One atom of me
The issue with IQ its a pretty big fetish of INTPs. As INTP I was always interested in psychology, and by extention by IQ. Intellect of humans and overall in nature is very interesting subject. Nevertheless it is highly overrated number and lot of people even with high IQs dont really know what it means, because generally people stop caring about the number after they figure out what it is.
Some people generally get very emotional about the subject. I think it is hardwired in people to be defensive about intelligence hence the deragotary phrases such as "two digit IQ" and retarded and whatnot. I never cared what it was. I figured out after IQ test that its pretty low for me, but I read about the subject a lot of stuff.
Speaking from psychological point of view if you want people to think you are intelligent just do things they approve of.
There are many studies and many concluded that IQ is very important number. There are still delusional people saying its really just a test taking ability and that it means nothing. I even found comments from high IQ people stating such. I think people have to admit to themselves that IQ is important measure of intellect. It is a number that matters in many ways. However people have to also understand that it is still highly overrated number and highly misunderstood number.
First of all lets think about it. If a study proves that high IQ people are more successful in all measures of life does it really mean lower IQs cant be successful? Well yes and no. It means they are less likely to be successful. The problem here is slightly statistical and practical. FIrst of all there are some measures of success that are arbitray and subjective. Apart from that even if objectively we can say high IQ is a plus its not always 100 percent guarantee anything. Its just potential. More importantly if you take average IQ people they are greater pool of people and thus naturally many of them maybe unsuccessful, but also whole bunch can scew the graph.
The point here is that people with same IQ are not of same intellectual capacity. I mean they are not intelligent on the same level.
IQ is intelligence quotient, but its not measure of actual intelligence. It is measurment of important capacity of human intellect nontheless, but its not the bottom line. There are other aspects of humans that make people intelligent. Even such small things as memory, or imagination, creativity, various ways of thinking etc. Simply said there are things we simply dont measure with IQ tests. There are many things in human intellect we dont even have objective measure for or even a particualr name. Yet the neural connections are there and they do work as advantage for humans.
There is also the issue how to define intelligence. I define it as deviation from instinct to solve problems with various levels of complexity with certain practical efficiency and ability to predict things and form practical models of reality that are beneficial for achiving desired goals. I mean there is some level of redudancy in that definition, but its just laymans definition. There are other defnitions outthere.
Since there is room for variations, its self evident that people of same IQ display different skill levels and abilities in problem solving. SO naturally being of average IQ in and of it self doesnt mean you are stupid it just means you are less likely to be as smart as.... the reason I am saying this is that a lot of people somehow often with higher IQs refer to people of average intellect as waaaaaaaaaaay more inferior. The fact is though that average IQ of wester person is pretty high number and is pretty decent intellectual level. I mean its not nobel prize stuff, (perhaps one day there will be such a thing as nb with a average IQ scientist or something) my point being it is decent capacity.
So the average is kind of low to say someone with IQ 130 +, but the true difference between intelligence of some with IQ 100 and 130 is not that great if you have really intelligent person with IQ 100 and someone really stupid with IQ 130.
Also true intelligence difference between two people with same IQ can be so great that in certain career it can mean the difference between being at the top of profession and at the very bottom.
Some people generally get very emotional about the subject. I think it is hardwired in people to be defensive about intelligence hence the deragotary phrases such as "two digit IQ" and retarded and whatnot. I never cared what it was. I figured out after IQ test that its pretty low for me, but I read about the subject a lot of stuff.
Speaking from psychological point of view if you want people to think you are intelligent just do things they approve of.
There are many studies and many concluded that IQ is very important number. There are still delusional people saying its really just a test taking ability and that it means nothing. I even found comments from high IQ people stating such. I think people have to admit to themselves that IQ is important measure of intellect. It is a number that matters in many ways. However people have to also understand that it is still highly overrated number and highly misunderstood number.
First of all lets think about it. If a study proves that high IQ people are more successful in all measures of life does it really mean lower IQs cant be successful? Well yes and no. It means they are less likely to be successful. The problem here is slightly statistical and practical. FIrst of all there are some measures of success that are arbitray and subjective. Apart from that even if objectively we can say high IQ is a plus its not always 100 percent guarantee anything. Its just potential. More importantly if you take average IQ people they are greater pool of people and thus naturally many of them maybe unsuccessful, but also whole bunch can scew the graph.
The point here is that people with same IQ are not of same intellectual capacity. I mean they are not intelligent on the same level.
IQ is intelligence quotient, but its not measure of actual intelligence. It is measurment of important capacity of human intellect nontheless, but its not the bottom line. There are other aspects of humans that make people intelligent. Even such small things as memory, or imagination, creativity, various ways of thinking etc. Simply said there are things we simply dont measure with IQ tests. There are many things in human intellect we dont even have objective measure for or even a particualr name. Yet the neural connections are there and they do work as advantage for humans.
There is also the issue how to define intelligence. I define it as deviation from instinct to solve problems with various levels of complexity with certain practical efficiency and ability to predict things and form practical models of reality that are beneficial for achiving desired goals. I mean there is some level of redudancy in that definition, but its just laymans definition. There are other defnitions outthere.
Since there is room for variations, its self evident that people of same IQ display different skill levels and abilities in problem solving. SO naturally being of average IQ in and of it self doesnt mean you are stupid it just means you are less likely to be as smart as.... the reason I am saying this is that a lot of people somehow often with higher IQs refer to people of average intellect as waaaaaaaaaaay more inferior. The fact is though that average IQ of wester person is pretty high number and is pretty decent intellectual level. I mean its not nobel prize stuff, (perhaps one day there will be such a thing as nb with a average IQ scientist or something) my point being it is decent capacity.
So the average is kind of low to say someone with IQ 130 +, but the true difference between intelligence of some with IQ 100 and 130 is not that great if you have really intelligent person with IQ 100 and someone really stupid with IQ 130.
Also true intelligence difference between two people with same IQ can be so great that in certain career it can mean the difference between being at the top of profession and at the very bottom.