The half-smile, half-grimace thing could be a result of inferior Fe. I've got it as well. It's very strange realising you're not really in control of your face.
Using the traits defined by the MBTI to explain facial features seems a bit simple, scientifically speaking. Of course, the smile thing does apply to me. My dad always hated it when he tried to take pictures of me when I was younger. I hate to think of how many times I heard him say, "God dammit, would you give me a
real smile for once?"
With that out of the way, I'll just list a few things off about myself, as everyone else seems to be doing:
- Dark circles under eyes - check. Had them ever since the seventh grade, when I decided that reading all night would be a lot more interesting than sleeping or doing schoolwork.
- Arched back - check. It's not that noticeable, since I'm an ice dancer and always have to work on my posture.
- Messy hair - check. I prefer it that way - if I were to part it down the center or give myself some sort of conservative haircut, I'd feel like a machine.
- Disorganized/mismatched dress - eh. That's debatable. I generally make an effort to look good when I'm going out in public or hanging around other people (even family members), but when I'm home alone, I could probably live with nothing more than a bathrobe, thick socks, and pajama pants.
- Slacking jaw - check. I keep my mouth physically shut most of the time, but it requires conscious effort to not go around gape-mouthed.
Also, I'm a little higher up and to the left.