum.

You're supposed to say, "don't flatter yourself" when someone incorrectly assumes that their person is what's responsible for your response as opposed to some other aspect of their behaviour that's entirely separable from their person.

For example if someone went out of their way to do you a favour and you assumed it was because of your looks, when they're actually just someone who does favours for people. Ergo it's not to do with any attribute specific to you, it's just to do with how they act in that context.


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
If we start with a basic physiology textbook, we find that the human coccyx bone does not in fact, harbor fire-lizards.

It'd be an interesting experiment but I'd also wager that the act of, "deep breathing" doesn't transmute sperm either.

I'm not sure if you understand how you're meant to use the term, "don't flatter yourself" because you just admitted that you said it to demonstrate your disdain for me personally.

errr, no.

Meaning that it's just as much about the fact that it's me as it is what I'm posting, since you actually have made this personal, whereas I tend to act this way to anyone who talks about this magick crap on the forum.

You're supposed to say, "don't flatter yourself" when someone incorrectly assumes that their person is what's responsible for your response as opposed to some other aspect of their behaviour that's entirely separable from their person.

For example if someone went out of their way to do you a favour and you assumed it was because of your looks, when they're actually just someone who does favours for people. Ergo it's not to do with any attribute specific to you, it's just to do with how they act in that context.

Why are you still talking?

That's another rhetorical btw.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 9:29 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
Sinny91 said:
Why are you still talking?

Because I drinkeded coffees.

Why are you?

I find it really weird that you're getting annoyed by my skepticism when you openly advertise yourself as identifying with the idea of a, "skeptic society".

In fact I find it even weirder that you openly use that as an avatar when a commonly accepted understanding of skepticism is that it relates to questioning things that aren't falsifiable or empirical.

Yet all you really do is complain when people question things that aren't falsifiable or empirical. I'm not sure if you realise how not-skeptical you really are.

Urakro said:
Your doing it wrong. We're supposed to deconstruct the science, not construct it.

If I cut my physiology textbook into animal shapes, does that count?


Local time
Today 11:29 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Cuz I drink the coffee too.

It's your unhelpful contributions which I find annoying, such as your second post in this thread.

I am skeptical of the whole of this authors teachings.
Your assumptions to the contrary are wrong... Why do you feel the need to jump to so many conclusions? Oh, don't answer, I don't really care.


slightly inebriated
Local time
Today 4:29 PM
Feb 8, 2016
If I cut my physiology textbook into animal shapes, does that count?

It would probably be more fitting if you burned your hard science related textbooks and prayed to Ishtar.


Magos Biologis
Local time
Tomorrow 6:29 AM
Feb 3, 2012
Mah fluids are magick enough I don't need no magic fire ssnake!1!

@OP anyways this is simply a bastardization of the Indian Tantra and using Christian packaging to make it palatable to Westerners.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:29 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Self hypnosis can be used to control pain, raise the body temperature, increase strength (though this is damaging), increase reaction speed (mushin or being "in the zone" as FPS players call it), all sorts of things.

It's all a matter of reinforced suggestion and suspension of disbelief.


Omg wow imo
Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Apr 3, 2012
I love trippy mystical stuff like this, it makes me want to write a load of stories


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 9:29 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
I love trippy mystical stuff like this, it makes me want to write a load of stories

Just don't shoot the load or the fire-lizard won't spine-crawl up your olive branches.


Omg wow imo
Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Apr 3, 2012
Just don't shoot the load or the fire-lizard won't spine-crawl up your olive branches.

I'm a female which means I can't shoot loads and so the fire lizard is probably far more naturally present in my gender who is therefore more prone to being in contact with the magick forces (all those witch burnings right?) You're just naturally evacuating all that energy that should be transmuted. That and females don't orgasm as regularly during sex as guys. Which means that every time you make bad sex with a lady...YOU'RE TURNING HER INTO A WITCH :eek:

I know u jealous of my powers bro :D:D:D


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:29 PM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
Agree'd. But the primary sources are like, ancient.

I keep picking up the magical subject matter and then putting it back down. Chances of me ever truly becoming involved are minimal, chances of me becoming accomplished in any of it, even more so minimal. But my other subjects of interest keep directing me back here... I think I have a decent outline of the cornerstone's involved..

This guy Sameal is real interesting so far.

Afraid so. A lot of modern material is also largely based upon the works of renaissance thinkers like Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa & Paracelsus at the time that ancient thought was being revived through translations (afaik). If I was ever going to take studying esotericism really seriously I would learn latin, and spend many long weekends in the British Library.

I generally don't take many modern practitioners seriously. It's obvious to me that most have very watered down information, and are not very well studied. It creates an environment of misinformation and fluff which if you take as your sole object just traps you in a tunnel-vision, and degrades your quality of thinking. I think it's important to study sciences outside of esotericism, or be involved in other practical pursuits, even if you're really interested in it, just because of the effect it has on your discernment, broadening your scope, and involving yourself in the world.

Urakro gave good advice I think. I know from my brief experience with certain forms of yoga that the effects can be powerful, and I wouldn't be surprised if they could lead to psychotic breaks. I personally go by what I said in my first post and emphasise trying to live a good life. It's more important overall, and pays to be cautious.
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