I was too lazy to take the career-test test, so I just went with my mypersonality results. Though I didn't think their test was that great. Just because I am considerate of others' emotions, doesn't make me less a T type. Or does it?
Of course, this exercise makes no sense considering the cognitive function basis of the Myers-Briggs types. And some of the descriptions sounded pretty ridiculous.
58% I, 84% N, 58% T and 63% P.
NTIP-"the armchair general"
One of two pure rationals-this type likes to win. It will usually win long before playing the game, having created and perfected the gaming system.
NITP-"the loyalist"
The first of our value-heavy subtypes, the NITP creates an identity through adherence to usually one thought-style or system-style (which may evolve slowly over the years), finding the similarity of all things within this frame.
Of all 24 options, I identified with the loyalist NITP the most. Go figure.
INTP-"the unabomber"
With the strong sense of values and identity, this type leads to a greater truth by quiet example.
Okay, uh, ROFL.