i'm too honest and too easy to fire up.
today i was talking with one of my superiors at job, he was correcting some stuff i did and i was right, there was nothing to correct but just because he didn't want to say hey, u know, i fucked up, u are right, u won, he said i was wrong. so i got angry and kept replying and pointing out why he was wrong. but he kept saying bullshit in my eyes and it kept me burning inside.
and really i've been trying to just shut up and be nice and swallow but it's difficult.
other day my boss came to me and he was talking with this guy and he asked me how im doing in his department so i said: i honestly prefer the one i was before, i was already in control and i had affinity with the boss i had there. Supreme boss just laughed and the other one was like wtf.
at that moment i didn't think of it but then i thought. damn i should have stayed pollitically correct, something like: love u all.
people don't seem to understand that the most important thing are the results, not how you get to them. and the ways, and manners and so much bullshit.
like hey u should take notes. if i'm focused i don't need to so shut up. or even if i need to i take them painting with pen my hands, like for cheating in examn, this is a metaphor. i just wanna say that it doesn't matter how i learn and how i show it as long as the results are nice. but they are so damn superficial. How does it matter if i go to smoke 4 times per day during job if i get to do more work than the rest of the members of the department? and i prove it to them. and i show. and then they shut up. only then. but it only lasts for a few days. then they forget.
really. where do these people come from?