The ability to annoy someone just by existing, you can choose who you’re annoying and turn off/on the power at will, the more aware of you they are the more annoyed they become, interacting with them while the power is active increases the effect.
Imagine you’re standing in a crowd at a political rally, not doing anything just standing there watching the politician on stage giving his speech, just the same as everyone else in the crowd. The politician is having a hard time concentrating, he feels irritable, short tempered, as his eyes sweep over the crowd the feeling grows until he notices someone, the source of his annoyance, not doing anything just standing there with a neutral expression.
The feeling is stronger now, beads of sweat roll down his face, fingers clench the podium, knuckles turning white, the speech continues but his tone is shifting, he looks away from the person and tries to regain his composure. But that person is still there, demanding his attention like a splinter in his eye yet to look at them is an itch that only gets worse when scratched, it’s maddening, they’re not doing anything and it’s maddening, why are they doing this, how are they doing it, who are they, what do they want?
Then the stranger in the crowd flips him the bird and his world goes red.