well it's the logic that the roman started of city building, to create big social entities with denser population, civic insitution, law, police, politics to bring more civilisation, with imperalist mentality, to supposedly unify more people under the banner of civilisation and progress
one would say it's even the babylonian model, of the biggest city is the more powerfull, the most in connection with the more powerfull god, with the more insight, the smartest, the more strategical, that make the biggest city linked with more powerfull god, it's same trend in egypt and those model tend toward some form of monotheism where the god start to incorporate all the lesser god into aspect of himself to be the unique ruler of all the other cities/kindgom
but those system are mostly tyranic model, the power of tyran rest on nothing, and he can be overthrown anytime because his power doesn't rest on some wisedom or philosophy that allow him to be respected by large number of people as a good leader who serve the interest of everyone
but there are also other model of politics, like the model of socrates , that advocate that politician should be more like educators, that the role of a leader is to make people better people through the notion of citizenship and activity in political life, most of the big system change after rome stem from thinkers and philosophy, the ones that last at least, like napoleon said, you can take the throne with a sword, but can't sit on it to govern
at some point system that are of tyranic nature always hinder all progress, but the nature of their education mostly based on repression, they don't allow much of the true education that allow for the system to progress, as population grow, need always more progress to accomodate with more population, increasing production and housing capacity, increasing institution efficiency etc , system that are too tyranical are too rigid to allow good smooth flow of adaptation capacity and progress
on many part of the bible actually jesus has a stance that is very close to the one of socrates, when he say i will undo the wise etc, and when he say come to me the poor etc, it's very similar to socrates who pretend he can teach geometry to slaves, much also in line with stoics who always made a point of honnor to hold that even poor people having simple life can have good sense of morality, even if they can live as hermit with very simple life style and being far away for the oligarchical elite of power, going as far as not being scared to die for accomplishing what they see as moral, having a very strong moral value that come from the inside of them, rather than because of getting some sort of glory or authority because being part of some institution or temple
now i don't know why it is jesus who sort of won the jackpot, why it's him who stayed in history, why it's to christianism that roman emperor converted, and why it's the catholic model who ruled most of the europe for the next centuries, and why it needed about 2000 more year for that the original idea of the republic that has been put in place centuries before jesus have been applied, whereas there was many great mind before jesus, who also been killed like socrates, who had much smarted system than what has been installed as the catholic church, maybe because he mannaged to create good popular support for his idea, and the roman empire was already vacillating and he came at the right time with the idea
but originally, the idea being christianism and monotheist religion are not the one of tyrannical politics, it's more the one of educating the mass, and trying to rebalance the authority and value of individual toward more consideration for people regardless of their social origin, or position in society