well the way i see, the i386 has been around since the early 80's, it took nearly 15 year to exploit these feature in a true 32 bit preemptive system, the war was played on that, and even today, there is not that much system that are really that great regarding the whole handle of graphic interface with multi threading and concurent hardware access, even mobile system are only partially really multi task
and this stuff even today is rather a problematic that is not really even totally solved, the first basic it's microsoft who made it, and steve job was totally dependent on it for all the software buisness
if it was not for itune and anti trust law, apple would have been out of buisness already long ago, steve job never been really that advanced in term of software, i even could suspect they let apple have the music market with itune to match with anti trust law, because if microsoft had monopoly on both computer system and music distribution, it would have been greatest financial empire ever seen
and it's because bill gate think he term of architecture, his stuff with com and directx is found on all kind of platoform, game console, phones, computers , and provide the base framework to develop all kind of application from home to military
originally steve jobs doesn't come from a highly advanced programming theory background, not sure he even have that much level in math or anything, he come more from hardware/electronic tweaking background, and have more view in term of technological object, rather than on software infrastructure like it is on modern operating system, which enable in big part technology as we experience it today
and those stuff are not little problems, again it took them about 15 year to come up with windows 95 to fully exploit the i386 architecture, and can add another 5 year to have something really stable and useable , because it's really very hard problematic that are not even really well defined with mathematic model or anything, and steve job and apple they never really made big advance on that
even the way steve jobs influenced the mass, it's some kind of techno-snobism with computer that are twice as expansive for not much, sort of creating a trend with buisness in mind big time, like really commercial exploitation of a form of techno snobism