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Crappy signature?


the girl from Saskatoon
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Oct 13, 2009
SK Canada
I fail at writing, printing, signing. I shouldn't be allowed to sign things, as my signature never looks the same anyways. I had a job where I had to sign stuff all day long, and that reduced my signature to my initials. This got me into trouble with the boss, who said "SB" wasn't acceptable. My mom was always unable to read what I had written notes or school work and tried getting me to improve. Pfft.

I've actually found that spelling my name "in the snow" is a very sexy dance that gets the attention of the mens, and has become a signature (ha!) dance move that I use when my friends are able to convince me to go to a bar or club and dance with them. Picture the bum wiggling that would come with spelling out S-A-N-D-Y in the snow as a female. It's a good time that starts with some major hip swinging and finishes with some pelvic thrusting. I have the best name to dance to.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
INTP females are males

Wow, that is quite a statement. As an INTP female, I have never felt the least like a man, but I have spent my life in male-dominated fields (electronics, physics, IT), and I am certainly an outlier among my fellow (non-INTP, bubbly-writing) moms.

The prevalence of the bubbly girl handwriting that none of us here seem to share is certainly a feminine trait in the US. I've only met a very few men who wrote that way. I have long believed that kind of handwriting is cultural, and also that females are discouraged from being INTPs by American culture. Now I am wondering how handwriting traits can be tied to personality types.

Really interesting comment, Luzian. Possibly I should be offended, but it is too interesting for that.


Local time
Today 7:28 PM
Oct 20, 2009
Ya..me too...
really bad signature...its initials written in a slant and cursive....with 2 lines below the sign...

But an ESFP friend of mine who has a very good signature[But for me...it appears to be more of a symbol...lol]...has given me hints as to how to build a good signature[I mean hard to fake..]...

I think its high time I change it....but haven't given it a serious thought till date... :slashnew:


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 12:28 PM
Sep 2, 2009
That's funny! I don't do cursive either! To me, It's like drunken slurred speech only in written form. All the letters just run together.

God. I must come off as such a nut job on this forum. :eek:

See, thats why I love cursive. Its fast and easy. Though my signature is still horrible. Forgable, really. Just a couple of letters with horizontal lines after them ... My husband's nephew has a registered stamp for his signature (he has cerebral palsy and can't write).. I wish we all could have custom stamps instead signatures.

The Frood

knows where his towel is
Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Nov 29, 2009
Somewhere in the vicinity of betelgeuse
I like my signature, only the first letters are intelligible but it works.

My handwriting is terrible, almost everyne who has attempted to read my handwriting has commented how horrible it is.
I semi-joke that I write in a different language. It's a morass of sharp angular letters, sometimes linked and sometimes not, some lines are used for multiple letters(like only one cross for double t's the "tail of an l part of the cross of an e), r's and n's and m's are almost impossible to distinguish, etc .
I try to write as quickly and efficiently as possible to keep up with my thoughts, or a speaker when taking notes.

Also, ultra-fine point pens (go pilot G-2 05!) are the best, followed by fine-point pens, regular pens, .05 mechanical pencils. i absolutely hate normal #2 pencils


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Nov 10, 2009
Like other posts have said, my handwriting is general is pretty horrible. Every time I hand write something I almost look upon it with disgust, well I used to anyway. I got over that but that doesn't change the fact that my signature is very bad and for the most part usually identical to each other

(it's funny looking at my signature for my learners permit compared to my drivers license.......it's the same old crappy signature!):D


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
It's a morass of sharp angular letters, sometimes linked and sometimes not, some lines are used for multiple letters(like only one cross for double t's the "tail of an l part of the cross of an e), r's and n's and m's are almost impossible to distinguish, etc .
I try to write as quickly and efficiently as possible to keep up with my thoughts, or a speaker when taking notes.

In graphological terms, that sounds like pretty superior handwriting. Angular writing is a sign of an independent thinking. Rapidity is a sign of a mind working too fast for the hand to keep up. Some connected letters and some disconnected strikes a nice balance between intuition and perseverance. And combining strokes for efficiency means, well, efficiency, plus fluidity of thought.

It's not like you can do graphology without actually seeing the handwriting, of course. You seem to have a good eye for such details, so you might enjoy looking into it for your own interests. I have found it to be as useful as the MBTI types for deciding how to deal with other people, and anyway it is fun.


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:28 PM
Aug 14, 2009
I like my signature. It's of an indescribable shape, the closest thing to it is, perhaps, an alien writing e=mc^2 in his language, under heavy psychedelics.

Yep, I'm paranoid about signatures... :phear: Not that I sign stuff often, but I like to keep my sigs, ummm..., well, as abstract and unconnected to me (and other sigs) as possible.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 5:28 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
God damn your avi is classy Luzian. It makes me want to play croquet and drink tea.

My signature is woeful. Sometimes after I sign something I just look at it and laugh at how absolutely pathetic it is.


kickin' at a tin can
Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Mar 24, 2011
I hate girl-bubbly. Death to bubbly! I find it even less legible that my chicken scratch... everything looks like Os...

I can actually write decently both print and cursive, but it has to be a very deliberate effort which takes me 5x the normal time. But usually I have this very fast mixture of print and cursive which is pretty much unintelligible to most people... too many letter-variants and ligature abuse (sometimes I just plainly eat letters off words)...

So yeah, my signature sucks too.

Pretty much exactly this for me, and since someone else wrote it I can just quote and bother not typing it out...

My writing also tends to have little illustrations in it, that have nothing to do with what ever I am writing about. This is because sometimes the thought and the hand motion of getting it out are so disjointed that it ends up literally nothing but a scribble, that I then really scribble out because it got so tangled and then decide to just draw into some sort of flower or cake or bomb or something so as to not just have a long line of crossed out scribbley stuff in the middle of the page. This may or may not be confusing to some, I suppose. Meh. It amuses me.

Solitaire U.

Last of the V-8 Interceptors
Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Dec 5, 2010
It is absolutely unintelligible.

Did you mean illegible? At any rate, It's not supposed to be legible...it's supposed to be unique and forgery-proof (or at least resistant).

The more I think about it, it must sound very arrogant of me to wonder if I have a bad signature because I am smart.

I'm sure more arrogant things have happened, but yeah, it seems unlikely.


Local time
Tomorrow 1:28 AM
Feb 9, 2010
It's so fucking difficult to maintain it.

My signature was just my name scribbled slanted on to a piece of paper.

Now I need to make sure it is that same scribble!
When I scribbled my name I avoided a couple of letters and made some letters incomplete.

Now I am making sure I do so when I sign and maintain the same flow.

It's tough.

No one needs intellectual signatures as intellectual signatures are just one way of saying I needed to learn this off of someone because I wanted to impress others. That just spells insecurity and I will have none of it.


I just wish I wrote it in print that time. Might have helped significantly rather than constantly obsessing whether my signature will be approved or I'll get a call or something asking me if it's actually me who signed it.


Local time
Today 7:28 PM
Sep 16, 2012
My handwriting has always been terrible. I never really learned to properly write cursive and most of the time what I write is totally illegible.

However, I recently sat down and practiced my signature until I came up with a variation of it that looked good. So, in terms of writing, that's one aspect I've handled.

While I'd like to have handwriting that looks good, it's just not a pressing enough matter. I'm a pretty fast typist and I haven't written anything formal by hand since school. The only time I'm writing longhand is when taking notes, where I'm the only one who has to read them.
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