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Search results

  1. Eloise

    Boarding School

    Definetly not the type to get homesick. I guess what cryptonia said about isolating myself is something I worry about. My mother is a ESFJ and has made it her mission from my birth to 'socialize' and 'normalise' me. While at times it frustrates me to no end and escaping from that is incredibly...
  2. Eloise

    Boarding School

    I'm not exacty sure how to phrase this and I keep vacillating on whether to post this in the first place. I am currently 14 years old and seeing as we move evet 18 months/1 year my parents wish me to apply to academically elite boarding schools. I'm unsure how I would cope with boarding school...
  3. Eloise

    Astrological Signs for INTPs

    Im a Leo for both Sun, Moon and rising! Totally ridiculous as I have virtually no leo traits with the exception of being lazy. Just looked Leo up "Leo is a fierce, demonstrative, loving person who thrives on constant attention and kindness," Um... no
  4. Eloise

    Would you be your own best friend?

    Someone to have great conversations with? Yes. Someone I'd like to spend large amounts of time around? No, but then again that's just about everyone! EDIT: I took out the rambling.
  5. Eloise

    INTP terrible at algebra

    It is very easy for me to slip through the system as I move every year or so. They do not know how good or bad I truly am at mathematics. Math is my worst subject, for me history is beyond easy... My History teacher and I have a deal, I stimulate discussion occasionally in class and help other...
  6. Eloise

    INTP terrible at algebra

    Hope I didn't stuff up the quoting. Thank you very much, Next time I have a question I know who I'll consult. Everybody always tells me that college is much better-guess I'll just have to wait out the 1664 days till I graduate from high school. I think my biggest problem with Algebra is that we...
  7. Eloise

    INTP terrible at algebra

    I am in Algebra right now; 8th grade. Yes, I know I'm young! The first quater I failed because he refused to explain why the formulas worked. He'd tell me I had the most brilliant questions but that the county didn't allow him to explain. We also have to learn stupid stuff that the county deems...
  8. Eloise

    What was your childhood like?

    I guess I'm still considered a child by most peoples measure.... At school I hang out with the so called 'weird' kids, mainly 'nerdy' boys as most of my fellow females frustrate me... I leave everything to the last minute but it doesn't really matter because I always get As anyway.. School is a...
  9. Eloise

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When at the age of 7 you decided you couldn't wait for retirement. When you felt despair at finding out your English teacher loved cheerleading and realised we'd 'struggle' with the Hobbit. You honestly can't remember anything about english since. When you were tossing and turning till 5am...
  10. Eloise


    I have cried once or twice in the past year. Most are book related, the only time I really feel. I believe the last time i cried for my own life was the last time we moved. I had no friends, had forgotten my book (my normal shield), had got callen a handful of pretty bad names ( I tuned out as...
  11. Eloise

    About you?

    What is your name? My name is Eloise. Where are you from? Sadly enough, I am unsure. I was born in New Zealand but currently reside in the USA. How old are you? Young enough to still be trapped in the mind-numbing world that is High School. What's your gender? Female How did you...
  12. Eloise

    Gamer type

    Your BrainHex Class is Seeker. Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Seeker-Mastermind. You like finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things as well as solving puzzles and devising strategies. Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing...
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