Re: What is Religion for: Meme Me
Even in the Catholic Church hierarchy, the doctrine against birth control is evolving for the better. The Catholic Church hierarchy is much more diverse and much more divided than we all tend to think. The pope is not "the pope" of Catholicism.
I would love it if religion disappeared from the face of the earth, but that would be like curing the common cold. Religions are too diverse and too adaptable to eradicate, even more so than the common cold. Instead, it would be better to influence their evolution toward something better.This is interesting. My personal belief is any religion is okay as long as it is not too destructive and if it benefits the owner. Let religions evolve to fit the times. Yet this is difficult because this evolution best happens unconsciously. If the change is too conscious, that defeats a purpose of religion which is to believe in something convenient where one can relax and not be torn apart by divided loyalties.
Think of the Catholic doctrine of natural sex confined within narrow channels where no artificial birth control is allowed. Catholics will violate this requirement under the covers. By keeping quiet, the Catholic hierarchy is happy, but Catholic members will feel either defiant or guilty. This is a tough one to evolve. The corruption is there but it's hard to say whether the doctrine is overall good or evil.
Even in the Catholic Church hierarchy, the doctrine against birth control is evolving for the better. The Catholic Church hierarchy is much more diverse and much more divided than we all tend to think. The pope is not "the pope" of Catholicism.