leukemic child.
morbid ideas and lethal breath.
ghee, sounds almost like i am *username censored*
i was watching some videos about autism again. this pathologization tiggers me like no other nonsense of culture. autism spectrum is just a bunch of cognitive types with a touch of radicalism. but there can be no doubt that this is my archetype, since archetypes exist in the eyes of culture and culture doesn't acknowledge any of my old man wisdom. sick child. i always say: they confuse our arses for our faces, because our faces are way up too high in the sky for them to see. i don't mean to idolize immature idiots tho. but if you think of functions as lines of intelligence and recognize how lines go through stages, then the metaphor is simply true.
another word for tertiary Si is turd. but nobody cares about that.
and inferior Fe is just a paranoid schizophrenic. that's what they see.
traditionally autism was considered a subfeature of schizophrenia.
its autonomous ideation. thats "shizotypal". the typological core of it all.
shizoid is closely associated with catatonia.
that's shizoid + depressed.
so joker, yeah, maybe, on my worst days, but in the sense of batman's joker.
okay, okay, enough autonomous ideation. i surrender. i do that test.
yeah, yeah, wise old man. sure. i knew it. i guess i was just in denial of my age.