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Search results

  1. INTP and the sense of failure

    1. Can you describe this sense of impending failure? Is it a feeling, a thought, a belief, something else entirely? I'd describe my own sense of impending failure as a feeling or vague belief. I find myself not investing too much faith in any particular idea because, basically, I could always...
  2. Manipulation and Free Beer

    First off, I will try to answer your question in a way that you will find somewhat satisfactory. I wrote this paragraph last, because the answer to this question is not something I find particularly exciting, but here it is nonetheless. Yes, I've been manipulative on occasion, and this usually...
  3. Where do INTP's begin?

    I feel no desire to get along in society, within reason. Of course, I understand that without society, I wouldn't have my apartment to live in, wouldn't have a job, wouldn't have my books; however, at the moment I feel somewhat content to live on the fringe, so-to-speak. I harbor no lasting...
  4. Do you use the word probably, or its variations, a lot?

    I often say probably, occasionally, maybe, somewhat, sometimes, and possibly. I have problems with both 'probably' and 'possibly'. The former may lead others to conclude (illogically, but understandably) that I believe in the existence of chance or randomness, while the later could be...
  5. The INTP Approach to Mathematics

    My primary area of interest in mathematics is topology. While I have more practice doing point-set topology, the little exposure to algebraic topology I've had has been great fun. I found the first part of Calculus, up to and including multivariable Calculus, to be somewhat tedious, but the...
  6. 13 Smart Guys Vs. 1 Genius

    That was an interesting video. I've heard before that it takes roughly ten years to master a given subject while reading an article online about the study of computer programming. At times it makes me wish I were more focused in my intellectual pursuits. The idea of the lone genius, working in...
  7. What's your top five anime?

    The following are in no particular order, but numbered anyway. 1. Bleach. I love the character design in general. I'm also fond of the setting. 2. Naruto. Despite the downsides (the filler, and scenes where certain characters act like idiots...), Naruto has some of the most epic battles I've...
  8. Motivation and laziness

    I doubt I would. I'd just buy more books and go to the library more often.
  9. About you?

    What is your name? My name is Jason. Where are you from? I am from Eugene, Oregon in the U.S. How old are you? I am 25. What's your sex? Male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? Strangely enough, I can't remember precisely. I do remember first learning about MBTI...
  10. Exercise

    The forms of exercise I most often participate in are walking/hiking, jogging, and weight lifting. They seem to work well for me when I keep at them. To keep myself exercising, I found that getting a gym membership and a personal trainer was well worth the money. I do not like missing or being...
  11. Motivation and laziness

    As long as you chase the shiny objects, I would hesitate to call yourself lazy. I, too, am gifted (or plagued) with a fairly broad interest in a great many things. For me the problem isn't that I'm not motivated, the problem is that I'm not motivated to do anything practical. This is only...
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