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Search results

  1. I farted.

    I farted.
  2. You know you're an Intp when...

    Hear hear, shoeless! When writing a philosophy paper about the immortality of the soul in 330 words seems like an insult.
  3. Manipulation and Free Beer

    It happens from time to time for everybody. All babies do this subconsciously with crying. Or even a child throwing a tantrum to get what they will. Even better example, the Sun's gravity pulling the planets around in a senseless circular motion. What's helpful is not to judge yourself or...
  4. All Ye Who Thirst With Boredom. An Intro.

    Do I like watching people do it? I rather get in on the action. Well it all started because my primary mode of learning how society works is by observing, but NLP techniques does indeed take it a step further. I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind with picking up women and all, but in...
  5. How much do you spend on clothes?

    band t-shirts-10 dollars worn out pants-20 dollars gifted clothes- incredibly smart. couldnt help myself...:p
  6. Fun Humour Test

    the Provacateur (57% dark, 35% spontaneous, 58% vulgar) your humor style: VULGAR | COMPLEX | DARK :aufsmaul:
  7. All Ye Who Thirst With Boredom. An Intro.

    Wow loving the response! Well, relative to my calculus class back in CC. What a drag.... No, I have tried but failed miserably due to my lack of developed hand eye coordination. Although, I am getting into juggling empty beer bottles which seem to be the only things lying around these days. My...
  8. All Ye Who Thirst With Boredom. An Intro.

    "Why?" This simple word, inquisitive in its nature, has been a dear friend to me since the early larvae stages of my youth. You see, it was very much like me in the aspect that it thirsted for something more than just a simple, explicit explanation of the things in this dimension of physical...
  9. You know you're an Intp when...

    When going off on tangents is counted among your repertoire of many useless skills. When you were aware that Santa Claus was a load of BS by the time you learned how to walk and caught your parents stuffing presents underneath the tree. When children dreamt of becoming president, astronauts...
  10. enneagram poll

    I'm confused, I got equal scores for 5w4, 5w6, and 7w8. Maybe it's a fluke! or I have multiple personalities which would be a tad bit awesome, don't you agree?
  11. You know you're an Intp when...

    ah thanks. Glad to find like minded individuals which is surely a relief. I thought I was the only "normal" person in this world. Here's another: At some point in your life you were convinced that if indeed heaven and hell does exist, you were borne from hell sanctioned to terrorize humanity...
  12. You know you're an Intp when...

    You have an urge to write a whole thesis paper as a reply when a sentence or a phrase suffices.
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