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Who are You?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
Basically, I am wanting your opinion of the person you are.

Detailed and examples are appreciated.

This is not about typing however is you chose to use that language you may.

Mostly I am doing some personal research about the in depth psyche of anyone who is willing to participate.

I will do one myself as well to serve as an example.

I know similar threads have been tried before. However, I am trying to leave this more open ended. So that I can find out the details that you find important to share instead of just a list of characteristics and stereotypes.

I hope you all enjoy.


Local time
Today 4:51 PM
Feb 3, 2013
I am a failure/loser who never sees anything through to the end and is eternally ungrateful for everything people have done for me.

Some might call it a waste of a mind others a waste of skin but it's most definitely a waste of water.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 10:51 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
The forum is not prepared to witness the revelation of my true identity.



cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 12:51 PM
Dec 12, 2009
That's not really a question I can answer, I've tried considering myself at length but that just leads into a pointless loop, y'know the mirror shows only a reflection, not the truth, maybe if I had some video secretly taken of me while I'm interacting with other people I might be able to make some assessment, though of course any assessment I make will immediately result in a change in self perception and behaviour.

If you're asking for what I think of myself, well I know I'm far from special but at the same time awareness of insignificance is itself insignificant (not to mention counterproductive) so like most everyone else I allow myself to secretly get caught up in the delusion that I'm someone worth a damn and the things I do might actually mean something.


Useless knowledge
Local time
Today 11:51 PM
May 28, 2012
If you're asking for what I think of myself, well I know I'm far from special but at the same time awareness of insignificance is itself insignificant (not to mention counterproductive) so like most everyone else I allow myself to secretly get caught up in the delusion that I'm someone worth a damn and the things I do might actually mean something.

Very well put.

If you think you can function without this delusion then you must be deluded.


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
I will do one myself as well to serve as an example.



I'd say I'm quite restless. I'm moving about all the time, literally as well as in thoughts. Occasionally this strikes well and I channel a lot of ideas, or most often case it's quite aimless and I waste a lot of time procrastinating. (Been trying to learn to meditate to ground myself... it's hard. :phear:)

I'd say I'm unstructured in that sense, but in a stable way? I have this deep-seated drive which means I can't be derailed for too long before I bounce back on track. Like I'm always being pulled towards some unseen realisation, that won't let me stop for too long. I identify as INFJ, and understand that as Ni sometimes. I tend to neglect myself emotionally I think as a result; though historically it's meant I've often been around for other people I think recently I'm becoming more self-absorbed in projects, my own searching and things and have neglected others (even on social levels) as a result. I hope that's temporary. :phear:

I'm finding it difficult to define myself socially at the moment, actually, which might be a temporary result of ^

That's hardly a multi-faceted portrait. :D More how I feel right now. :facepalm:

Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Jun 25, 2013
If you think you can function without this delusion then you must be deluded.

Agreed - it's extremely hard to function once you've seen the delusion.
But once you've noticed that is it a delusion, how can you stay deluded??
Someone please tell me :eek:


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
I am Chad Allen Solloway.

My primary existence can be boiled down to two main objectives.

To gain subjective truths (Ideas) to add to my intellectual frame work.

To gain new experiences inside my own system of personal control.

Some of my faults are:

My biggest fault I believe is my addictive tendency.
(I.E.) If I find something that causes a positive feeling such as sex, and food. I can easily over partake. Unlike, the common reason I don't do these things to feel better about my life. On the other hand I do these things to farther express my own enjoyment. When I start feeling positive happy emotions my mind wishes to exaggerate these feelings but adding either sex or food to make me even happier. I generally have a positive outlook on life so the need for both of these are often great.

However, on the other hand when I get depressed (its only really happened a few times in my life). I can often forget to eat and I have no desire for any human contact including but not limited to sex.

This actually ties back to my need for new experiences. I feel good about trying new things and my mind has a tendency to do anything that make me feel good and avoid discomfort.

On the plus side of this it has helped me avoid many things that could be more damaging to have an addiction to. I find the taste of smoke and ethanol uncomfortable (or in a different way, I don't like them), I hate swallowing anything solid so pills are out of the question. I don't really mind getting a shot if I need one but it isn't something that I enjoy either therefore I have no real desire to stab myself with a needle. Places for gambling generally reek of booze and or smoke therefore I avoid them like the plague and I generally don't like the taste of mushrooms. All that to say that my keeping myself away form many addictive substances wasn't hard do to the fact that they required a level of uncomfortably before releasing the happy adorphines. I avoid anything that is uncomfortable to myself primarily.

As a side note I am a bit uncomfortable with close human contact. However, my human male need to procreate over time overcame my uncomfortablity. I am still uncomfortable with close human contact in general unless it is my wife the one person I made unconscious exception for. (I say unconscious because I don't honestly feel uncomfortable touching or being touched by her which is a change in my psyche that goes deeper then my conscious chose to be with her.)

I know I have mentioned a lot of feeling stuff but that is for two reasons.

One, I am writing these to better understand my motivations which are related to my emotional state of being.

Two, I do have emotions deep down that play a role in the person I am today. This is just an honest logical expression of what and what these feelings are.

My Second fault
I have a lack of a reasonable emotional response.

My brain does respond normally to emotional stimuli to the point of personal frustration.

Hear are some examples.

When I am in extreme pain or discomfort in causes me to laugh.

When something widely considered tragic happen I become super analytical. I am far more concerned with Why, How, Who, When and What for then I am concerned about the human, Animal, Environmental or any other loss that may have taken place. Tragedy for me are times of personal growth because become for something to be a tragedy it must be (1)unexpected (2)life altering for a group of people. While I wouldn't admit to loving tragedies I do love things that are unexpected and I do love seeing how people react and change when something unexpected happens.

Another personal example of how my emotions are response is off. When my grandfather died (on my father side) I cried like a baby. While you might think that crying is a perfectly normal response to death it is not actually my normal response to death and an very unexpected response even to myself for this particulate death. I will explain. One, I have only meet this man maybe 3-7 times before in my life up until his funeral. Two, even the times I meet him he really didn't even interact with me and we were never formally introduced I was always with my family and he was there for some function but I never interacted with him. I only knew he was my grandfather because I asked my dad once. My dad didn't even interact with him. This is because at a young age my grandfather left my father and his family to be with another woman I believe it was his bothers wife or something weird like that. So, basically I had no emotional connection to this person for the next. By this time I had already had one close friend and several other closer family member die. I was sad in all these cases but I never cried.

So why did I cry like a baby at his funeral. Basically, because I have always had a distant type relationship with my father. He is a good man and I respect him but we are not close. We are both introverted to some extent and my father is worse then me. He doesn't even talk most of the time. So, my mind planted the thought in my head that in my adult life my relationship with my father would become none existent like my father relationship with his dad. Then at my father funeral I would be plagued by the same guilt and hostility that I could see in my father on this day. That is what made me so uncomfortable that I gave way to tears.

Because I don't think the same way other people think my emotions don't match what other people expect because even though I don't lack emotions what I am concentrating on is most likely different therefor the emotion/response seems out of place.

My Third fault is my lack of focus on general tasks.

I enjoy my thought process immensely and when I find something (that I believe is) profound I can contemplate, analyze, inspect, study and think it through with great ease and detail.

However, most of the time I am just looking for the next profound thing to come along. In the process I over look and devalue most information I come across. Also, I am atrocious at solving other people concerns (or things that other people need done and I don't care about). Basically, I MAYBE a BORDERLINE genius however it quite hard to show your worth and intelligence when, I simply can't be bother to care about things that are not important to me at the moment. You see the dilemma. It's not that my brain isn't awesome the problem is that it isn't awesome on command to every subject someone else can think of.

I've been called unfocused, lazy,a procrastinator, ADHD and dumb for this very reason.

My Strengths:

I have a relatively high IQ (ranging form 128 on the low end and 145 of the high). This doesn't exactly mean I am smarter then people with a lower IQ score then mine however, it does show that my brain process certain logic puzzles more accurately and faster then average. This ability to process logic puzzles fast and accurately is helpful in the real world and is an advantage I have.

Another is, I have a very large frame work of interconnected knowledge that I can use to solve problems or come up with a new and innovated perspective. Since my framework is NEARLY all my own and doesn't piggy back on others I can come form things in a differant angle then it is traditionally looked at. This is not to say that all my ideas are completely innovative and original but I am more likely to have an original idea then someone that uses a more well defined system for gathering and processing there thoughts.

Most people call this thinking outside of the box. For the most part its a great way to discover and since discovery is one of my passions I actually enjoy being me. On a side note while most of my thoughts and ideas are generally a different twist on things I would say 90% or high don't actually have any practical use in reality. Thus the down side.

Finally one another one of my strengths is my optimism and retaliative morality. I combine these two because they are the feel good portions of my nature. First, while I am painfully aware of the shortcoming in myself and everything about me. I am still a eternal optimist. Things can always get better. However, the other I get the more I realize that for change to be real and meaningful you need to be able to play the system. Therefore I am trying to improve my skills so I can do just this. I wish to leave the world someday knowing that I made a change in reality for a positive "sustainable" difference. This is were my optimism is funded and a future reality were sustainable change is possible even if it not likely in the present. Secondly, I have a general set of principle that guide my interactions with others. These principles that have become integrated into the person I am are generally very respectful and kind to all people no matter who are what they are/believe. These principle were hard fought inside myself and I am very proud that I have choose to use these principles express my reality. (If you wish to know what my guiding principles/morals are you can look here What is you Code?)

Lastly I would like to leave you with some quirks as they are a large part of who I am. By Quirks I mean things that are relative small inconsistencies in actions or thought for which I have no plans about improving or altering at the present.

I chew of lots of inanimate objects/clothing and myself sometimes.

I emit a aura of arrogance at times (This is a false aura but it can be problematic at times).

I correct people when they say something wrong even if it really isn't a big deal.

I forget most people special times such as birthday and adversaries. So far I haven't forgot my own birthday and anniversary nor my wife's birthday.

I spell horribly and I use words in ways that they are not originally attended to be used.

I have an active monolog in my head and I rehearse many of my
conversations in my head.

I socialize with people to study them. While I enjoy studying people I don't actually just socialize for the sake of enjoying time another person, the only exception being my wife.

I have completely integrated my wife into my person. This is what allows me to do things with and around here that I couldn't do with anyone else. (things like being naked, going to the bathroom, sharing food/drinks, sleeping, hugging, kiss, and intercourse.)

I have an habit of analyzing everything I read, hear, and see. Normally to myself but sometimes out loud too.

I can come across as argumentative even though I honesty wish to understand other perspectives better. As well as share my perspective. This is why I find debating so attractive its the best of both worlds. However, most people just see this as annoying and arrogant.

I rant a lot (I.E. This post)

I am extremely open with strangers and I enjoy talking to random stranger about completely random things.

I talk a lot.

I hate working for someone else and I don't have the skills or the work ethic to work for myself.

I hate having to fallow other people rules however, I agree that rules are important for others to fallow.

Maybe some more for latter but I think this is enough for now.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 12:51 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Agreed - it's extremely hard to function once you've seen the delusion.
But once you've noticed that is it a delusion, how can you stay deluded??
Someone please tell me :eek:
I suppose that would be post-existentialism.

Don't regress to spirituality, don't seek congruence with nihilism, rather try to reconcile with the fact that knowing existential meaning is delusion is no reason not to embrace it, despite it being delusional. It's kind of like acting, a good actor is willingly gullible so they can believe their own lies, likewise you may not feel what you do is important but if you tell yourself it is eventually by sheer repetition you'll believe it, even if on some level you still know truth from fiction.

Of course I've yet to achieve this myself.
Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Jun 25, 2013
I suppose that would be post-existentialism.

Don't regress to spirituality, don't seek congruence with nihilism, rather try to reconcile with the fact that knowing existential meaning is delusion is no reason not to embrace it, despite it being delusional. It's kind of like acting, a good actor is willingly gullible so they can believe their own lies, likewise you may not feel what you do is important but if you tell yourself it is eventually by sheer repetition you'll believe it, even if on some level you still know truth from fiction.

Of course I've yet to achieve this myself.

You were totally losing me there until that last sentence!
For me the problem with achieving post-existentialist optimism in the manner you describe is that there's a voice in my head that refuses to let me believe the lies that the other voices try to tell. So spirituality is also out of the question. Nihilistic moments inevitable...stoic humour is my best defense against total inertia so far.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Agreed - it's extremely hard to function once you've seen the delusion.
But once you've noticed that is it a delusion, how can you stay deluded??
Someone please tell me :eek:

Maybe a change of scope would help.

Ultimate meaning doesn't seem to be inherent in the universe. I think the detached conceptualist tries to key off "universal meaning" and despairs when it cannot be found... then lapses into passivity because there is no reason to do anything.

So lower your scope a bit.
Lower it to you.

Do you care about things?
Are there things you enjoy?
Are there things that you actually find personal meaning in?

if there is no big meaning, then you're left to your own devices.
To enjoy your life and find motivation (if that's what you want to do), then construct your meaning by the things that trigger a response in you personally.

You can of course choose to construct NO meaning for yourself.
But if that leaves you miserable, why choose that?

Anyway, I don't think you have to LIE to yourself.
You can consciously maintain that there is no universal meaning.
You can also consciously choose to pursue things anyway, as your expression of the brief spark you have been given in the scope of time.
Even if you believe your accomplishments won't ultimately matter in a million years, you can believe that they matter to you in the now.

This is kind of the "tragic heroism" of humanity, fated to meaningless but choosing the madness of burning brightly before fading anyway.

(I don't have a lot of respect for a view that has to pretend in universal meaning in order to justify current action, since to me it's just a self-imposed lie. I'd rather be honest, then choose to act and live anyway. I also struggled with this until my early 30's, when I finally started to get glimpses of this different way to view things, and I still work at choosing my meaning even if I can't see a preexisting one.)


Local time
Tomorrow 12:51 AM
Dec 4, 2010
a failure with a patchwork of egotistic coping mechanisms wrapped around himself, cold winds of reality blowing through the seams.

wish i could make that sound less like a writing assignment.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Mar 17, 2013
My biggest fault I believe is my addictive tendency.
(I.E.) If I find something that causes a positive feeling such as sex, and food. I can easily over partake. Unlike, the common reason I don't do these things to feel better about my life. On the other hand I do these things to farther express my own enjoyment. When I start feeling positive happy emotions my mind wishes to exaggerate these feelings but adding either sex or food to make me even happier. I generally have a positive outlook on life so the need for both of these are often great.

However, on the other hand when I get depressed (its only really happened a few times in my life). I can often forget to eat and I have no desire for any human contact including but not limited to sex.

This actually ties back to my need for new experiences. I feel good about trying new things and my mind has a tendency to do anything that make me feel good and avoid discomfort.

Hello spot on description of inferior Se.

Also like how the post was a short novel in length; started out good with intricate well written descriptions but then gradually transformed into sloppily written self boasting that is totally out of place on the boards since the strengths you ascribe to yourself are more or less universally held by its frequenters.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Hello spot on description of inferior Se.

I think that is also about as far as I got before drifting off...

The rest just seemed like a long bloggy "me me me" post, which isn't as interesting as some of the other discussions occurring in the thread.

So is it also inferior Se, to overeat rather than undereat, when stressed? I guess it's an abuse of tactile stimulation to serve a different need.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
The rest just seemed like a long bloggy "me me me" post, .

LOL The thread is who are you? If you don't want to read people talking about themselves then you shouldn't be on this thread.

I find it interesting to hear what people have to say about themselves that is why I made this thread.

My past was all about Me, Me, Me, because I was answering the question. Who do I believe I am?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
Hello spot on description of inferior Se.

Also like how the post was a short novel in length; started out good with intricate well written descriptions but then gradually transformed into sloppily written self boasting that is totally out of place on the boards since the strengths you ascribe to yourself are more or less universally held by its frequenters.

Or it just explains how addictions happen.

Its human nature universal. Not everyone is easily effected by addiction as myself however.

So, all I have to say is, Who are You Cherry Cola?


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Sep 25, 2008
LOL The thread is who are you? If you don't want to read people talking about themselves then you shouldn't be on this thread.

I find it interesting to hear what people have to say about themselves that is why I made this thread.

My past was all about Me, Me, Me, because I was answering the question. Who do I believe I am?

How's that working for you?

It doesn't look like the thread is going in that direction.
Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Jun 25, 2013
Maybe a change of scope would help.

Ultimate meaning doesn't seem to be inherent in the universe. I think the detached conceptualist tries to key off "universal meaning" and despairs when it cannot be found... then lapses into passivity because there is no reason to do anything.

So lower your scope a bit.
Lower it to you.

Do you care about things?
Are there things you enjoy?
Are there things that you actually find personal meaning in?

if there is no big meaning, then you're left to your own devices.
To enjoy your life and find motivation (if that's what you want to do), then construct your meaning by the things that trigger a response in you personally.

You can of course choose to construct NO meaning for yourself.
But if that leaves you miserable, why choose that?

Anyway, I don't think you have to LIE to yourself.
You can consciously maintain that there is no universal meaning.
You can also consciously choose to pursue things anyway, as your expression of the brief spark you have been given in the scope of time.
Even if you believe your accomplishments won't ultimately matter in a million years, you can believe that they matter to you in the now.

This is kind of the "tragic heroism" of humanity, fated to meaningless but choosing the madness of burning brightly before fading anyway.

(I don't have a lot of respect for a view that has to pretend in universal meaning in order to justify current action, since to me it's just a self-imposed lie. I'd rather be honest, then choose to act and live anyway. I also struggled with this until my early 30's, when I finally started to get glimpses of this different way to view things, and I still work at choosing my meaning even if I can't see a preexisting one.)

I wasn't expecting a serious reply to that, awkward. Thank you for taking the time to write this sincere and thoughtful response though.

Actually i think much of my passivity has more to do with sheer idleness, 'existential crisis' is just a convienient excuse.
I have chosen to construct a life founded on the premise that there is no meaning...but it does not make me miserable - somehow i find that it amuses me at some level. Yes, i've found a few things to care about or that give some semblance to the idea that my continued existence matters in some way, otherwise by now i would no longer exist.
It is all too easy to focus on what gives one enjoyment, which when combined with post-existentialist despair can be a recipe for unfettered hedonism. Woohoo!
We shall get by with one or other of these methods.


Local time
Tomorrow 12:51 AM
Dec 4, 2010
My past was all about Me, Me, Me, because I was answering the question. Who do I believe I am?

it took a freaking 2 second glance to tell that you could've written like 1 paragraph instead of a short story.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 12:51 PM
Dec 12, 2009
C'mon Jenny & CC, play nice.

Chad's still very much in a stage of self discovery, brow beating him is neither productive nor clever, if you thought the post was self indulgent remember nobody is forcing you to read it (I didn't) so why attack someone for merely trying to express/understand themself?

A recent revelation of mine is that all of us, everyone in the world, is lonely, nobody feels completely known, nobody has the freedom to completely express themselves without fear of rejection or retribution, we're all trapped in our own protective bubbles of isolation even if some of us have smaller bubbles than others.
I think on the internet, in someone's own thread we can afford some tolerance, don't you?

No I've not been drinking, and yes I realise how out of character this post is.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Sep 25, 2008
C'mon Jenny & CC, play nice.

lol. You should know me well enough by now to recognize I already am. ;)

Chad's still very much in a stage of self discovery, brow beating him is neither productive nor clever, if you thought the post was self indulgent remember nobody is forcing you to read it (I didn't) so why attack someone for merely trying to express/understand themself?

A recent revelation of mine is that all of us, everyone in the world, is lonely, nobody feels completely known, nobody has the freedom to completely express themselves without fear of rejection or retribution, we're all trapped in our own protective bubbles of isolation even if some of us have smaller bubbles than others.

I think on the internet, in someone's own thread we can afford some tolerance, don't you?

No I've not been drinking, and yes I realise how out of character this post is.

I know. It's hard to take it seriously, especially because you've now written more about the topic than I did. I had stated my piece and was moving on.

But since you have revisited it, I'll also note that you are the one viewing it as a personal criticism. Look at it practically instead: Chad put in a LOT of effort on that post and if the format contributes to it not being read, isn't it helpful to redirect efforts? I don't honestly think anyone else here will post something like that in this thread, and if he wants that kind of input, well, maybe the format should be different. I mean, you weren't even able to answer his question yourself, and stated as much.

I think we learn more about each other in this thread and forum, actually, by how we interact, versus lengthy posts that describe ourselves (at times in not-so-unique terms). It's a show, not tell, thing.


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:51 PM
Sep 25, 2012
I don't really know. I could recall some anecdotes and tell you what professionals think, but their analyses are inconsistent and my anecdotes and analyses are mired in bias and neuroticism. I'm an abstraction, but I'm also (apparently) the abstractions other people have of me. Which is more accurate? My concept of myself or some other person's? Whose abstraction is more accurate?

Given that my self concept is the result of socialization, and also given that I mistrust (putting it lightly) the process of socialization that gave rise to myself, my opinion, and by no means original, is that I'm an incomplete concept, and also probably a delusion.

If we are to analyze myself in accordance with folk psychology, there are a number evaluative terms that spring to mind, but my evaluations vary with my emotions.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
C'mon Jenny & CC, play nice.

Chad's still very much in a stage of self discovery, brow beating him is neither productive nor clever, if you thought the post was self indulgent remember nobody is forcing you to read it (I didn't) so why attack someone for merely trying to express/understand themself?

A recent revelation of mine is that all of us, everyone in the world, is lonely, nobody feels completely known, nobody has the freedom to completely express themselves without fear of rejection or retribution, we're all trapped in our own protective bubbles of isolation even if some of us have smaller bubbles than others.
I think on the internet, in someone's own thread we can afford some tolerance, don't you?

No I've not been drinking, and yes I realise how out of character this post is.

In one way you are correct I am trying to express myself in that post. However, the reason for this thread is to get others to express themselves. I find it very interesting even if others think of it as arrogant or self serving.

P.S. I am not criticizing you. I enjoy reading your insight and it is very welcome. Thank you.

However, if you would have read my post you would see that I do have a small issue with correct people even if they don't need it.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Tomorrow 12:51 AM
Aug 16, 2011
i can't consistently perceive your voices inside of me, empathically, in awakened manner, rather than analytically, as objects, even though on occasion i notice that you are present, to each other, rather than just dumping your voices like objects - and i do perceive you inside of me, while i notice that - it encourages me. but the possibility of being present to you in dialogue makes me nervous, because that would be a challenge to be present consistently and that seems like more than i'm up to. i'm close to tears as i imagine a world wherein everyone everywhere is available to me, because i recognize them and they appreciate it.

i feel like the lack of videos of you (knowing faces, voices and movements) and perhaps the language barrier plays into my difficulty, but the major part of the difficulty may be my pseudo autistic introversion or just general egocentricity or however i should conceptualize it.

so yeah, i'm another puzzled witness locked into a conditioned character that pisses itself off and tries to eat itself up, because it doesn't work in this world, even though the only justification for it's existence is adaptation to the world. (my world war generation parents forced me into a world that only exists in their heads)

this paragraph was triggered by cog's "out of character" post ♥

chad, I often write me me me paragraphs for dating sites like okcupid, no one reads them (i don't get profile visits), but the process of writing them is part of my conditioning eating itself up. hours, days or weeks after publishing a paragraph i will notice how delusional it was... so writing is therapeutic, but sharing doesn't do much good.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Sep 25, 2008
I don't have the energy to post much.

However, today I was heading for the bathroom at work (it's a huge building with a number of bathrooms on each floor in the same locations, and 4-5 floors to choose from), and I saw someone I knew heading to the same bathroom from the opposite direction. We saw each other, smiled and waved... and then as she walked into the bathroom, instead of walking in with her, I kept going as if that had been my plan all along, took the escalator downstairs, and used the bathroom directly below the one I had planned to use where she had entered.

Why? I felt anxious and it was uncomfortable. I just didn't want to deal with the anxiety of talking to her, I just wanted to use the bathroom. Why was I anxious? I don't know. Sometimes I'd be excited to see a friend and rush to catch up; however, a decent amount of time, I also actively avoid people -- I do it very adaptably and unnoticeably, so that probably only I know the truth, but I still do it when I don't even understand why I feel overwhelmed by what is really just a minor encounter.

it reminds me of that clip in Saving Private Ryan, when the medic talks about how he'd pretend to be asleep sometimes when his mom came home from work and just wanted to talk to him to see how his day was.

That's something specific about me, versus generic.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Mar 17, 2013
Or it just explains how addictions happen.

Its human nature universal. Not everyone is easily effected by addiction as myself however.

So, all I have to say is, Who are You Cherry Cola?

we have a lot in common goin by how you described yourself, im irl busy atm but will get back to this!


Guardian of the Gates
Local time
Today 5:51 PM
Apr 4, 2013
The question is, can you really "be" something concrete to everyone including yourself?

I can be pretty much anyone given certain situations and perceptions. I don't have strong sense of self, at all. I often see myself as a young woman in X situations reacting in ways that I think others could react given my POV/experience/perception.

Often the things I hold passionate can be overwritten by new information and my internal logic, which causes me to reinvent myself. I see myself as someone who tries to do the best they can given the circumstances, someone constantly on a metamorphic state of being. Others probably think I have 7 personalities and have long been insane.


Local time
Today 3:51 PM
Jun 6, 2013
"I don’t know how many souls I have.
I’ve changed at every moment.
I always feel like a stranger.
I’ve never seen or found myself.
From being so much, I have only soul.
A man who has soul has no calm.
A man who sees is just what he sees.
A man who feels is not who he is.

Attentive to what I am and see,
I become them and stop being I.
Each of my dreams and each desire
Belongs to whoever had it, not me.
I am my own landscape,
I watch myself journey -
Various, mobile, and alone.
Here where I am I can’t feel myself.

That’s why I read, as a stranger,
My being as if it were pages.
Not knowing what will come
And forgetting what has passed,
I note in the margin of my reading
What I thought I felt.
Rereading, I wonder: “Was that me?”
God knows, because he wrote it."

-- Fernando Pessoa


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 10:51 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
redbaron, 22, female, Australia.

I like long walks on the beach, candle-lit dinners, talking about feelings and i luv luv luvvvvvv puppies :D. I'm looking for that special someone, i don't like gold-diggers, liars, drama queens or playas. I luv to laugh, i luv to have fun, i am an adventurist so u'll hav 2 work hard to keep up with me :p:p and I luvvvv to sleep in on weekends ;)

I'm a pretty laid back gurlll so hit me up wit a PM n we can get to know each other :p


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
redbaron, 22, female, Australia.

I like long walks on the beach, candle-lit dinners, talking about feelings and i luv luv luvvvvvv puppies :D. I'm looking for that special someone, i don't like gold-diggers, liars, drama queens or playas. I luv to laugh, i luv to have fun, i am an adventurist so u'll hav 2 work hard to keep up with me :p:p and I luvvvv to sleep in on weekends ;)

I'm a pretty laid back gurlll so hit me up wit a PM n we can get to know each other :p

So, explaining who you are is now a personal add.

I am not sure this information is useful to anyone.

Personally I was looking more for gritty details about how you experiences life and your own personal take/philosophy on life.

It kind of sucks that this has been made into a joke because it would be interesting to see how people honestly see themselves. :storks:


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Not everyone posted a joke. Check out some of the other posts.

(And I suppose I should add, "How do you know that redbaron isn't really a 22-year-old bleach-blonde bubblehead from Australia?" Okay, I know, fat chance, but.... the world is a stranger place than that.)


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 10:51 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
Sorry, I spent about 45 minutes thinking of what to type and never got past the first two sentences. Eventually I realised that who I, 'am' is far too transient for me to give any sort of description/explanation with the accuracy that I want.

However since I'd spent 45 minutes on the attempt, I felt like I had to at least post something or else I'd consider the whole endeavour a great big waste of time. What I posted probably equates to that anyway, though I figure that as long as at least one person gets a giggle out of it, at least it wasn't a complete waste of time.

For what it's worth I'm 22 and live in Australia...and I do like long walks, beaches included. So I wasn't lying entirely! :)


Local time
Today 3:51 PM
Jun 6, 2013
It kind of sucks that this has been made into a joke because it would be interesting to see how people honestly see themselves. :storks:

I think a lot of this forum is people doing exactly that and comparing notes.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 10:51 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
I think the only thing I can come up with that summarises my personality is, 'contradictory'.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:51 PM
Jul 22, 2012
For what it's worth I'm 22 and live in Australia...and I do like long walks, beaches included. So I wasn't lying entirely! :)

I always pictured you as a crabby old man.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Tomorrow 10:51 AM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
I always pictured you as a crabby old man.

Hmph! Whipper-snappers these days ain't got no respect for their elders.

*swings cane at Absurdity*

Go on! Get!


Falsifier of Reality
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Jun 1, 2013
Hmm...how I see myself?

I do a lot of analyzing and introspecting at school when I am bored, recording my reactions and viewpoints on situations in a journal. From those journal entries I can only tell that I am/was reasonable, sensitive, naive, inquisitive, and, a bystander. I notice that I enjoy listening to opinions of others, receiving constructive criticism, and talking about things that interest me, however, when it came to people judging me based on their opinion of what they think I should be, I readily tuned them out. When I realized that I couldn't trust people because they sugar coated their opinions, I began to be skeptical of everyone's true motives and intention. Distance between me,my 'friends', and family increased tremendously as my naive self departed from my consciousness. I no longer wanted to fit in with the way people were in school because I saw them as "ignorant"(I used this instead of irrational in my journal). Started to inject myself into the virtual world, holding an identity outside of reality to cope with the pain of existing. I was naive in doing this also because it would lead me to ignore the outside world. I missed out on important portions of knowledge and wisdom because of this. Sometimes my hygiene would be ignored for days, homework maybe done incorrectly, and I wouldn't realize I was hungry for hours. I would go back to school making builds and long list of weapons and things I wanted to obtain to make me the master of a certain skill. I couldn't stop thinking about the game and ideas were popping into my head for it left and right and the ACT was coming up. That is when I decided it was time for a break I wanted to review things so I could get a good score but even after making a full curriculum I didn't do it. I then wandered into the realm of psychology, after a introduction course, craving more information about introverts and disorders (because I thought it was possible something was wrong with me). Turns out I fit nicely into the rational temperament, which explained many of my tendencies. I want more now :beatyou: and I can't wait to use my newly acquired knowledge to see right through everyone I confront. :evil:


Don't forget to bring a towel
Local time
Today 3:51 PM
Aug 9, 2011
Phoenix, Arizona
(I'm going to post then read all the other responses.:D I got through the first 3:rolleyes::o)

Who is Lot Deathhail? A Poem Written on the Spot.
(prolly shit, but it feels so right)

I am genuinely nice, and self conscious.
I'm a failure with a big mouth and grand plans.
I seek knowledge for no end.
Boredom haunts my steps and yet I fear change.
Responsibility scares me.
I am a man child.

Everyone will find out that I'm not as awesome as they say I am.
Well liked, but I don't know why.
My value is minimal, my skills high.
People have told me it would be a shame if passed
I really don't think they are being reasonable
But who am I to say?

I'm a lazy, pervert
a know-it-all, must get the last word, self righteous, anger laden, coward

I love myself, but I hate my flaws
I can't see myself
Just see my flaws
So I hate myself with unjust cause
I burden my soul
... At least I'm still alive


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Tomorrow 12:51 AM
Aug 16, 2011
I'm a mixture of willard (2003), django (1966), powder (1995) & mr spock.

On first sight those characters tell you how much i am the product of self-hate, compulsive restriction/avoidance introjected into my super-ego by parents and society -

I mostly exist in my head and through some online communication, because i don't know how to mix with regular real life people (and those are the only one's around, where i live) and i can't do noteworthy manual labor or arts or whatever a person could manifest all alone.

- but in between the lines they also shows what i am good at:

Being independent in my perception (unfortunately not in motivation), not afraid of shadows, seeing the human being as it is underneath masks and strategies, being emotionally accepting of people as they are underneath (but often being rationally judgemental about the shows they put up), being supportive and encouraging without being demanding, being subjectively expressive and illustrative in speech, also good at explaining things of general significance in ways that are more detailed or technical than most people want to know about, having a rather constructive attitude, because voicing nonconstructive criticism is illogical.

I know how to handle computers or how to fix a bike, and i used to love drawing for hours, but i don't have the patience for dealing with physical stuff anymore, due to more existential urges.

I do my very best to break out of my useless conditioning, in terms of real action, it's become my special Interest.

I shock myself with scary entheogens, i spend most of my time seeking inspiration and motivation from free people, gurus and worldly extroverts. I didn't get very far yet, sharing blissful smiles with random strangers, saying Hi and daring to look at whatever raises my interest and breaking some conventions, like skating at my age (36) and not pretending that i am asexual, friend-zoning myself, is about as far as i have gotten with practicing self acceptance outside of my head, but thats just how my constellation of anxieties, social skills and inter-subjective opportunities is like, i'm done taking blame for reality, there is no separate self.


So many witty things to say, so few people to tell
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Jun 27, 2013
I consider myself to be quite a simple person, but most people don't see me that way. I want to enjoy life freely and HATE when people try to control me. In fact, if I feel that someone is trying to control me, I will become almost illogical (almost) in trying to go against them.
I am honest and try my hardest to be unbias and understanding in ANY situation. I am someone who constantly theorizes, but if you ask me about a theory I will immediately go blank.
I socialize when it fills a purpose and almost never do it for the sake of company.
I am unique, just like everyone else.
I can also be a hypocrite.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
Sorry, I spent about 45 minutes thinking of what to type and never got past the first two sentences. Eventually I realised that who I, 'am' is far too transient for me to give any sort of description/explanation with the accuracy that I want.

However since I'd spent 45 minutes on the attempt, I felt like I had to at least post something or else I'd consider the whole endeavour a great big waste of time. What I posted probably equates to that anyway, though I figure that as long as at least one person gets a giggle out of it, at least it wasn't a complete waste of time.

For what it's worth I'm 22 and live in Australia...and I do like long walks, beaches included. So I wasn't lying entirely! :)

Far enough. I wasn't assuming you were lying by the way. I do appreciate the effort you put in. It just didn't come across in your post.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
I consider myself to be quite a simple person, but most people don't see me that way. I want to enjoy life freely and HATE when people try to control me. In fact, if I feel that someone is trying to control me, I will become almost illogical (almost) in trying to go against them.
I am honest and try my hardest to be unbias and understanding in ANY situation. I am someone who constantly theorizes, but if you ask me about a theory I will immediately go blank.
I socialize when it fills a purpose and almost never do it for the sake of company.
I am unique, just like everyone else.
I can also be a hypocrite.

I think we all can be hypocrites sometimes.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Feb 23, 2013
I know how to handle computers or how to fix a bike, and i used to love drawing for hours, but i don't have the patience for dealing with physical stuff anymore, due to more existential urges.

I have noticed the same thing happening with me.


Local time
Today 6:51 PM
Aug 12, 2010
Who am I? I am a sick cunt.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Today 4:51 PM
Jan 29, 2012
I am the kind of guy that will listen to Christopher Hitchens youtube videos while playing a video game on the XBOX.

Someone will tell me that a TV show a unique prospective or demonstrates an issue I find interesting and I will watch the whole series ... Case in point ... i was studying body language and my INFJ friend mentioned a show Lie to Me. I watched the every episode back to back until I finished the season. I worked, ate, went to the bathroom and watched the show.

I designed a solar ray gun at 11.

I will buy a book and read the whole book in a day or read it until I finish

Randomly, I will pick a restaurant and eat every item on the menu. I will keep going everyday until I finish the menu.

My face may be stoic when I am tired but I am probably laughing at people on the inside.

When I am getting serious about thinking and I am by myself... I utter the words, "Let me think"

At age 9 or 10, I once made a sadistic song to the tune "I am working on the railroad" about my cousin getting a spanking. xxxx - xx is gonna get a whippin for letting her toy get away". She must have done something to one of my toys.

When I was a teen, I only like listening to rap music that had clever lyrics.

I once told my Mother, "I do not want to do the homework the way the Science teacher wants me to do. My way is easier and I am not doing anymore homework".

Last Halloween, at work I wore a 70's costume and acted like a person from the 70's the whole day. I was the only person that stayed in character all day. The responses were, "WTF, he is so serious all the time. Where did that come from?"

Just when you think you know me... there is so much more "down that rabbit hole"


One atom of me
Local time
Today 11:51 PM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
In linguistics and cognitive psychology it is easy to recognize that once a question is formulated by a form of logic in it self the question must have some answere possibly following a certain logic.

Do I want to be politicaly correct about "who I am?" First these two videos ( I am a S-trek fan a little )


Now tell me can we realy examine life as we know it to its full potentional without realizing the futility of such act?
As if our mind did not know that knowing one self is only possible in it's own limits.
I believe man can not know himself in absolution, but he may know where he was and where he is heading.


Local time
Today 4:51 PM
Feb 3, 2013
Chad I love your naivete. You put up this sweet thread that everybody wants to post in, yet you complain that they're not posting the "right things", because their posts aren't mirror images of yours.

Isn't part of this "experiment" to document how others see themselves?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:51 PM
May 9, 2013
opinion of the person you are.

Well since it's an opinion, I guess I can be honest.

Not using MBTI functions:

I'm a somewhat smart narcissist, bored by most people I meet, but fortunately not entirely everyone. I see the differences in everyone, I see the two sides of who they really are. I "play games" with everyone I meet to try to bring out their other half. I want to see who they really are, I want them to know who they really are and acknowledge that it exists. This has worked several times. Though most people surface level annoy me, I don't let it show, because social interaction doesn't work best that way, in my experience. I befriend anyone I meet, and slowly dig my way into their lives, some deeper than others. I'm a lazy fucktard a lot of the times, procrastinating on everything I do, yet coming out with above-average work, though it could be better if I took the time. Because I like to see myself as outside of people (third person ish kinda thing) I often disconnect myself from others and purposefully subject myself to an alternate reality, nonetheless while my interactions remain in this reality. I have lived in and somewhat enjoyed solitude for the greater portion of my life, because people do not necessarily make me happy, but what I choose to do with and for them does. I am afraid I am slightly (going) crazy, and may become unhinged at any point in time in life, however I am unable to control my inner workings, only the symptoms that pop up. As of late i've been attempting to access my inner workings, and "other person" that I try to bring about in other people.

It really is easier to solve other people's problems. Sometimes you're too close to it you can't see it yourself.
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