Right now I am...
1. processing all the benefits, intricacies and variations in the MBTI personality profiles...
2. Typing several of my classmates
3. Trying so solve the seeming problem with nonexistence. Can Humans really image something that truly does not exist? Cold doesn't really exist it's just a way of describing relative heat... Of course unicorns and mythical beasts don't exist but they encompass ideas and are expressed in familiar terms. So can you worship something that doesn't exist or does that "non existence" imply that something is there? (I'm not sure I agree with that last statement but it's an argument I've been presented that I'm dealing with right now)
4. Weighing the moral/ethical implications of Chimeras (the man made combinations of human and animal)
5. Evaluating how to scientifically measure the nature of the "human soul". Most humans either believe in a spirit realm and that they have a soul/spirit that connects/will connect them to that realm somehow/eventually. Most scientists however completely disregard this question or refer it to the 'mysteries of the consciousness and neuroscientists are figuring it out. I want to create a criteria/definition for the "human soul" or consciousness that will resolve a number of moral/ethical issues especially in sticky scientific investigations like human-embryo engineering, self aware robots and the possibility of other animals emerging to a similar level of self awareness as humans and may then be defined as having "souls".
Just you know... Simple things like that.
I'm also replaying this video in my head simply for pleasure.
And thinking about when I'll have time to catch up in xkcd
You can comment on my thoughts (or correct me I assure you I won't be offended) or share your own! I always like to know what others are thinking. (Provided they're not just thinking about something unintelligent... But hey, I'm on an INTP forum so I can risk the "what are you thinking?" question here I think.
1. processing all the benefits, intricacies and variations in the MBTI personality profiles...
2. Typing several of my classmates
3. Trying so solve the seeming problem with nonexistence. Can Humans really image something that truly does not exist? Cold doesn't really exist it's just a way of describing relative heat... Of course unicorns and mythical beasts don't exist but they encompass ideas and are expressed in familiar terms. So can you worship something that doesn't exist or does that "non existence" imply that something is there? (I'm not sure I agree with that last statement but it's an argument I've been presented that I'm dealing with right now)
4. Weighing the moral/ethical implications of Chimeras (the man made combinations of human and animal)
5. Evaluating how to scientifically measure the nature of the "human soul". Most humans either believe in a spirit realm and that they have a soul/spirit that connects/will connect them to that realm somehow/eventually. Most scientists however completely disregard this question or refer it to the 'mysteries of the consciousness and neuroscientists are figuring it out. I want to create a criteria/definition for the "human soul" or consciousness that will resolve a number of moral/ethical issues especially in sticky scientific investigations like human-embryo engineering, self aware robots and the possibility of other animals emerging to a similar level of self awareness as humans and may then be defined as having "souls".
Just you know... Simple things like that.
I'm also replaying this video in my head simply for pleasure.
And thinking about when I'll have time to catch up in xkcd
You can comment on my thoughts (or correct me I assure you I won't be offended) or share your own! I always like to know what others are thinking. (Provided they're not just thinking about something unintelligent... But hey, I'm on an INTP forum so I can risk the "what are you thinking?" question here I think.