I've never met my father.
My mother is an INFJ with possible mental illness. She had a major head trauma in a motorcycle accident when she was a teenager, her skull was cracked open. I've never been able to pinpoint whether her problems stem from mental illness, or the injury, or both. I think her frontal cortex was likely damaged in some way that stunted her emotional maturity. She has the emotions of a teenager, and growing up they were very volatile. She has stabled out as she has gotten older, but was never fit/capable to have raised children. It saddens me for her now because she is very intelligent and has grown in that aspect over the course of her life, I can't imagine what it might be like to grow wiser on a mental level, but unable to emotionally mature. As an adult now who has changed and grown myself, I can see very well her growth as a person overall, but how her emotions cannot seem to mature. She can sit back and analyze her behavior in regards to her outbursts very well, but cannot at all prevent them from happening again no matter how well she understands them. Starting when I was a toddler, three years, she would pass me off to my grandparents as often as possible. So I was raised back and forth between her and them.
My grandma is an ExFx, I cannot quite pinpoint her exactly. She is very controlling and maniuplative, but very loving at the same time. She always tried to control who I was, even called me by a different name. Dressed me how she wanted, decided what things I like and don't like, told me who I was and treated me as if I were that person. She also taught me to read at the age of three, doted over me and provided a very calm stable environment.
My grandpa was an INTP and probably one of the most positive influences on my entire life. He was the sort of man that enjoyed having little children around and would just include them in whatever he was doing as a learning experience, rather than trying to find a little kid activity for them. Would talk to children like they were people and seemed to never tire of them just being around. He had a very calming effect. He worked for a airplane battery plant when I was very little and would often take me to work with him, he kept his bottom drawer full of wires and tubes and nuts and bolts and would just let me sit and make things out of them. When I was older he had his own company where they made high energy density battery's that he designed/created for use deep under sea, he would take me to work and just let me wander around the plant or play on the computer, show me the testing areas and answer any questions I had. He introduced me to poetry, and it was something we shared. He was an amazing verbal story teller, of made up little kid tales, and would tell my sister and I bedtimes stories he made up on the spot for an hour or more. His biggest hobby was old cars and he took me to car shows all the time, and junk yards to find parts for the cars he was restoring. He built me a car from the frame up, over the course of seven years, and let me help whenever I was around. Then he sold it and bought me something practical with the money when I became pregnant at fifteen. We used to argue, terribly. My two favorite arguments would be one when I was about twelve and we were driving down the road, he told me you could not teach a child reason, to which I, of course, retorted with that being untrue and next thing you know we are in heated debate about it, until he finally silently fumes realising he is in a debate with a twelve year old about whether you can teach a child reason and the twelve year old is calm and getting the better of him. Second favorite argument, I was seventeen, I told him something, a fact about a Greek goddess or something (forget exactly what) and he refuted me, said it was ridiculous, we went back and forth, finally he storms silently out of the room. Fifteen minutes later he comes back in from the library (home library) with a large book open in his arms, looks up at me and grins "I learned something today!".
He has been passed on for almost seven years now. I miss him a lot.
Edit- there is no blood relation between me and my grandpa. He adopted my mom when he married my grandma.