The question is absurd because it speciously presupposes that "life" and "meaning" are well-defined in their context and that for "life" exists some "meaning".
I feel sorry for you, in that you have been victimized by a very fundamental, therefore extremely hard to discern, paradigm of our society. Which is scientific thinking.
I am sorry you are so abused and you aren't aware of it.
Since Descartes and others of his type, we have learned to look at nature as dead, lifeless, without meaning. We humans are alive, but that live came to Earth is a chance occurrence, a cosmic accident. It is all just a matter of the right conditions and then somehow chemicals started mixing.And they kept doing that until eventually we come to a naked apae we call humans. And yes, they developed self-consciousness, but hey!
That too is a fluke. It doesn't even mean anything. It is all just 'emergent properties'! All our consciousness is is really brain activity, that if you just stack enough nerve cells atop each other and mix the right chemicals together, create some synapses, you get memory and all thes eother brain functions.
And that is all we are, biological robots, pre-programmed with instincts and consciousness, but it all means very little.
As soon as a child is born, it is lead to believe that. As soon as it enters school it gets deeply indoctrinated by this notion. Science is hammered into the brain when the brain is still forming. Learn math. Learn language. Learn science! Yes, here is one hour to play, but after that, it is back to exact topics. Biology, math, geography, chemistry. We tell kids they need all that because they have to be prepared for the labor market.
Why do we do this? Because we need workers. And workers are people who take dead matter, matter without life and meaning, that has only primary attributes, as Descartes taught us, and the secondary attributes are stripped from it and work this dead matter without inherent meaning and life or consciousness and create a product out of it.
I feel sorry for people that don't get this. I really do. What it must be like to be so deeply indoctrinated by science that you have come to think of yourself as a worthless piece of matter, without meaning, without spirit, that even that what is 'I think, therefore I am, can be disregarded as nothing special.
That you would take scientific reasoning as THE standard to measure All Things against and in so doing, devalue yourself to be no different than the matter we strip from the ground, like coal and ores. No more, that you are so deeply indoctrinated that you will actually defend the very concept that strips all the universe of meaning and intent and denounces you as nothing but an evolutionary oddity, a chance occurrence without meaning or significance.
And we wonder why we cannot seem to act on climate change issues. It is no wonder, we are powerless! We are nothing, we have no inherent meaning, life is a fluke, on this small insignificant little world, in some spiral arm of the milky way, in some backwater really. Had the wrong chemicals mixed, we wouldn't have been here!
So why worry about our climate, or even work to finally overcome poverty and people dying of malnutrition? These people are worthless anyway, right?
No, let's all go the scientific way. Because science proves to use how matter works, what the laws of nature are and in doing so, helps technologists invent new toys to play with. And why should we not play? We have no meaning othewise, so let's just make toys and play and hedonistically survive our ordeal on Earth. We are all gonna die and in 100 years no one will even remember us. So it is all useless.
And other species? Well, they don't have self-awareness anyway, and they are all flukes too. Science teaches us we can destroy the world and life and as it finds out how we kill the world, it is itself the primary cause of people thinking the way they do.
I feel really sorry for you.
And I feel sorry for all people who have their heads up the ass end of science and not even beginning to realize that science is a lie and a mistake when it is not paired with spirituality.
Even a stone has consciousness. And a tree. Every grain of sand has consciousness. But thanks to these cynical self-righteous incredible morons that raped the world by insisting that only things like mass, spin, resonance, motion, magnetism and so on and so forth have meaning, we are what we are today. We can now disrespect life itself as a fluke of nature, evolution is a random process and might as well never have happened.
Meaning, color, joy, scent, all these secondary properties have been stripped from the world, as if they don't matter, that they are nothing but aesthetics and circumstantial and basically meaningless aspects of the world, just flights of fancy.
Welcome to the human race! Self-conscious apes, flukes of evolution, without inherent meaning, part of a biosphere that itself is a random fluke that might never have existed and that would not have been a shame anyway. Living in a world that is dead, lifeless, even organisms asre just stacks of cells and can be explained and relativate away into matter.
We can now even grow organs in tubes, we can cause pregnancy with a needle, it is all just dealing with lifeless matter.
See? life isn't special at all. We just learn the tricks and there you are. Stacks of atoms, molecules, proteins and the whole works. But don't even fool yourself that live is without meaning! God forbid, no, how dare you even mention god. God is not in matter anymore. Matter is not imbued with anything.
But let's vehemently defend science and scientific thinking and empiricism and all these hot words that get people wet in their pans. Let's all worship science as a dead lifeless god. And then we will consume the Earth to bits because it is lifeless and meaningless anyway. And all reasons we ought not to do that are economical: what if it causes great migrations of people into our territory? What if our soil erodes so we can't get enough food? What if it causes an unstable global economy?
Fuck it, I wanna consume my plastics and metals! I wanna live on dead matter!
"All I am saying is that minerals are a rudimentary form of consciousness, whereas the other people are saying that consciousness is a complicated form of minerals."
-- Alan Watts, Myth of Myself / The Tao of Philosophy