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Search results

  1. what happens when an intp gets motivated?

    I'd launch myself at it with great energy and enthusiasm, spent some time trying to achieve it, and then as it gets boring, I'd slowly withdraw from it. But, If my interest is strong enough, I may be able to achieve it, before I run out of interest. :)
  2. Music or Lyrics?

    I am mostly oblivious to the lyric of the song I am listening to... mostly... The mood of the lyric of the song I'm listening to does not reflect my state of mind at that moment in any way, but music and tune of the words does. At least, that's how it is now. But, I don't want anybody to see me...
  3. Project Euler

    I was introduced to it by a friend a few months ago, and I solved a few problems in JAVA. Then, my interest took a turn into something else. Recently, I took it again and solved a few more. It's fun to think about those problems and find out efficient algorithms to solve them. :)
  4. Music or Lyrics?

    Music is much more important to me than lyrics. Whenever I listen to a song I know well, I experience an urge to sing with it. And whenever I sing, I don't care about the meaning of the words I sing, I just care about the tune.
  5. You know you're an Intp when...

    When you wish you could ignore the ringing phone. When check your answers again and again, because you always feel you might have made a mistake. :confused: [Already posted? Sorry.]
  6. Why did you pick your name?

    My nickname keeps changing from time to time. I don't want to keep changing my username all the time. So, I picked something that doesn't change that often, my first name - Emil, for a username.
  7. TED.com

    Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different? "There's a flip side to everything" http://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_weird_or_just_different.html Short, but good.
  8. Project Euler

    Project Euler: http://projecteuler.net/
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