I've had people say stuff to me in the thickest vernacular and I didn't understand more than maybe one word, but that's because I just don't know and don't have the experience to understand what they say.
I definitely had that happen to me. As I mentioned. I think.
Actually...I didn't mention the details...because they're embarrassing.
Yet, I'm about to divulge them. I can feel it. Yep...here it comes.
So - I actually had a conversation with my then boyfriend, after the fact, in which I tried to persuade him that the language the guy was speaking wasn't English. I'd volunteered for a church group in South Carolina where we gave easter baskets to kids, and they spoke another language. Really. They did. (People have tried to convince me that I just didn't understand what they were saying - but an English professor who lived in that area confirmed this information as true, and she even knew the name of the language).
Anyways, for some....strange, strange reason....when I couldn't understand a word this guy said to me - my brain automatically assumed he must be speaking that other language. I don't know WHY I thought this. It makes absolutely no sense. This was in California, and I was clearly not related to this race of people - so why would someone come up to me and just happen to choose that weird, tiny little subset of language to use as a communication tool for us. It didn't take long for the then bf to essentially laugh at me and show me how totally ridiculous I was being...
And then I felt really bad. Like, really, really bad. Some perfectly nice person had walked up to me, spoken English to me, as English-speaking humans tend to do, and I probably stared at him - mouth slightly agape, like a fish, and said something to the effect of 'what'?
I mean....that could be taken as really offensive.
One of those people probably shouldn't go out in public - and it wasn't that guy.