Bravo. Im happy for you. sincerely. This is the first post i have ever read of yours firehazard. And obviously I dont mean everyone when I said I made a wrong assumption. The vast majority of posts are completely frivolous. And I dont want to get off topic and personal. But if you type it, Im going to comment vis a vis.
If you deem me a troll than that is your reality. Not my intention to make anyone mad, Im simply being honest. That will ruffle feathers. I really dont care if Im liked or hated. I feel a responsibility to say this to fellow INTP's.
And to a degree I am talking about street smarts. Competence in general. I feel my worst when overwhelmed. So I work to avoid it by overwhelming myself. I am simply trying to instill or advocate that in all of you. I want all of you to have a "fucking life". A good full one. Those of you that do, should echo my words.
Oh, Im not a city boy. I was raised in Saranac Lake NY. Have lived almost everywhere, and have resided in Saranac Lake for the last 15 years of my life. Im not a bitch either.
This. Especially this.
This is the first post i have ever read of yours firehazard.
Sure, I'm not a super-active poster, but I still post decently often. You clearly have no grasp of a majority of the members. And you claim a vast majority of the posts are frivolous - well, are you only going to frivolous threads?
And yet, you dare claim to be able to speak like you know the forum members "as clear as a crystal ball." I guarantee you for most of the people, the 'personal information' I just shared is almost all new to them - why? It's irrelevant to a *personality type forum* where people come to share *how they think, interact, and operate in general* to get a better understanding of themselves, as well as form a community.
This is a portal intended for learning and growth, for a gathering of like minds to better be able to understand and learn from each other, about each other, and themselves.
Now, in all fairness, you are "trying" to help (Or simply trying to troll. I'm leaning more towards troll, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for this arguments sake.)
But, your method of "help" comes in the form of being offensive and attacking, rather than helpful and relating. Feel free to share you experience, explain to us what you've learned and how it's helped you, but don't you dare come in calling a majority of people here inept human beings who are going about life all wrong, and should follow your way because you know what's right and true. You're about as bad as Christians who claim Christ is the only way to God, only in this case, you're proclaiming to be the messiah, holding the one true method on how to live life. (Semi-apologies to any Christians of that *very specific* narrow belief, but I find it absurd. Other branches of thought in Christianity are less so, but staying on topic...)
When I say all this I'm referring to
"And to a degree I am talking about street smarts. Competence in general. I feel my worst when overwhelmed. So I work to avoid it by overwhelming myself. I am simply trying to instill or advocate that in all of you. "
- There is more than one way to skin a damned cat. Your method works for you, and others have found other ways to deal with and succeed in life.
You claim to be happy for me, but you *still* don't even know a tenth of my story. What pisses me off here, is how god damn presumptuous you are being, and that's what makes you a bitch. You're so completely blind to the fact that other people live different lives than you. Walk in their shoes before you start presuming to have a crystal clear outlook on their lives, before you start calling them ridiculous for having depression, and calling them incompetent.
You may have something to offer here, but again, you're going about it all wrong. Throwing people on the defensive, trolling their responses rather than being legitimately helpful, you are dismissive and arrogant. (Whether you're a troll or not, you *have been trolling some responses*)
I believe someone else said this earlier in the thread, but "Lurk Moar" is rather fitting indeed, for you.
On a side note, I also disagree that being the spotlight is more effective. If anything, it's potentially detracting, as it allows ego to get in the way.
I think I had more to say, but it's gotten lost in my side rambling making additional points that I originally hadn't had in mind.
I will say this though. Your thread title is ironically accurate. You're full of wrong assumptions, and you continue to make them in extremes, rather than realizing there's a variety of people here, and that INTP isn't a box for people to settle in, but rather a way of thinking, processing data, and making decisions. Beyond that, interests are varied, ideals, tastes, etc. Stop bullying the ones who's interests you disagree with.
Maybe I'm take all of this a little more personal than I should because I am a gamer, anime lover, depressed, and yet - still a productive member of society. All the things you're trashing on, yet know so little about. And you know what? I'm still young, I've still got a shit load ahead of me to accomplish. And I'm still going to 'waste time' on these forums, because not only are they helpful, educational, and supportive, but because I have friends here. You make it sound like having a community of friends where you can go and bullshit about inane ("frivolous") things is a bad thing. Some people choose a bar, we choose a forum. Some people choose going home with someone drunk and having a one night stand, we prefer to choose abstract intellectual thought on a Friday night, even if in the end it's a fruitless endeavor.
Again, I say, how dare you judge our past time activities. The mere fact that you're on here makes you a hypocrite, in that sense, when you could be 'fighting the good fight!' out in the world, going to schools to educate the youth! (Sorry, blast of sarcasm.)
I may ignore you from now on, depending how you respond. Then again, you don't care about what anyone thinks of you - though you probably should, as your message can simply become lost when you don't, as hopefully you're noticing now.