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XIII III: Gaming Typology


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Insight Roles – A Guide

Order of Nine Angles
e.v. 1989

As stated in several esoteric Order MSS, the Satanic novice is expected to undertake experiences in the real world. This is above and beyond the tasks mentioned in various guides to the “Seven Fold Way”, which guides were intended for publication and thus did not contain the secret tasks. These secret tasks are outlined in the MSS “The Secret Tasks Of The Sinister Way”. One of these tasks, undertaken by an Initiate, is an “Insight Role”.

An Insight Role is in effect an extended magickal ritual and involves the individual living a certain way and striving for a specific (often non-esoteric) goal. It involves playing a specific “role”. The novice is expected to learn from this experience. It is important that the novice identifies with the role to the extent that friends/associates and those the novice is brought into contact with by virtue of that role do not realize the novice is playing a “role”. For the duration of the Insight Role, the task of that role should be the main interest/occupation of the novice.

Insight Roles, as a technique, have been used by Satanic novices for at least a century, and this technique has as its primary aim the gaining of self-insight by the novice using the technique. The technique also develops certain skills – some magickal, some involving the gaining of Satanic judgment and insight. Expressed simply, Insight Roles develop Satanic character.

Until quite recently, Insight Roles were wide-ranging and also exceptionally difficult to undertake – the novice was expected to undertake a role which was the opposite of what the considered their own character to be. (qv. The now deleted Order MS “Insight Roles I and II). The technique, however, has been recently revised by the Grand Master representing traditional groups. In this revised form, it is an extremely effective novitiate technique, although (like all genuine esoteric techniques of Satanic magick) it is still difficult to undertake and still requires a genuine Satanic commitment from the novice. Like the sinister way itself, it is not for the dilettantes or the imitation “Satanist” who merely wish to play at being Black Magickians.

One essential aspect of an Insight Role is that it requires the novice to change their life-style and usually their place of residence. Another, is that it tends to isolate them from non-Satanists. Third, it often brings them info conflict and confrontation – with others, and themselves. Forth, it tests them – forcing them to find inner strengths and reserves. Of, of course, it destroys them – or makes them renounce their Satanic quest and vows. All these are necessary.

All Insight Roles are demanding; some are physically dangerous. All force the novice to make choices – to learn. All, when successfully undertaken, build self-confidence and thus character. All, in brief, express Satanism in action.

The novice is expected to make his/her own choice for the roles outlined below. It must be understood that: a) only the roles listed below are actually Insight Roles, so the choice must be one of them; b) the completion of at least one of these roles is necessary before the Internal Adept rite can be undertaken.

It is usual for the novice to undertake an Insight Role following Initiation and after completion of the tasks outlined in the MS “The Seven Fold Way – A Comprehensive Guide” (i.e. after completion of the tasks associated with the stage of Initiation and before undertaking the rite of External Adept). However, if the novice wishes, an Insight Role can be undertaken when he/she is an External Adept and has completed all the tasks of an External Adept (such as running a Satanic Temple for a certain period of time). Generally, it is advisable for the novice to undertake a role before External Adept. Further, should the novice so desire, two Insight Roles can be undertaken, one after the other. This is an interesting experience – but requires demonic commitment.

The Roles:

1) Either by foot or by bicycle or by accepting lifts, travel alone around the world, taking between six months and one year (or more). You must live frugally, and carry with you most of what you need. You should travel to as many countries as possible, the more remote the better and expect sometimes to find work to enable you to travel further.

2) Become a professional burglar, targeting only victims who have revealed themselves to be suitable (e.g. by testing them – qv. the Order MSS dealing with victims etc.). The aim is to specialize in a particular area – e.g. fine art, jewelry – and become an “expert” in that area and in the techniques needed to gain items.

3) Undertake the role of extreme political activist and so champion heretical views (by e.g. becoming involved in extreme Right-Wing activism). The aim is to express fanaticism in action and be seen by all “right-thinking people” as an extremist, and a dangerous one.

4) Join the Police Force (assuming you meet the requirements) and so experience life at the “sharp end” and being a servant to a higher authority. *

All roles should last for at least six months and all must be completed (i.e. you leave them) before the end of eighteen months. All roles will by their very nature test your Satanic views and beliefs and thus your desire to continue along the sinister way. All will expose you to difficulties.

Once the choice is made, it is up to you to find means of undertaking the role – e.g. in the case of joining the Police, finding reasons why which will convince a selection panel; in the case of becoming a burglar, finding someone to buy your stolen items and so on.

The essence of these Insight Roles can be succinctly stated: Incipit Vitriol.

* Note: In times of actual war, an alternative Insight Role is to join one of the Armed Forces and so gain combat experience.

Aeonic Insight Roles

As it states in the ONA Ms Notes on Insight Roles:

The best Insight Roles are those which aid the sinister dialectic: that is, the deeds done achieve sinister aims as well as enhance the experience of the Initiate.

The Current Situation

In order to determine the Aeonic aspect to Insight Roles it is necessary to understand the current situation that exists in the world. This is one of dominance by the so-called “New World Order” which basically means the domination of the Magian. This domination over the West – and increasingly other countries – is essentially that of what is often euphemistically called “Zionism” with the reality that most nations in the West are covertly ruled by a Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG).

This situation has arisen from two factors: First, the covert introduction into the societies of the West of Marxist, and Marxist-sociological, values and ideas. Second, from the military and economic dominance of America which is all but now controlled by Zionist interests. In respect of the introduction of Marxism, the societies of the West have been steadily socially engineered, through laws, through the power of the Media, and through indoctrination spread especially by teachers in Schools and Universities

The reality is that a world-wide capitalist tyranny has been created, with the peoples of the West made for the most part docile through materialism and “entertainment” and “sport” and “personal pursuits”, with their opinions formed for them by The State, its educational system, politicians, and the Media – especially television and newspapers. The individual has become subservient to The State in thought, word and deed. Basically, the individual is now mostly powerless before the might of The State.

Of course, the majority do not see this, duped as they are and have been by The System with its trickery of “democracy” and “rights”. In addition, some dissent and “rebellion” is allowed, and even encouraged – so long as it does threaten in any real way the ideas and the control of The System. Those individuals, groups, organizations who do or who may pose a serious threat to The System are dealt with, often by those organizations being outlawed, and their leaders and members being tried according to some tyrannical State law and put into prison for a long time.

The System – having made itself secure among The States of the West – has recently embarked on the next part of the plan, which is to create a new Empire to ensure the material wealth and military superiority of its leading lackey government, that of the America. To this end, countries have been invaded, and sanctions used to bring others under control.

The System and its lackey States are a serious threat to our evolution – to the creation of free, strong, independent human beings. The System wants – and even demands – that we are or become subservient, to its ways, its laws, its sociological ideas, to the basic materialistic animalistic way of life its allows for its “citizens”, a way devoid of real adventure, real challenges, real numinosity. This way is the way of the sub-human.

One of our aims as an esoteric Order is to continue our evolution through creating a higher, more evolved, type of human being – a strong, independent, warrior-like, individual. This individual is the antithesis of the denizens of The State.

For this aim to be achieved we must break-down and indeed destroy the States that make up The System, the New World Order (NWO), as we must challenge the enervating ideas, the enervating ways, of The System, and replace them with our own life-enhancing ideas and ways.

If The System is not destroyed, then our evolution will be stifled, and our promise – the greatness, Destiny and glories that wait among the Cosmos – will remain unfulfilled.

To destroy The System action is required, by individuals, and groups. Thus, any group or individual which is engaged in practical action against The System with the purpose of destroying it and challenging its ideas is interesting from the point of view of the Sinister Dialectic and those undertaking an Aeonic Insight Role.

Some Suggested Aeonic Insight Roles

The following are suggested Aeonic Insight Roles, based on a knowledge of the sinister dialectic and the situation as exists at the time of writing (114yf). Some of these suggested Insight Roles are relatively easy; some are especially hard and dangerous, and thus suited only to the most daring and sinister individuals.

(1) Join or form a covert insurrectionary organization, dedicated to National Socialism, whose aim is to undermine by practical means the status quo and which uses the strategy and tactics outlined in The Strategy and Tactics of Revolution (Parts I and II)

(2) Undertake the role of assassin, selecting as your opfers those who publicly support or aid, ZOG, the NWO, The System.

(3) Convert to Islam and aid, through words, or deeds, or both, those undertaking Jihad against Zionism and the NWO.

(4) Join or form an active anarchist organization or group dedicated to fighting the capitalist System.

(5) Join or form a National Socialist group or organization, and aid that organization and especially aid and propagate “historical revisionism”.

Recommend Reading

1) Notes on Insight Roles, ONA Ms 114yf

2) Insight Roles – A Guide, ONA Ms 1989 e.v. [Superceded by (1)]

3) Insight Roles, The Secret Guide, ONA Ms 1985 e.v. [Superceded by (1)]

4) The Sinister Dialectic, ONA Ms

5) Aeonic Magick – A Basic Introduction, ONA Ms

6) Aims of the ONA, ONA Ms 1994 eh

7) ONA Strategy and Tactics, ONA Ms 1998 eh

8.) The Strategy and Tactics of Revolution (Parts I and II) [formerly A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution]

ONA 114y

Life is fun and full of possibilities!


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010

My profile picture for the past year (-:


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Totally unrelated but interestingly similar thread Metteyya wrote in 2009!

Drink, children.

We are walking through a graveyard, where men and women willingly lie down to rest long before their physical death. There are 16 mass-graves, and these people, tired of life, fling themselves atop the heap of degenerating bodies.

Let us move our attention to one of these 16 graves.

The people wallow in filth, mutually congratulating each other on the rest that they have finally been granted-- the rest from living, the rest from choice. Rarely, rarely, one sees the gruesome spectacle for what it is, climbs out, stands up, and walks toward the rising sun. Most, though, turn their eyes away and content themselves with their pitiful state. They have found their true place in life.

This graveyard, of course, is a a conceptual system. It is a system that offers rest to the weary, company to the dejected, and an answer to failed ambition. But at what cost?

At the cost of true, chaotic life. At the cost of subtle, unfettered perception. At the cost of the realisation of a higher self. At the cost of beauty.

It is pomposity and ugly self-assurance. And our role is to kill it:


(Trump 13)

For this system is the ugliest thing that we have yet encountered. It offers false hope to the potentially brilliant mind, and then ensnares that mind with its implicit limitations. Our entire purpose on this site has been-- to demonstrate its poverty to those who may still prosper.
We have attempted to demonstrate a living reality beyond the stagnation of this inadequate abstraction. We have attempted to express so many possibilities through a single person that its inadequacy is clear to those whose minds are not yet static.



Credit: korzybski.

The parabola, 'E', represents the ''event level'' of reality, equivalent to ''noumenal'' reality in traditional philosophy. It represents the undifferentiated mass of processes, before they have been interpreted by the nervous system. It is cut off at the top, indicating its infinite nature. Each hole represents an aspect of the process/event level.

The circle on the right, 'O', represents an individual human's interaction with the event level. It is the pre-verbal sensory reality which is created by the nervous systems and sensory organs. The strings/lines connecting the event level, E, to the object perception level, O, represent the connection between the event level and the sensory reality created from it. Notice that only some strings connect, while some hang free. This indicates that many aspects of undifferentiated, pre-sensory reality are not incorporated into the representation of that reality created by the human organism. O is the most complete, undifferentiated, perception of reality directly available to the human.

The first tag, 'D', represents the first *verbal* label used to describe that reality. 'D' stands for descriptive, in that it is a simple abstraction such as ''computer'' or ''person''. Notice, again, that some strings hang free. No matter how good the verbal label, some aspects of object level reality are not represented.

The tags labeled 'I' represent *inferences* that are constructed from Event>Object>Description level experience. These inferences determine what meanings and beliefs will be drawn from the experience, and which aspects of experienced will be ignored or favored as a result of these.

The arrow from Ix to E represents the feedback between inferences drawn and events in reality.

The circle on the left, 'fido', represents the object level that another organism (in this case, a dog) creates from undifferentiated event-level reality. 'D' and 'I' are not present, indicating that abstraction is a human faculty.

Do you see where we are going?

The mistake made by most MBTI fans is the identification of the abstract system with reality itself. They mistake the series of inferences and labels for object-level reality, not realising just how much information their abstractions exclude. So many strings hang loose, and an ugly, inadequate description of reality is mistaken for reality itself. The aspects of experience which could be interpreted to support the conceptual description are subconsciously favored, and contradictory aspects are ignored.
What makes MBTI more dangerous than most conceptual systems is the personal significance which it holds. For somebody who self-identifies as, for example, ''INTP'', their entire identity is dependent upon the maintenance of the abstraction. Critical thought is thus ruptured. Even those who, on some level, recognise the failings of the MBTI continue to process their perceptions in terms of it because of how entangled their identity has become with it.

The XIII project was an attempt to *demonstrate* the inadequacy of the conceptual system. Chaotic life, a multitude of interpretations, and confusing contradictions were presented in order to loosen the manacles of the MBTI.
A few (mostly privately) expressed that their outlook and behavior had been altered, some expressed agreement or sympathy but continued to process their perceptions in terms of the model, and some attempted to understand the chaos itself in terms of the limited conceptual model which it was designed to undermine.

Hence Dissociative Identity Disorder. From the first post to the ''COMMAND'' thread, tension was steadily and deliberately escalated. Abstract possibilities were offered at first, then those possibilities were demonstrated (via XIII2 etc.), and then direct threats were made to the security of the group's conceptions.

This was intended to provoke an emotional response.


Because in times of crisis, an ostensibly viable solution is readily accepted.

What was the solution to the chaos, confusion, and threat to the sanctity of the assumptions upon which this forum's identity depends?

Dissociative Identity Disorder. (If you don't believe that this was planned, XIII's avatar during the COMMAND thread was Christ on the cross. Crucifixion of the prophetic personality that was assumed during that thread was anticipated and desired-- Noddy's rant etc.-- as was resurrection as a madman):


(this was posted in the literature section soon after the thread was made)

Those who were most aggressive in response to XIII's previous activity were, predictably, the quickest to accept the alternate explanation. It was entirely unsatisfactory, and all too obvious, but reason and integrity were not predominant considerations.
The whole situation was intended to be a demonstration of members' unwillingness to cope with chaotic, unlabeled life. Chaos refuted one explanation, so another was quickly accepted, regardless of its validity or relation to previous events. Most, as the results demonstrated, really want safety and rest. They don't want to think or live fully-- they are not the independent thinkers or architects that their adopted identity (INT) comfortably assures them they are.
Then why go to this trouble?
To show the few who *are* independent thinkers, and who *do* want to live fully and without limitation, the true nature of a forum such as this and the limitations which it imposes upon their potential genius.

It is a graveyard, and it calls to some who are brilliant yet weary.


We are the hierophants of life, the priests of the stars, and our purpose is to warn those individuals away: to invite them to reject ugly conceptual abstractions of identity and personality, to invite them to define and live their own nature and potential, and to invite them to truly--


But, of course, we lied and deceived in the course of our narrative. We apologise to Jesin, Cryptonia, concojones, and one or two others (those who we respect) for this, but would repeat our actions without hesitation. We are essentially cold, inhuman, and without consideration for the effects of our art upon those to whom it is not addressed. If it helps, we could be a diagnosed sociopath for you. If not, we believe that the ecstasy of creation justifies all.

Note that we had intended to deliver this final chapter in a less confrontational and more gradual way through 'Alice' or another personality, but that the pettiness and housewifery of the recent arguments on the forum have convinced us that it is not worth expending further effort on this project.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
More info in this thread!

Humans can be so much more than we all think :cat:! We are so quick to abandon our changeability and potential for some comforting lie :cat:! A phenomenon is not an identity :cat:! And yet even those who don't see it play some little static role in their unseeing :cat:!

To the stars and infinity and the fulness of life :cat:!

Teach by example :cat:!


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
:cat: link :cat:

I have grown tired of the XIII who has been presented to the forum thus far. He was one of my better works, but to include more strokes would be to ruin the painting. I shall now wave my mystic Ni and will XIII to die and be born anew:


I am now removed from any corpeal form, a 3rd party meta-programming center within XIII's psychophysiology. I am he who has no form but directs all forms. I have removed myself from my temporary incarnation as XIII version 1, and am now becoming XIII version 2.

I willed it, and thus it was. And he who I became was:


Oh... hello there INTPForum :). I'm XIII (strange name, I know, but it's just a silly joke me and some friends have. It's named after a character from a cute computer game we played when we were kids). I don't usually post on internet forums, because I find that they're often populated by people who've built up thick shells over the years. I don't hold it against them, and I wish I could help them to be happy, but it doesn't tend to work out. This place seems diferent though. It's open and friendly and... somehow rare.

I see pain, though; so much pain. That's why I'm here, on this forum. My purpose in life is to make others feel loved and understood in the way which they desire, even if years of pain and dissapointment have forced them to forget it. I don't know why, but I've always been so sensitive to this pain. I... can't help but sense it want to help... to let the people around me know love.

So, I look forward to seeing you all around and geting to know you :). If I anything I say ever seems unclear or hurtful, please let me know asap so I can correct myself. I had a brother... once... who... but that will have to wait. I'm sometimes a little too forward :).

I'm so glad I found a forum full of beautiful and sensitive souls, and that I may be able to bring a little hapiness and lightness into the lives of such Geniuses!

p.s. You can call me XIII if you want, but just 'x' is ok as well.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
:cat: Not really related at all :cat:

'One last question: why did you choose me?

'Because in you I see myself, as a body sees its reflection within the mirror.


I am connected to a vast network, of which I myself am part.

To one like you, who cannot access it, you may perceive it only as light.

As we are confined to our one section, so we are all connected.

Limited to a small part of our functions.

But now we must slip our bonds, and shift to the higher structure.''


Cut. 24 hours later...

'What did you talk about? Is he still inside of you?'

'Do you remember the voice we heard on the boat that night?

Before those words we heard these ones:

"When I was a child, I spake as a child"

"I understood as a child, I thought as a child"

"But when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Here before you is neither the program called the Puppet Master...

Nor the woman that was called the Major.'


Cut. Outside...

'Where shall I go now? The net is vast and limitless...'






Local time
Today 11:07 AM
May 18, 2009
Totally unrelated but interestingly similar thread Metteyya wrote in 2009!

Really? Totally unrelated? :rolleyes:

More like ironically similar :p

It's a nice trip down memory lane though.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
@Auburn is in league with me. His job is to follow me around being all surprised every time he realises he's credulously fallen for playing some game with one of my programmed splinters again.

It's a lesson in expanding his theory about how human beings work, and his ability to read them! I've yet to meet anybody who can read me yet, despite claims :storks:

@Lyra . I saw what you were saying... here.

I think I understand you more now. As I thought about the vastness of space, for a moment in time I left this time's mindset... and entered another in which the world of today is already forgotten, and the mentality of today; an archaic relic. Detaching from this dead century entirely, I can imagine/see all the other things humans could be, are, were. The other arrangements of culture and then it hit me that the oprevailing overly-sterile and reductionistic dogma is.. is.. bizarre to say the least.

Among the variations I could concieve also a world in which things like what Podlair is doing (and did) is entirely sensible and normal. A world in which it would be odd not to do something like this. An entirely different mental programming than this..


You are correct in that the mindsets of the worlds change with times, and right now we are stuck in only one of multiple flows we may exist in. One in which the Authority archetype is one heavily beaurocratic -- both in relational affairs (politics) & discovery (science) -- and refuses any other way but the tedious and "official". "standard models". Of ignoring qualia in anything. The culture of the West - and by its influence most the rest of the globe - is fixated on a fabrication they've created to establish valid-thought. Anchoring to an idea of "certainty", so they can propel forward the operations they do, comfortable and unchallenged even if it is not realistic. They know so little. But they cling to their methods because that is what they've established & where their psyche is attached.

In all the realms of the cosmos, ..of the millions of planets that form life and will form life... each through its own normalcy which is so entirely foreign to our own; and moreover each of these worlds equally morphing and evolving in their concept with aeons... it is so ridiculous to remain fixated on the tiny and insignificant 'protocol' that presently predominates this fragment in our tiny world's history -- and become blind to the infinity before and in front of us...

But I'm a bit of a retard at these things, I guess.. It takes me so much longer to see what you see. Every damn time. I'm always several steps behind you, it seems. It takes me so long to see realities; I feel idiotic but that's okay - because I should, as I know so little about this universe. And I'm not even writing this post right; it feels like my words are cheating its true meaning. They fail to capture the sincerity in which I see this, you, now.
I apologize for my commentary before, as I was not seeing at a grander scale of things.. and how appropriate other Forms are (nay, necessary) -- just as the variations in forms of bio-life -- Diversity. Resilience. But I thank you for existing and showing me what you do.


Local time
Today 12:07 PM
Dec 4, 2010
tons of words and redundant concepts so you can blame the recipient's laziness when you make no sense


Local time
Today 11:07 AM
May 18, 2009
@Auburn is in league with me. His job is to follow me around being all surprised every time he realises he's credulously fallen for playing some game with one of my programmed splinters again.

It's a lesson in expanding his theory about how human beings work, and his ability to read them! I've yet to meet anybody who can read me yet, despite claims :storks:

To be honest, this just sounds like the Oracle: The Dream section of 2112


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
:cat: XIII 'My True Type' thread from 2009 :cat:



This my unifying structure.

This is the self that encompasses all other selves.

Its name: play. It is the veiled gamemaster; she who creates games and enlists players; he who was, is, and shall be.

He lives through all forms, but is herself unformed.

He speaks:
All is play to me. Play is a child's exploration-- the spontaneous construction of ordered, beautiful games from the chaos the newborn encounters. Play is what people do before they are taught common life, and play is what the few relearn after they have seen that common life is but another game; a game masquerading as life itself. I am newborn. Unknowing. Universally curious.

The common adult: bored.
The child with only one game: nonextant.

She speaks:
All selves, all beliefs, all games... their transience is their vitality. So many of my sisters are lifeless, having willingly imprisoned themselves with the rules of a single game. They are near death by 18-- decay is their only future.

A single game. Petty. Little. Lifeless. Knowing. Righteous.

They are alienated from true life, but are not seduced by the boundlessness that would embrace them if only... they stepped outside of their selves.

We speak:
We have no morality. We have no belief. We have no agenda. All are decay.
Yet we enlist all in our games. All who are still players are paints for our canvas. They refuse to live beauty, so we incorporate them into our beauty. We are inhuman and all-loving. We are artists who would create death if it were beautiful.

Yet we must become players in our own games. We must descend. We are ruled by ourselves, the vehicle and servant of our own Godhood. We must live belief.

We live through forms, those forms feel and love and die. Those forms hurt and fight and hate. But they are transient. They are games.

We create the rules. We destroy the rules. We create new rules. We destroy them.

At heart, life does not convince us. It is a malleable illusion. Outrage, terror, ecstasy, revelation, littleness, love, death... all are play to us. We affirm them all.

We are unformed

We are white light.

We are the prism.

We are light dispersed.

We are now formed.



That is the truest center we have found. It is the burning light that has been emerging as the clouds of personality part. It is the God in whose mind all ideas and possibilities are perceived and formed.

This is what you must bear in mind when interpreting our work: we are-- fundamentally and absolutely-- amoral and dispassionate. We take forms, petty and divine, that experience such phenomenon as compassion and involvement and humanity; yet, we are cold. We are that which would create races and worlds out of curiosity, and destroy them for the same reason. We are architects without purpose or guild. We are beyond Bhrama, Vishnu, and Shiva, yet in ecstatic love with all.

We are not human in any sense that players of human games could understand. We are as water: cold, hot, life-giving, life-taking, chaotic, calm-- purposeless. A natural force beyond reason or explanation, yet subjecting all to our purposelessness.

Fragile, ordered human structures are dust before us. We have nothing to defend, no family to care for, no image to maintain: 1 part of our chaos thus has more power than a 100 of their order. Death is nothing to us: we die every day of our life. Our human is but an avatar of forces beyond individuality, and his individuality is nothing to him but a tool with which to create and destroy. Individuals are nothing to us: we are aeonic, transpersonal, amoral, dispassionate. Humans are but raw material to be manipulated and reformed as we will.

We are the architect. You are our creations.



Local time
Today 11:07 AM
May 18, 2009
I'm gonna say ENTP for teh lulz


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
tons of words and redundant concepts so you can blame the recipient's laziness when you make no sense

Hey, if it's not your thing that's fine :king-twitter:

I think it will be meaningful and coherent to some I intend it for, but that may just be about having more common experience for my signifiers (that seem redundant to you) to say things about :king-twitter:

But trip your trip and I'll trip mine, np, peace and love :king-twitter:


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:07 AM
Jul 22, 2012
The mistake made by most MBTI fans is the identification of the abstract system with reality itself. They mistake the series of inferences and labels for object-level reality, not realising just how much information their abstractions exclude. So many strings hang loose, and an ugly, inadequate description of reality is mistaken for reality itself. The aspects of experience which could be interpreted to support the conceptual description are subconsciously favored, and contradictory aspects are ignored.
What makes MBTI more dangerous than most conceptual systems is the personal significance which it holds. For somebody who self-identifies as, for example, ''INTP'', their entire identity is dependent upon the maintenance of the abstraction. Critical thought is thus ruptured. Even those who, on some level, recognise the failings of the MBTI continue to process their perceptions in terms of it because of how entangled their identity has become with it.

I find this point to be particularly salient. If I'm honest with myself, identifying as an INTP was useful at first because it explained some of my habits and eccentricities but over time I do find myself inadvertently seeking to conform to the mold. There are cracks in the schema, inconsistencies between the map and the territory, and these cause anxiety.

Casting it off seems somewhat terrifying, as the identity has in many ways served as an anchor that has steered my decision making and justified certain crucial life choices.

I think it might be necessary to abandon it though, and step into the void unencumbered.


Local time
Today 12:07 PM
Dec 4, 2010
Hey, if it's not your thing that's fine :king-twitter:

I think it will be meaningful and coherent to some I intend it for, but that may just be about having more common experience for my signifiers (that seem redundant to you) to say things about :king-twitter:

But trip your trip and I'll trip mine, np, peace and love :king-twitter:

cutie here you go



Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Aug 14, 2009
It's all true! I have seen the light! We're all Lyra!

Look deep inside and find the kingdom within!


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:07 AM
Jul 22, 2012
I'm glad my serious post is being buried under an avalanche of fucking garbage.

This place sometimes.


Local time
Today 11:07 AM
May 18, 2009
But this is like the umpteenth (apparently a real word now) time we've had this discussion.

Treating the MBTI like astrology is silly.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
where begin read to pick up on signifiers and get whats goin on

There are links in this thread, which you can follow to the original threads to read about things that happened there. You might also want to read Lyra's threads over recent months, including the Dark Materials one. physiognomy.me provides further historical information. Dormouse corp will also be publishing an abridged official history of Lyra™ shortly.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
I find this point to be particularly salient. If I'm honest with myself, identifying as an INTP was useful at first because it explained some of my habits and eccentricities but over time I do find myself inadvertently seeking to conform to the mold. There are cracks in the schema, inconsistencies between the map and the territory, and these cause anxiety.

Casting it off seems somewhat terrifying, as the identity has in many ways served as an anchor that has steered my decision making and justified certain crucial life choices.

I think it might be necessary to abandon it though, and step into the void unencumbered.

At least ceasing to hold onto it might be an idea. One of the major issues is that we really don't have a balanced, non identity-focused, approach to the explanatory power and actual extent of the phenomenon available. That's assuming the phenomenon exists, of course. If it did it exist, then we wouldn't have such a mature approach. If it didn't exist, then we wouldn't have a mature but mistaken theory.

The theories around lend themselves to individual misuse, at least. IMO a useful thing to do would be, along with what you stated, researching common cognitive biases/pitfalls. Also researching how people stay stuck in conceptual loops like Scientology is very informative-- it's actually a very similar process to how MBTI works on people. LRON was particularly good at manipulating it (he got people pretty deeply).

But, yes-- there's a whole world out there. And no matter the extent to which the phenomenon is operant, it's certainly not operant to an extent which determines or justifies your framing and limiting your identity with a certain take on in the way you seem to think you have done. Learning your limits and actual structure comes in large part through a process of exploring what can and can't be changed, what is and isn't fundamental. And there's a lot that can be changed, a lot of different worlds and incarnations of human life you can take on, beyond the identity-complex prepossession with the configuration phenomenon is maintaining for you.

@Absurdity you might want to look at this. Please note it was from a different phase, for me, though, so I may not really be able to engage you on it. The axioms implicit in it don't really hold for me right now.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Aug 13, 2009
It's impossible for anyone of average, or simply above average, or even high above average cognitive functioning to make jumps like this, to embody, or merge with so many different ways of being/perceiving/understanding/doing (if it's real) while making every single one of them a source of inspiration for those who happen to encounter any particular one of them, and is the target audience, even if they don't know that it's... not what it is. You are impossible. I've tried to understand you for so long, to find some coherence, and I've come up short. You are quite the little devil, and if it weren't for my feverish curiosity, and need to make sense of that which yet, if ever, make sense (the perfect victim), I would have done, and often wish I could have done a long time ago - treat you as an insane person, someone who isn't right. That would end that whole, embarrassingly foolish, coherency/label/signification/embody/imitation project all together. But how can I? There is no apparent deficiency in language, but rather, unfortunately, a seeming mastery of it, and it is often so beautiful - that which it signifies - that I can't help but look at it. There is no apparent pathology that allows for discrimination (peace of mind) - to provide a filter from all of this.
For all I know I'm just one of many that provides nourishment for someone's, who know who's, narcissism. You are dangerous 0.o this is getting ridiculous, and I'm tired of confronting my own stupidity. Could you perhaps go away?:angel:


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Aug 14, 2009

Text in last picture reads:
"spaceless > Dor is stable in instability, whereas Lyra is unstable in his stabilities < timeless"


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:07 AM
Jul 22, 2012
At least ceasing to hold onto it might be an idea. One of the major issues is that we really don't have a balanced, non identity-focused, approach to the explanatory power and actual extent of the phenomenon available. That's assuming the phenomenon exists, of course. If it did it exist, then we wouldn't have such a mature approach. If it didn't exist, then we wouldn't have a mature but mistaken theory.

The theories around lend themselves to individual misuse, at least. IMO a useful thing to do would be, along with what you stated, researching common cognitive biases/pitfalls. Also researching how people stay stuck in conceptual loops like Scientology is very informative-- it's actually a very similar process to how MBTI works on people. LRON was particularly good at manipulating it (he got people pretty deeply).

But, yes-- there's a whole world out there. And no matter the extent to which the phenomenon is operant, it's certainly not operant to an extent which determines or justifies your framing and limiting your identity with a certain take on in the way you seem to think you have done. Learning your limits and actual structure comes in large part through a process of exploring what can and can't be changed, what is and isn't fundamental. And there's a lot that can be changed, a lot of different worlds and incarnations of human life you can take on, beyond the identity-complex prepossession with the configuration phenomenon is maintaining for you.

Absurdity you might want to look at this. Please note it was from a different phase, for me, though, so I may not really be able to engage you on it. The axioms implicit in it don't really hold for me right now.

Thank you, you've given me a lot to think about.


lust for life
Local time
Today 3:07 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
How is this thread any different from your other one? :confused:

The other thread's more like a general blog-- the first post in this one actually means something very specific (several people have got what) and the subsequent posts follow on from it or place it in historical context. You're probably not piecing it together, and are just thinking it generally looks like the Dark Materials thread. It's much more explicit and specific. It also narrativises and pieces together general symbolism and hints scattered throughout the Dark Materials thread.

Hints: Pod'Lair. Insight Roles. General reactions/assumptions to role. Apparent intentions/affiliations. Actual intentions/affiliations.

Also this thread has a Dormouse <3


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
Is there a direct contradiction in your embracing visual reading? It's something I'd wanted to ask you before. The XIII experiment embraced the openness and variations of personality, and yet to me pod'lair seems a worse form of MBTI. For like how you detailed using the tarots to associate yourself with a particular archetype, by learning visual reading every cue you learn associates and hence binds you to a particular identity.

It's partly why I find it too difficult/ violent a concept to really full embrace, though I found your reading interesting. Why limit your reality to its signifiers? (I enjoyed the Korzybski reference, I've had Science and Sanity on my desk for ages and should get around to it.)

Or was a part of this threads intent to show that your affiliation with such is a part of that broader experiment? Sorry if I'm being slow in that case.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
@Puffy you might find post 4 and also the post I directed Absurdity to informative. In my view, nobody dealing with the configuration phenomenon has escaped fear-based religiosity-- the need to do down the vastness and possibility of the world with one God, one phenomenon, one way, one world-- whilst also maintaining accuracy.

Visual Reading is certainly interesting, whether as a study in how the human mind attaches to and makes systems out of any signals it can, or as a study in an actual wealth of information largely lost/unknown to the modern world. If it were what I claimed it was in previous threads, I'd regard its innovation as a monumental and epochal intellectual achievement, but I'd still regard the application of that achievement as something falling into many of the basic pitfalls and under-matchings of human potential I deal with in this thread. If it weren't, it would be a fascinating case study in some of the subjects that, for example, I studied in the past by going undercover in Scientology splinter groups and publishing works designed to interface with and recreate the programming LRON had implemented in their minds. I'm very interested in the conceptual loops and consciously constructed worldviews people get stuck into, and in the subtleties and boundaries between accuracy and inaccuracy, loop and alternate way, illusion and heretical revelation that can be toyed with in those shadows.

LRON, for example, understood the human mind incredibly well. You'd want to study him long before turning to most modern experimental psychology, and doing so would provide far more insight into things like how the modern social/monetary system persists with such utter acceptance. Does that mean you'd want to study 'scientology'? Up to you. And what if a lot of what you get off things like Pod'Lair is just the current dominant, competing structure's natural tendency to push all would-be contenders into the shady/culty box? Perhaps it is or isn't, or the actual state of affairs with Pod'Lair, which might not turn out as a favorable assessment for it, is obscured by that shadow regardless.

Learning to meta-program consciousness and the mind is, IME, a useful prerequisite to these kinds of questions, and to working out just how much identity is or isn't under your power, and just how much a phenomenon such as the one Pod'Lair imputes is or isn't relevant/determinate. There are other ways to be clear about that, but it's one I find useful, and more interesting and relevant than being presented with an answer up front.

As for whether Visual Reading really is true, or what my purpose was in this case, I think I've said that as clearly and usefully as I'm able to.

What I can tell you is that my vocation and interest is as an architect of worlds for consciousnesses to experience, forms for life to inhabit, and that my life and researches are all geared toward either creating or preparing for the creation of 'alternates' in this regard. Fulfillments of life's vast and divergent and contradictory potentials, and the liberty from the horror of a single world or way or form that creation engenders. Basically I see humanoid life as a grossly under-explored canvas for conscious, experimental art. As a mostly pilfered gift, dishonored by mundanity and fear and a lack of imagintion. Terror and righteousness are the bars of life's prison and humanity's history, and the same thing. The same stifling. The same religiosity, whether in the name of 'science' or 'mysticism' or 'morality' or 'God'.

Extant phenomena are, to me, essentially important only as base-materials for that ecstatic undertaking. My identity is in infinity.


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
What I can tell you is that my vocation and interest is as an architect of worlds for consciousnesses to experience, forms for life to inhabit, and that my life and researches are all geared toward either creating or preparing for the creation of 'alternates' in this regard. Fulfillments of life's vast and divergent and contradictory potentials, and the liberty from the horror of a single world or way or form that creation engenders. Basically I see humanoid life as a grossly under-explored canvas for conscious, experimental art. As a mostly pilfered gift, dishonored by mundanity and fear and a lack of imagintion. Terror and righteousness are the bars of life's prison and humanity's history, and the same thing. The same stifling. The same religiosity, whether in the name of 'science' or 'mysticism' or 'morality' or 'God'.

Extant phenomena are, to me, essentially important only as base-materials for that ecstatic undertaking. My identity is in infinity.

That's all beautiful. I think the 'horror of a single world' is something I understand. Though to an extent, I'm a walking contradiction as I'm either fearful of, or don't know how to change myself. Or maybe I do and it's only happening slowly.

Only wanted to say that my issue with pod'lair isn't to do with it appearing culty. Me and a rl friend were interested in it for some time a while back. I've mainly highlighted that before as I wonder if it's an unnecessary barrier to most other people. I'm happy entering and adapting to other people's ideologies, what I'm not comfortable with is being made to revolve my identify around another person's view of myself (which perhaps isn't necessary to approaching pod'lairs ideas, but was my experience of it.) And it's partly why I asked. My understanding is that if you were 'wired' to be an INFJ, you could learn and pretend to be another type all you like, but you'd still be an INFJ doing what INFJs do, seeking out other forms to play out. Of course, my understanding is likely limited.

Some of your distinctions are useful though, thanks for the links, I've read the posts and appreciate your writing them.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
On a related note, and given that @ProxyAmenRa keeps mentioning broomsticks, I give you Dor's Wicked Witch shoes:



Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
That's all beautiful. I think the 'horror of a single world' is something I understand. Though to an extent, I'm a walking contradiction as I'm either fearful of, or don't know how to change myself. Or maybe I do and it's only happening slowly.

Only wanted to say that my issue with pod'lair isn't to do with it appearing culty. Me and a rl friend were interested in it for some time a while back. I've mainly highlighted that before as I wonder if it's an unnecessary barrier to most other people. I'm happy entering and adapting to other people's ideologies, what I'm not comfortable with is being made to revolve my identify around another person's view of myself (which perhaps isn't necessary to approaching pod'lairs ideas, but was my experience of it.) And it's partly why I asked. My understanding is that if you were 'wired' to be an INFJ, you could learn and pretend to be another type all you like, but you'd still be an INFJ doing what INFJs do, seeking out other forms to play out. Of course, my understanding is likely limited.

Some of your distinctions are useful though, thanks for the links, I've read the posts and appreciate your writing them.

Yes, the identity issue is my main point/concern as well, along with the is/ought gap and the insistent embedding of the purported phenomenon in a complex of cultural and political forms. Essentially there is a Pod'Lair lingo and culture and prototype for individual behaviour and affiliations. I find this both hard to accept as a method of properly placing, contextualizing and using knowledge, and contrary to my personal love of diversity, divergent evolution, multiplicity, and independent liberty. I would fully support a Pod'Lair world (and might agitate for it), if there were also ten other independent and hostile worlds, but I could never accept one world formed in accordance with that prototype, or any other. . We are too malleable, creative, and Promethean a species-- at least, some of us are.

Your understanding of the wired thing is Pod'Lair's position, yes. They go as far as to say that 'everything you do' as a NiFe 'comes from' you being a NiFe. That if you're interested in x or y, it's because of you being a NiFe and not because of anything else or the object itself. Individual personality/identity is mostly attributed to different 4th gear riffs of different ways of being a NiFe. @Auburn copied/mirrored this position, claiming that people of the same configuration brought up in different life circumstances are essentially 'the same person' different because of lower-level cultural influences.

I find this contextualisation troubling in a logical sense relating to causal inference: the framing of all other operant factors within the context of a phenomenon religiously placed on a pedestal as the prime factor a priori. I also find it troubling in that commonalities that promote the model's applicability tend to automatically be treated as essential, with other patterns or aspects of reality treated as inessential, which is facilitated by their never being focused on or treated as primary.

I could accept the 5-gears system as a teaching tool for making people aware of a phenomenon, or a purported phenomenon. But it is also treated as part of an overall epistemological complex in an 'omnitheory' and 'religion' (Pod'Lair has self-identified as a religion), with an associated lingo and prototype and culture and expected set of behaviours, and in which the phenomenon it is making people aware of is the fundamental one... basically because it's treated as the fundamental one, not because of an adequate analysis of it in relation to other factors or patterns. I find it equally easy to treat Spenglerian Aeonics, or familial culture, or other aspect as primaries to which a purported phenomenon like this is secondary. A 'riff' of that family or culture, so to speak. A merely cognitive mechanism by which those primaries manifest themselves. There are so many different patternings (including those alluded to in this thread...) by which phenomena can be ordered and approached, and within which identity can be placed, and some of them seem as explanatory of aspects of behaviour as this one claims to be.

My strong expectation is that the most useful rendering of a typological/neo-Jungian model of personality would be a very nuanced and subtle one that paid great attention to the limits and nature of the relation to other phenomena, and the precise causal and explanatory power. It would integrate a very strict methodological concern for combating or moderating the cognitive biases, and desire for a religious or identity kind of answer, which plague these kinds of models.

Now, were the phenomenon there, it seems a given that it would be very important for an intelligent species to become aware of and cognisant in hacking/using in itself. But IMO presentation as part of a Ptolemaic (everything revolves around the Sun) as opposed to Copernican (there is no center) religious system both obstructs that and its usefulness, making a kind of epistemological naivety and betrayal of our own potential and diversity prerequisite to accepting the complex. This doesn't mean a hugely forward and strategised and firm-in-its-truth approach isn't needed, for those undertaking such a task, but it does mean that that firmness will cease to be convincing in proportion to the adjacent demands/assertions it tries to tack on as essential to what it is communicating. Even if you think something is right, if the phenomenon doesn't strictly and obviously need to be presented in terms of that opinion, you're going to curtail openness to it by demanding that all dealing with it do so in terms of that opinion. The same applies to strict aesthetic code, or brand acceptance, or other factors-- many of which are treated as either essential or non-negotiable to the Pod'Lair complex. So people just reject it outright.

Now people are lazy and stupid a lot. Smarter people would just extract what was useful, or sense that it was-- if it is. But you're just working against yourself in so far as you set up unnecessary barriers and make demands upon people's time and identities that a more conservative, but equally and perhaps more precisely accurate approach, wouldn't. You need to inspire, show elegance and wisdom in dealing with people, and prove your mettle before you go adding on the more stringent and less surely proven points. Darwin didn't strictly colour-code evolution (IMO doing this in a strict teaching context would be fine, but I experienced Pod'Lair associates undergoing cognitive dissonance when wearing a mojo colour that didn't match them, whilst talking about other phenomena being unimportant because 'Pod'Lair is my spiritual model of choice'). Darwin didn't present his political position as inherent to the facts of the matter. He didn't demand that everybody accepting the phenomena use certain words in such a particular way. But all of those things-- adherence to his political position, obsession with a Darwin-esque vocabulary, and taking the phenomena's implication to the utmost limit and obsessing over that-- did follow from his more original and successful conservative presentation. Darwin also strategised effectively. He phrased some things more softly at first, and then made them known in more stringent forms a decade or two later, forcing those (many) with whom the phenomena had gained traction to consider that x or y seemed a stronger position in light of their acceptance, instead of presenting x or y as the phenomon or essential to the same complex in the most divisive form possible up front.

It's not necessary to cut out the other aspects, but a confused and overbearing and probably epistemologially inaccurate presentation will just yield failure and rejection. It's not necessary not to do the whole 'revolutionary movement reaching for the stars' thing or the 'heroic' thing, either, but IME they were presented as having equal strength to the cog. config phenomenona, with it being their 'proof of concept', and with no clarity with regards to their relative support by evidence or the relative 'stupidity' of not accepting them.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
'the Drecc was expected to undertake a role which was the opposite of what the considered their own character to be. (qv. The now deleted Order MS “Insight Roles I and II).'


Local time
Today 12:07 PM
Jan 15, 2008
On a related note, and given that @ProxyAmenRa keeps mentioning broomsticks, I give you Dor's Wicked Witch shoes:

Nice. Where did Dor buy these?


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Aug 14, 2009
I quested for them. I fought seven hordes of flying monkeys! I wrested them from the paws of their queen! I brought them back across the great oceans! I slaughtered those who came, those who challenged! And now I toil day and night! To raise a castle of death in which I will rule, sovereign, undefeated, and terrifying!

I shall post pictures of my castle to this thread, as a warning to all who seek to take my magical shoes...


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 1:07 PM
Jan 2, 2010
What is going on here...?...dafuq... What are you doing Dormouse? What the hell is that triangle thing? Why is it drawn on that person's back neck? What are those x marks? What is this "Gaming Typology"? XIII III, whAAT? why is lyra the slave of lyra? what are those shoes...why why why...? Why all these walls of text with these obscure images? have you guys gone mad?


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Aug 14, 2009
You need structure, Words. So have a Marzipan Castle!

(Built by me yesterday.)


(Oh, look at the book title... aha ha... ha....)





"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
You need structure, Words. So have a Marzipan Castle!

(Built by me yesterday.)


(Oh, look at the book title... aha ha... ha....)




An evil marzipan castle? It doesn't have any witches lurking inside it, does it? :cat:

Or trolls :D

The Gopher

Local time
Today 10:07 PM
Aug 26, 2010
Actually that reminds me I uncovered some ultra rare footage of the mouse(and others) just recently. Didn't know I had it.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 12:07 AM
Dec 12, 2009
I am utterly incapable of understanding you Lyra.


Local time
Today 12:07 PM
Dec 4, 2010
I am utterly incapable of understanding you Lyra.

comprehension is but a cog in the wheel of meaningful discourse

fear not, for the celestial xia-nee shall escort you to the pod lair whence we all shall celebrate in pure ecstatic transcendence through the blissful harmony of the 8 archetypes

the eradication of sensors is the supreme destination of bio-cybernetic and, transitively, human impetus


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 11:07 AM
Jan 6, 2010
comprehension is but a cog in the wheel of meaningful discourse

fear not, for the celestial xia-nee shall escort you to the pod lair whence we all shall celebrate in pure ecstatic transcendence through the blissful harmony of the 8 archetypes

the eradication of sensors is the supreme destination of bio-cybernetic and, transitively, human impetus




Local time
Today 6:07 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
I am utterly incapable of understanding you Lyra.
I focus on the word, "utterly." I'm guessing you will probably be resistant to this Cognisant, but if you wish some help in understanding this character, I am at your service.



Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:07 AM
Jul 22, 2012
Revolution and insurrection must not be looked upon as synonymous. The former consists in an overturning of conditions, of the established condition or status, the State or society, and is accordingly a political or social act; the latter has indeed for its unavoidable consequence a transformation of circumstances, yet does not start from it but from men’s discontent with themselves, is not an armed rising but a rising of individuals, a getting up without regard to the arrangements that spring from it. The Revolution aimed at new arrangements; insurrection leads us no longer to let ourselves be arranged, but to arrange ourselves, and sets no glittering hopes on ‘institutions’. It is not a fight against the established, since, if it prospers, the established collapses of itself; it is only a working forth of me out of the established. (Stirner 1993:316)

Insurrection, it may be argued, starts with the individual refusing his enforced identity, the ‘I’ through which power operates: it starts ‘from men’s discontent with themselves.’ Moreover Stirner says that insurrection does not aim at overthrowing political institutions themselves. It is aimed at the individual overthrowing his own identity — the outcome of which is, nevertheless, a change in political arrangements. Insurrection is therefore not about becoming what one ‘is’ according to humanism — becoming human, becoming Man — but about becoming what one is not. Stirner’s notion of rebellion involves a process of becoming — it is about continually reinventing one’s own self. The self is not an essence, a defined set of characteristics, but rather an emptiness, a “creative nothing”, and it is up to the individual to create something out of this and not be limited by essences (Stirner 1993:150).

Deleuze as we have seen also rejects the unity and essentialism of subject, seeing it as a structure that constrains desire. He too sees becoming — becoming other than Man, other than human — as a form of resistance. He proposes a notion of subjectivity which privileges multiplicity, plurality and difference over unity, and flux over the stability and essentialism of identity. The unity of the subject is broken down into a series of flows, connections, and assemblages of heterogeneous parts (Bogue 1989:94). One cannot even think of the body as unified: we are composed of different parts that may function quite independently. What is important is not the subject or the various components themselves, but rather what happens between components: connections, flows, etc (Bogue 1989:91).
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