You have much to learn about the Quote Button.
“The doctrine of equality ! There exists no more poisonous poison: for it seems to be preached by justice itself, while it is the end of justice.”
"Equality is a lie concocted by inferior people who arrange themselves in herds to overpower those who are naturally superior to them. The morality of 'equal rights' is a herd morality, and because it opposes the cultivation of superior individuals, it leads to the corruption of the human species"
Not unless the person who hates them have power. I can easily say that I wield much more power than I used to, due to my current social standing and physical features.
Good for you. Go live near the Taliban.
Again, extremely subjective. The people that respected it were the leaders, not the people. And I know it doesn't necessarily apply because many people hate communism.
The Soviet Union was immensely respected by most of it's subjects once it was in power; and not because they were frightened by that power. Many there still lament it's passing. Then again, I was referring originally to the Western Intelligensia's respect for the Great Experiment and it's Promise of Equality for all --- that kept staying beyond the horizon --- the Gulags and Show Trials merely affirmed to them that communism was serious; and so powerful that it would be folly for everywhere else to resist it.
You can't hate something that you respect.
One can respect one's father, but still hate him.
Also, the government that killed and tortured was totalitarianism, not communism. You got your facts wrong. I do hope you know what totalitarianism is because I do not have the patience to explain it to you. Remember that it is not communism that was wrong, it was the leaders.
Marxist-Leninist praxis cannot exist without a framework of totalitarian control.
Lenin laid the foundations by making competing ( left ) parties illegal and establishing that only the vanguard had the sole duty and pleasure of guiding the proletariat. Since all communist revolutions from the November revolution to the end of the Soviet Union --- from Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot to Tito to North Korea --- had vast punishment camps, enforced famines ( partly caused by the elimination of kulaks and other peasants ), a high rate of murder, and neighbour reports of neighbours, the verdict seems that it is not 'totalitarianism' as some vague madness, nor wicked leaders, but is integral to communism as a workable theory.
They can however, have the same rights say, to vote, to eat, to sleep, etc. In a whole, and not just traits, human beings are equal. Look at the big picture, not just the details.
They can have these things. They're not gonna though.
People that have power only have power because the people give them the power. Obama would not have the power he wields today if the people rebelled, Congress would not be standing today if we did not support it. Don't say I'm wrong, if the government had absolute power, there would be no revolutions.
Congress and the American government as a whole has no power derived from anything else than that they have power, and will be determined to hold onto it even if half the country disagrees with them. Which was tried once before.
If 90% of the 'People' became tea-baggers, or 90% became violent lefties it would still not affect the American --- or any other --- government's hold on power so long as they have the force to overawe rebellion.
So you believe that there are superior beings? So you believe that God values more people than others? Then I can say outright that you are wrong.
I do not believe anyone knows what God Desires, Likes, Wants, Says or Plans. And have a deep profound distrust of anyone who says they do know.
I have never noticed throughout nature or history that He Values equality or that this is His chosen predestined Final Plan.
What I can say is that believing in a superior race, a superior type of people is much more then a vain exercise then believing that everyone is equal, and much more spiritually disgusting. You put it in the superior people's point of view, yet you do not put it in the whole of the people's point of view. Once again, you are not seeing the big picture.
I never mentioned a superior race, or type of people. I certainly believe that many individuals are superior to other individuals; and that most people are base. And I do not care if it suits those superior people's point of view, or that if I held the converse it would suit the inferior people's point of view: truth is the only thing that matters, not what flatters a purely temporary group.
Do not insult my intelligence.
Don't make this easy...
You are also putting it once again in subjective terms: children will not necessarily demand what others demand, and women are able to do what men do, they just choose not to do it. Same thing with other people. You see, your disillusioned view of equality is that some people can do things better than others, and thus are better. You do not see that the same person can do things better than the other person. Look at the multiple-intelligence testing for example: it is seen that 94% of people are highly gifted in one aspect or another. Also, your propaganda method of name-calling (obedient little slaves) is highly improbable. I can say this, when everyone is equal, there is no one to obey. Thus, we cannot be slaves.
You will be self-slaved. Anyway, when everybody is equal, there will still be those in charge, whether they be technocrats or those voted to fulfil the Will of the People. Dissent will be difficult, but... with advances in euthanesia, probably painless.
You know that I have spoken without restraint thus I can easily say:
You can copy whomever you like...
Harrison Bergeron
These are a few of the statistics compiled by Hristov, who writes that "in a country of 45 million, around 11 million people are unable to afford even one nutritious meal a day. According to statistics from 2005, 65 percent of Colombians are unable to regularly satisfy basic subsistence needs. In rural areas, the poverty rate is as high as 85 percent. In 2000 it was estimated that half a million children suffer from malnutrition and close to 2.5 million children between the ages of six and seventeen are forced to work. Furthermore, there has been a notable decline in school attendance, literacy, and life expectancy as well as access to child care and education over the past couple of years.
The size and strength of paramilitary death squads in Colombia has steadily increased since they were first established in the 1960s. According to Hristov, the paramilitaries are now responsible for about 80 percent of human rights violations in Colombia, compared to 16 percent by the rebel guerrillas. The paramilitaries' evolution, Hristov argues, is the result of "perhaps the most creative and intelligent effort by an elite-dominated state to counteract revolutionary processes. The Colombian parastatal system represents neither a traditional centralized authoritarian regime, as those that existed in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil, nor merely a collection of autonomous armed bands dispersed over rural areas, each ruling locally, as in Mexico. What we see in Colombia is a mutated SCA that has assumed a nonstate appearance."
Since 2006, there have been several government initiatives that give the formal appearance of the Colombian government working to combat paramilitaries. Hristov explains that "early in 2007 the Supreme Court began investigating numerous connections between paramilitaries and important state actors, such as senators, representatives, deputies, councilors, and mayors. As time went by, the public learned of more and more cases in which the legal (state officials with their political authority and legitimacy) and the illegal (paramilitary groups with their economic and military power) had entered into alliances to advance their mutual interests. Through mid-2008, 38 percent of members of Congress have been implicated in this parapolitica scandal."
Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombia
I certainly do not consider myself superior, and I have little real concern for the Columbian children and peasants murdered there; but I'm damned if anyone tells me that I am
not superior to some thug who murders such people for money...