The "New Girl" thread, by "Wrestler Girl" no less (or some variation) prompted this. I've wondered for a long time why women feel compelled to identify themselves as female on the internet. It dates back to the early days even, back then you'd see "techguurl" and such nonsense. You rarely see "techguy" or variations.
Actually, I see such quite a lot. Including ___bro and the like. I don't think most men are very aware of this.
Your question implies a singular motivation too. For women. In general. Or a single set of motivations. This should not be assumed.
...Maybe. But probably they just have no reason to hide who they are. I doubt anyone considers the advantages or disadvantages of identifying their gender. It's besides the point in their own mind.
This illustrates very well why there is so much hostility and assumption in regards to women who do not keep their gender secret, but not in the way the creator of this assumes.
As has previously been uttered in this thread, anonymous isn't the default, male is the default. I see people who out themselves as males constantly on 4chan, but there's no backlash in the least.
This is because of a generalized perception of intent on the part of females. A perception that females who reveal that they are female, be it by implication of talking about something that requires this information to be presented, or be it an explicit act.
What is assumed is that the way many males might react to knowing someone is a female (trying to woo the person in some way) is pretty much always the intent. The female is blamed for this behavior on the part of some males, a kind of behavior that often gets in the way of good or proper discourse. She is blamed (alone mostly. because boys are just gonna be boys right?) because she is percieved as having the power to cause this avalanche of shit by revealing herself, and it is assumed that this is what she wants, and thus she gets painted as an egocentric shithead who only wants to be worshipped.
Firstly, it takes two to tango. Secondly, it may not be her intent. In some cases, there is such intent. In such cases, by all means, people can tell the person to sod off and contribute rather than being merely an egocentric attention leech on a community.
But it's gotten way out of hand, and the attitude justifying tits or gtfo has morphed into something of an ugly overgeneralizing assumptive self-righteous persecution movement.