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Favorite TV Show(s)?


sparta? THIS IS MADNESS!!!
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Sep 9, 2011
Kent, UK
I don't like seeing the idea of an a.i. being let loose downplayed, it has the effect of breaking my suspension of disbelief. An a.i. being let loose makes me immediately think of the eradication of all humans. After that thought any actions that aren't cautious enough when dealing with the a.i. feels so unrelatable. The effect isn't isolated to just Westworld either, I have a similar gripe with Ex Machina, where I don't think Nathon was careful enough in keeping Ava contained and more irritatingly Caleb is way too willingly and easily manipulated.

In both cases though the characters are confused because of the ambiguity between humans and androids. It might just be me because I'm way too willing to dash away my feelings and sympathies, for supposed androids, to stay on the safe side.

I'd say it's like watching a zombie movie where apparently no one knows that zombies are a thing, just rubs me the wrong way.

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Nov 21, 2013
You can check out the Expanse. Quite a captivating sci-fi. 2nd season is due.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Aug 16, 2011
My absolute favorite is westworld. Replicants, Mysticism, Cowboys - just perfect!

Second is vikings. I like visual shows and i like that its not hard to understand, its all atmosphere and emotion. I'd rather think about the actors type than about the plot. No useless complexities for me, thanks.

Taboo is eyecandy, but is really hard to watch. I pause it all of the time. Unrelatable ambitions - i am not into tea trading and competing with the crown - and a bit traumatic. I find vikings much more relatable because conquering is more straightforward than plotting. Vikings characters are also more relatetable, fleshed out. Compare the english king in vikings with his "love" affairs to sir stuart strange.


Mary kills people is my favorite INFJ right now. The show itself is watchable but not very special. I don't usually like cat and mouse crime shows. But i like her cause. Killing people is just generally a very good idea :p - I wonder when INFJ Teal Swan will discover this business opportunity. She is already looking into breatharianism.


I find Fortitude (imdb) is a great show to binge watch. Its easy to watch, flowwise and has enough humour and friendliness to not be traumatizing. It has a mystery aspect to it, like x-files.


sparta? THIS IS MADNESS!!!
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Sep 9, 2011
Kent, UK
You can check out the Expanse. Quite a captivating sci-fi. 2nd season is due.

It was pretty good, although the politics and drama is the primary focus and the sci-fi tech is more so simply the setting where the events play out.


pat pat
Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Jan 1, 2009
I just finished Rectify and I'd say it is a good show. I had to watch some 3-4 episodes before getting into it. I could relate to the main character. I thought the show interesting overall


Active Member
Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Jun 22, 2017
Have you guys watched The OA -- an original Netflix series? If so, what did you think?


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Sep 25, 2008
GLOW was pretty great once I got done with the pilot, it seemed to get better by the episode. Marc Maron was really good, playing a character (Sam, the manager) with some good qualities and some bad qualities -- he just IS the character and can both be sympathetic and infuriating at once.

Better Call Saul is still chugging along just fine and managing to even make the boring lawyer stuff interesting. Things finally came to a head between Jimmy and Chuck this season (alas), and next season should be interesting. Some of the old Breaking Bad characters have also appeared in an organic fashion. Usually "prequels" suck, but this has been pretty interesting.

Have you guys watched The OA -- an original Netflix series? If so, what did you think?

I saw the first episode when it came out. I don't remember a ton at this point, except it seemed kind of out-of-the-gate crazy and had a gratuitous full-nekkid sex scene, lol. If I finish American Gods and a few seasons of Fargo, I might go back to it. I didn't watch the second season of The Man in the High Castle yet either.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Jan 24, 2013
I try to avoid watching TV because I live in teh US.


Fiducial Observer
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Jun 8, 2017
Invading your reality
TV mostly clashes with my personality.

However, I do enjoy watching things that are utterly ridiculous. Simply because they make me giggle.
Ancient aliens appeals for the lol factor at times, as do the other docu-series about the unexplained and UFOs.

Propeller TV (Chinese TV) has a Song dynasty costume drama series entitled, 'Peony Pavillion', which is pretty epic, featuring BADLY designed costume and props, TERRIBLE acting, 1980's quality special effects, flying ghosts and demons and a bizarre interpretation of Diyu (Chinese Hell)...
Propeller TV also offers an array of strange Chinese documentaries and cartoons. If you are in the mood, it's worth checking out ;)

Spartacus series was awesome. Awesome in a terrible way. DIRE acting, DIRE CGI, DIRE plot, DIRE costume, anachronistic in too many places.
It also contained some unforgettable moments - the guy who wore another guy's face, that lightning giant, the scat-pit...

My taste in TV:[bimgx=250]http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/033/924/car-crashes-into-house-roofFAIL-1.jpg[/bimgx]

Takeshi's castle is good too. Used to like Mythbusters, but that finished.
Classic series I've always enjoyed are Blackadder, Star Trek and Red Dwarf. Also liked the Lex when young, and cartoons such as Ren and Stimpy.

I enjoy drinking with my brother and watching terribly made movies too. We're both critical and sardonic as hell, and make each other laugh hard.

Like I said, however, I don't like TV or TV series too much.
I have Netflix for movies and Crunchyroll for anime.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Started watching Mindhunter on Netflix (Season 1 = 10 episodes). I had read the majority of John Douglas' books about the development of the FBI profiling program, and this show jumps back to the 70's to dramatically explore the development of this program. They realize there's a huge deficiency in how they approach crimes, especially with motivations becoming less obvious for criminals, and find a way to mix psychological understanding with law enforcement. This is highlighted in the first episode when the one FBI guy veers into impractical concepts with regular law enforcement and they think he's full of himself and have trouble seeing the relevance -- the goal was to merge concept with practical steps so that theory becomes useful rather than academic.

David Fincher directs four of the episodes, I believe, including the first two.

The production quality even in just regular settings feels pretty much like a Fincher drama.

Episode 2 will involve a dramatized interview with Ed Kemper, an incarcerated serial killer who I found interesting because he's actually smart and/or self-aware. Most of them (except for maybe Bundy) actually aren't as smart as the movies portray them. Even Rader (whose crimes as BTK and avoiding detection for years) wasn't much smarter than average. Kemper murdered a few women, then realized who he really wanted to kill was his mother -- so he did that, then turned himself in, and has been jail ever since. Apparently he knew that was the best place for him. So I'm interested to see what they did with that.

Anyway, the show was renewed for Season 2 back in April, before it even aired the first season, so Netflix is feeling pretty comfortable with it.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Okay, so I noticed "The Good Place" getting really decent reviews, and with only thirteen 25-minute episodes in Season 1, I figured why not.

The first ten minutes, it seems like it will be dumb. Then there's a reveal that makes the show seem interesting. And it keeps doing this stuff -- it's a show that seems shallow at first and then as each episode comes out, I kept seeing there was actually a lot more going on under the surface. And there just seems to be reveal after reveal.

And then there's the season 1 finale where things get turned on their head. The stuff i didn't like about Season 1 is remedied in that episode.

Yeah, it's not like a hardcore thinking series, it seems lighter and fluffier, but it did make me laugh a lot throughout, especially with some of the casting choices. And it takes some time to build since it's self-referential. it was kind of like an onion, and each layer peeled off leaves another one in its place.

Personally, I think Janet (and Bad Janet), the system AI, is great. I haven't seen that actress before but she drops some great deadpan lines.


pat pat
Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Have you guys watched The OA -- an original Netflix series? If so, what did you think?

Saw it a few weeks ago. To me it was ok, I guess, I watched the entire thing so at least I was kept interested in the mystery. I can see how some people would love it, while others would hate it. I think people who enjoy mysticism, spiritualism would be prone to enjoy it.

The guy who plays the doctor is the same guy as one of the main characters in the new Star Trek Discovery series btw. Which is airing these days. I have no particular opinion on that show yet... It gives the impression of being a bit more "rebellious" and not such a goody two shoes like the other series. But we'll see. Very irrelevant of everything, but that actor gives me very untrustworthy vibes. I could see him being a dick behind scenes to other actors. He does seem to be a fitting cast in STD (didn't realize that acronym until right now) though

Better Call Saul is still chugging along just fine and managing to even make the boring lawyer stuff interesting. Things finally came to a head between Jimmy and Chuck this season (alas), and next season should be interesting. Some of the old Breaking Bad characters have also appeared in an organic fashion. Usually "prequels" suck, but this has been pretty interesting.

I finished that show today. I think the writer does a very good job at going into the feels of when someone experiences huge betrayal and/ or disappointment, if you consider this show and Breaking Bad. Which was one of the appeals in BB for me, the wounded pride, the struggle of trying to be an independent *something*, the despair of realizing others perceive you as less than you want to be or think you could be. Stuff like that.

I enjoyed it (Just realized there might be more episodes than what I watched)


Green Apple Quick Step
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Oct 22, 2017
I just finished Rectify and I'd say it is a good show. I had to watch some 3-4 episodes before getting into it. I could relate to the main character. I thought the show interesting overall

I absolutely loved Rectify! Every single actor blew me away it was that good IMO.

Some of my favorites are,


The Killing

Borgen 1st two seasons


Le Bureau des Legendes

I like how in non-American films and tv the actors are more real looking. They don't have bleached white teeth and perfectly coiffed hair. GIMME DA RALE!


pat pat
Local time
Today 9:25 PM
Jan 1, 2009
I like how in non-American films and tv the actors are more real looking. They don't have bleached white teeth and perfectly coiffed hair. GIMME DA RALE!

This is an issue I have as well, and it usually correlates with bad writing/ uninteresting shows. It doesn't feel real or human. You only need to compare it to a bit older shows and you'll immediately realize how more human people were portrayed back then, as the norm I mean. I also think a "handsome" character makes more of an impact if s/he's in the minority like in real life. Sometimes you hear about the isolated nerd feeling bullied or ignored, and I think there's untapped potential for making the handsome guy feel alienated and underestimated because he's judged for his looks. If it's done in a non-overt way, that is.

I'll be checking out some of the shows you mention, my list of what to watch next is almost empty.


Green Apple Quick Step
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Oct 22, 2017
This is an issue I have as well, and it usually correlates with bad writing/ uninteresting shows. It doesn't feel real or human. You only need to compare it to a bit older shows and you'll immediately realize how more human people were portrayed back then, as the norm I mean. I also think a "handsome" character makes more of an impact if s/he's in the minority like in real life. Sometimes you hear about the isolated nerd feeling bullied or ignored, and I think there's untapped potential for making the handsome guy feel alienated and underestimated because he's judged for his looks. If it's done in a non-overt way, that is.

I'll be checking out some of the shows you mention, my list of what to watch next is almost empty.

Sweet :D Lemme know wat u think.
For example, "The Fall" with Gillian Anderson I shut off after like 12 minutes I thought it was so intolerable lol.

Yea I totally agree about the "handsome" character. They can get an unrecognized hate and bullying that tears them down and "doesn't matter" because they have it supposedly good in life.

One more fave tv show recently: Before We Die First 1 or 2 episodes aren't much but it gets so good! (many pilots aren't very impressive) Imma nordic noir addict :D


Green Apple Quick Step
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Oct 22, 2017
This is an issue I have as well, and it usually correlates with bad writing/ uninteresting shows. It doesn't feel real or human. You only need to compare it to a bit older shows and you'll immediately realize how more human people were portrayed back then, as the norm I mean. I also think a "handsome" character makes more of an impact if s/he's in the minority like in real life. Sometimes you hear about the isolated nerd feeling bullied or ignored, and I think there's untapped potential for making the handsome guy feel alienated and underestimated because he's judged for his looks. If it's done in a non-overt way, that is.

I'll be checking out some of the shows you mention, my list of what to watch next is almost empty.

Sweet Lemme know wat u think.:D

For example, "The Fall" with Gillian Anderson I shut off after like 12 minutes I thought it was so intolerable lol.

Yea I totally agree about the "handsome" character. They can get an unrecognized hate and bullying that tears them down and "doesn't matter" because they have it supposedly good in life.

One more fave tv show recently: Before We Die First 1 or 2 episodes aren't much but it gets so good! (many pilots aren't very impressive) Imma nordic noir addict :D


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Black Mirror is back with Season 4 on Netflix.

I have only watched the first episode ("USS Callister"). It might be the longest of the season and stars some great actors (Jesse Plemens, Cristin Milioti, Jimmi Simpson). It was a solid episode, although I think for me it petered out a bit at the midpoint and went too long in terms of the conceit and thus eventually ended kind of how I envisioned, with all the characters being a bit more typical. {In the first half, Plemens is especially good and kind of atypical for him -- you totally understand what he's thinking just through body language and facial expression and tone}

But that's kind of a quibble, I think it was a fine opener for the season, and there's a great voice cameo in one spot. It was kind of a cross between STTOS and Harlan Ellison's short story "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" interfaced with a bit of modern fantasy in regarding to what can be done with DNA at this stage (and is a bit erroneous in what kinds of information DNA can contain)... yet it does build off prior seasons including the recreation of psyche as AI.

I think actually that's one of the cool things about the series. While each episode is self-contained, some episodes are a bit referential in ways and can build off each other.


Local time
Today 1:25 PM
May 28, 2018
Seinfeld, the Goldbergs and the "superhero" tv shows are nice.


Local time
Today 10:25 PM
Aug 13, 2020
Barbarians on Netflix.
It's the German equivalent to Vikings.

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Nov 21, 2013
The Untamed is the best fantasy drama ever. Don't watch the anime, don't read the novel, both are oversexualized and distasteful - watch the fantasy gay drama instead! It gets good around the 10th ep, the first 3 eps will make sense after you watch the 30th.

I rate it 3rd after The Matrix and Lord of The Rings trilogy.


Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Dec 19, 2018
I´m starting to watch the leftovers, have you seen it? is it worth it?


Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Dec 25, 2020
The Witcher - Loved how it all came together in the end, and the characters and their development were amazing (can't wait much longer for the second season)
Daredevil - Sometimes you need a cynical hero
Smallville - Don't remember all the details, but I only have good memories of it (I liked the first few seasons the best, though)
Macgyver - Self-explanatory (good to begin with, although, after the first season, it became a little repetitive)


Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Oct 7, 2021
I don't know if anyone else has seen the Resident Alien series on Syfy channel, but it is very amusing. I watched season 1 and 2 within in a few weeks, and the next episode won't be until Summer again. The first episode is a bit scary, then you start to see the humor in it. One of the best series I've seen. Alan Tudyks facial expressions are hilarious. https://www.syfy.com/resident-alien


Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Oct 7, 2021
Binging on Homeland series now on showtime, just got through Season 3, there are 8 Seasons to watch. Can not stop watching it. Up until 1 or 2 am seriously.

Love Claire Danes and Damian Lewis in this series.

Very shocking in many ways, had no idea how addicting this series was.

In July and August I finished Breaking Bad, El Camino and Better Call Saul.
Simply amazing, just can't stop once you start, I had to watch all day long until through them.

Many others like: Acorn TV Doc Martin - has beautiful scenery and Martin is playing an Aspie Dr. who is really good, direct and abrupt and honest. The characters are lovely, enjoy it a lot.

Outlander series, I've been a fan since it started and honestly, I could watch it over and over till the end of time, I never tire of it.

Never get tired of the Old 60s series on Amazon prime video:
I Love Lucy, The Lucy show and Heres Lucy. My Friend the Martian, Courtship of Eddies Father series, Bewitched series, Munsters, Car 54 where are you, etc.

Pretty good one is Birdwatching on Great Courses. You can really learn a lot on that one. I started Geological Wonders also, but that was not a good teacher, stupid coverage of geology, and I LOVE geology, he didn't go in depth enough, it was more about 'place' and travel for fun to earths wonders than actual geology. Tried to watch the one on Pirates, I guess I learned the Red Jolly Roger flag is the dangerous flag, the black flag is just a warning to follow their instructions, the red one means there are no instructions or rules.

Open Minds on Gaia tv (absolute favorite). Regina Meredith introduces you to so many people and new thought ideas. As an INTP, I just love all the other dimensional secrets you can learn on that series. Fascinating, mind opening metaphysical topics.

With youtube tv, internet and Roku, all have replaced regular cable, and its less to pay as well.


Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Oct 7, 2021
Try The Flatshare
on Amazon Freevee


Local time
Today 8:25 PM
Jul 24, 2024
I loved Season 1 of Sweet Home, it had everything a good show should have. Unfortunately season 2 and 3 aren't as good.


Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Oct 7, 2021
Apple TV: Shrinking is kind of good, glimpses of how psychologists might treat an issue and some comedic aspects:
MGM+ From is a horror series, travellers get stuck in some place they can't get out of, monsters and puzzles to work out.
Its hard NOT to keep watching, even though its slow moving and depressing its captivating and entertaining anyway. A lot of blood though.
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