Most Popular What Robin Hood character are you? Results:
Top results in order of frequency for the selector, "What Robin Hood character are you?", are below...</B> (44 accesses) #1 31.8%
Maid Marion [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#2 20.5%
Robin Hood [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#3 15.9%
Lady Cluck [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#4 9.1%
Little John [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#5 6.8%
Friar Tuck [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#6 4.5%
Prince John [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#7 4.5%
Sir Hiss [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#8 4.5%
Skippy [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#9 2.3%
Toby [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
#10 0.0%
Sheriff of Nottingham [FONT=Helvetica Narrow, Arial][/FONT]
My second rated one was Little John and the last Prince John. I am not sure of the secondary characters.