You despise talking on the damn thing so much that you don’t even call to get it cancelled. They’ll figure it out when you stop paying them.
-Attempting to write ONE thing in response to a comment, you end up with three, and then a fourth explaining why you have three.
-You hate your phone, never listen to your voice mail, and often pretend you didn't hear your ring tone.
-(Which reminded me on the bill front!) I have a device in my car from a no credit loan dealer that prevents ignition if I don't put in a code given to me on payment.
I've since completely disabled the device, yet still fully intend to have every payment in on time.
-I now forget number three.
Urgh... and ‘Thank You’ at the end of a nice dinner. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
It annoyed me SO much, I actually developed a set of standards for myself to combat the problem and awkward feeling!
First, as everyone starts eating, I'll thank the chef
specifically for
preparing the meal I'm eating.I don't know whether it's good or bad yet, so I say nothing on it.
Through the meal, as I'm, inevitably, analyzing what I'm eating, I keep all negative conclusions in my head while verbalizing the positive ones. If I'm not so much enjoying it, I'll explain the remaining food with a white lie,
"I'm a little full at the moment, but thank you."
If it's good, I'll generally compliment specific things that came across while I was thinking.
When everything's finished, I'll wait for a good time to have the chef's attention and give them a quick, but genuine, last thank you. If it was a really great meal, I'll say something like,
"Hey blank, thank you very much for dinner tonight, I greatly enjoyed it!"
Usually leaves the chef happy and me satisfied I spread the right amount of genuine appreciation for the evening. ;P