So that site's descriptions may not be entirely accurate.
The claptrap I keep reading about people who got tested as an INTP infuriates me. It comes off as offensive because it is very much clear how nonneutral the descriptions are.
Anyway, when I get time, I will try to do a word count analysis to prove my point that these descriptions are crap. There are several common patterns that I keep spotting in all MBTI descriptions:
Repetition of the 'crux' - INTP is a social retard and are emotionally unstable and lonely
Unsolicited advice - Do 'X' and pay heed to 'Z'. You don't know 'A' about yourself, I will tell you how 'A' functions in you.
Barnum statements - The most cloying feature of all. 'INTPs usually need to be all by themselves but their Fe causes them to engage in social niceties every once in a while.' or 'INTPs are highly rational but they may seem irrational when under the pressure of their inferior function.'
. More references to pseudoscience - Psychologyjunkie is one such website. 'INTPs are dominantly left-brained.' Whatever the fuck that means. We use both of sides equally with equal intensity at 100% capacity.
Excessive usage of adjectives - Clearly shows how incapable MBTI is arriving at logical conclusions about the test taker's behaviour and so it resorts to descriptions after descriptions rather than actually attempting to express how it reached a particular conclusion by logic.
Vague descriptions of functions - No clarity on what 'Judging/Perceiving' means. Many websites say that 'INTPs are internally judging.' How does this make sense? Similarly Ni doms are known to be internally perceiving. Lots of similar poppycock and unnecessary distinctions for common mental processes that it continuously mistakes for being tangible.
Typing celebs and dead people and TV show simping - This is too stupid to even comment on.
(Most) Authors are into self-help bullshit - Most of the leading MBTI websites that provide descriptions and write articles have some kind of self-help crap going on. Most of them are selling books containing hundreds of pages. There is no better self-help than mindfulness and emotional resilience. That is not something that you can glean over from stupid books and actually try to make it work without any effort. When someone into self-help neck deep, I am deeply skeptical of them because 9/10 times they are self-deceptive.
Unhealthily stereotyping and pretending to be neutral - INTPs are depressive, ESFJ being too sensitive, etc.
It is uncannily similar to a religion that gets flak from the society but the followers are emboldened more by rejection than acceptance. Everybody who believes in MBTI has snowflake syndrome to some degree similar and they are never able to actually materialize the benefits of typing somebody. After typing, the first thing every MBTI believer does is attempt to read more embellishing stuff about themselves and then start shitting on everybody who is not their type. Do you find it surprising that in the 21st century wherein the internet is widely available, INTPs are called 'one of the rarest' but are over-represented on the internet? I only wonder how many of them have been mistyped and going gunslinging on innumerable gullible folks with their 'knowledge of psycho(patho)logy'