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Search results

  1. What kind of career do you want?

    I am currently getting my AS, and am gunning for any type of science career. I prefer biology, but am so far not picky as to what I end up doing. My hobby and true love is art, and if I ever could make it in life as a fine art photographer I would live the happiest of lives. It's rather...
  2. The Telephone

    I hate how telephones ring, it makes it seem urgent that I answer the call at once. I often get nervous because of this and call a person back after the phone is done ringing. Not that I hear it ring often enough. I put my phone on vibrate so I am not startled. Even though it is on vibrate...
  3. INTPs are good at math/sciences?

    I love math and science, but then again I love all subjects in school. Math, gym, art, lang, foreign lang, science, history, ect. Jack of all trades you know. That was why college was so hard for me, not because I was a bad student but because I was a good student. I didnt want to pick a...
  4. Typing by facial features

    ISTP, so close
  5. Do you have an Fe fetish?

    I have to give a speech for my oral comm class on Thursday. I too go out of my way to be very people friendly, charismatic, and try all to hard to be the epitome of what I think a speaker should be. I often give great speeches, but I cant stand it the entire time. I am nervous, but I hide it to...
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