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Search results

  1. subterralien

    why do INTP love flaming forums?

    having all the time in the world to think up a strategic response? perfect :)
  2. subterralien

    INTPs and Halloween

    you guys make me feel like I'm weird for having friends/going out while being an INTP. I'm pretty sure there isn't a direct correlation.
  3. subterralien

    Do you guys suffer from depression?

    I usually tend to slip towards depression, but always seem to stay away from it. Smoking weed on a regular basis has helped me with this, inadvertently, I think :) edit: makes sense, especially with what I just said. I live in my head a bit more when I'm high. I can also write pages and...
  4. subterralien


    so is me welling up every time i see / hear anything emotional at all a cause of being intp or some other issue? or maybe everyone does this? its pretty hilarious to me, actually.
  5. subterralien

    Crappy signature?

    handwriting is just like drawing. you can become better at it if you try. one day i was thinking, "i write a lot, i read it over and over and over, and hope someday people will read it too.... this needs to be legible." so i started practicing my handwriting, and its turned out to be pretty...
  6. subterralien


    I'm 22, in college, experiencing all of this. It was muuuch easier to do when I was 18-21, but I've definitely settled into my own ways. It's kind of hard to get me out somewhere when I can easily say about that specific event, "how will it be any different/more fun than the last time?" Yet I...
  7. subterralien

    You know you're an Intp when...

    haha, damn! I just read most of this thread and am thoroughly convinced of my type. Above all, I've gotta say the reluctance for small talk and the need to read over what you've written over and over really hit home with me. Not sure if this applies, but when I'm watching things on my computer...
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