You know you're INTP when..'ve never felt more understood than after reading this forum. generally don't bother registering to a forum unless you feel a strong sense of community there, or you believe what you have to say will truly benefit those who will read it. believe most things you have to say will truly benefit those who will read it. generalize terms so that you spend less time thinking about using them and more time flavoring your conversation (example, whine/cry/moan/complain/bitch all mean the same thing, even if you know their specific differences.) have no problem admitting you don't know something or don't understand a concept, even though you pretend to understand to reduce the time spent dealing with that person. strive to be special in a subtle way that doesn't call attention to yourself, but so that you'll feel unique when someone tries to get to know you. (For example, I know and use 24-hour time any chance I can) believe you're capable of murder without remorse or traumatic consequences, even if you prefer it to occur out of necessity. can be unbiased even in the most questionable of circumstances. dislike and sometimes utterly refuse to jump on the bandwagon, even if you believe you may truly like what the fuss is all about, and after the initial hype have no problem becoming a fan. become viciously annoyed when something you enjoyed years ago that everyone else criticized you about becomes the new "it", because you also are annoyed at "I liked this before it was cool" hipsters. feel like you can be given power without abusing it. want to be the best at games or certain intimidating skills (ie, marksmanship) without having to put any work into it. like the aesthetic of contractions. don't mind giving up a material item or food if you believe someone else would appreciate the thing or flavor more than you.
..but on the other hand it's agitating when someone automatically expects you to share. seriously doubt you'd get along with someone like yourself, but believe a mutual understanding of this fact would make it a smooth relationship nonetheless. like expressing how you feel even if you intentionally forgo doing so most of the time, but get highly agitated if someone tries to shush you or make you 'calm down' just because you're a little excited. worry if people will think you have latent issues when detailing your problems and hope they don't think those issues are the cause of those problems. get offended when people have a separate trivial opinion (ie, don't select your favorite color as their own). hate it when people only want to take part in something solely because of an involved ritual (will only drink tequila if the "lick salt, bite a lime" bit is included) secretly enjoy those rituals just as much as the person annoying you.
..people don't understand how you can resent someone for years and hold grudges, but get visibly upset in an argument and feel absolutely fine in 20 minutes.'re hoping to find someone on this forum of your sexual preferences (opposite sex if you're straight, same sex if you're gay) to get to know, and are afraid they don't exist.
Or is it just me?