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We have goals too...right?


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Jan 26, 2009
What is on your life list?

For me, in no particular order, off the top of my head:

Learn another language fluently.
Learn about the history of language.
Learn to play drums.
Learn to play violin.
Learn chemistry.
Learn more physics.
Learn more philosophy.
Learn more history.
Learn to dance african dances.
Learn to dance bollywood style.
Learn to dance hip hop.
Learn to dance jive.
Learn more singing.
Learn to fly a glider.
Learn to swim.
Learn more about the history of mathematics.
Learn to knit.
Learn how to cook better.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

Making a pilgrimage to Mount Kailash.
Taking over the world.
Achieving godhood.

I know, kinda ambitious.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Aug 10, 2008
Re: What is on your life list?

I've got nothing.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
Re: What is on your life list?

Making a pilgrimage to Mount Kailash.
Taking over the world.
Achieving godhood.
Someone has a Shiva complex...
but really cool! I had never heard of Mount Kailash. That sounds bitchin. It also looks climb-able, one of the slopes isn't too bad.

I have a lot on my life list. Chocolate has a few history things- I too have had a recent obsession with history. Hellenistic Egypt is cool, not to mention it was also a center of science! History of science is cool. I feel like understanding the history might help me understand where to work/look to make a really big breakthrough in biochemistry. Ya know, I could know where I should be looking.

One of my profs told us about how science works a lot of the time. When you're working in the field, and keeping up with the journals, then you know what's already been proved, and you get a feeling for what people kind of believe. The things that are probably true, but haven't been proved yet. The best way to do science and publish papers, the professor said, was to simply prove what you already suspect. It's much easier to really have a strong hypothesis and then go about doing the work, rather than being more open-ended.
So yeah, it does sound a little silly- and we INTPs do love chaos- but I think you'll agree that that strategy is probably more efficient if you have limited manpower. Additionally, do you know what the #1 task is then for researchers? Sitting at a computer, reading journals, and thinking. That's fantastic! It sounds exactly like the kind of job I want. Sure, every now and then I'll have to run experiments... but eventually I'll just have some lab jockeys for that. (But even when I run my own experiments, a lot of biochemistry is waiting. Like sitting up a gel: 5 minutes of work, 15 minutes of waiting, 10 minutes of work, an hour of waiting, 5 minutes of analysis, 5 minutes cheering/swearing.)

Learn latin
Learn lojban
Publish a scientific paper.
Marry someone wonderful
Have kids.
Write&publish a religious text. (I'd probably be okay with it being published post-mortem. That's often how it works for influential people. :D)
Visit India.
Visit a Buddhist Temple in Sri Lanka.
Visit Arthur C. Clarke's library (if it's still intact?) in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Finish reading everything Heinlein wrote. (I'm just a few books away- unfortunately they're the kinda crappy ones, and don't have as many wonderful literary nuggets.)
Get a tour of Robert A. Heinlein's house in Santa Cruz, California. (I've gotten to the front gate! But that's all.)
If it's a kickass house, buy it. ( http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=...84,-122.158484&spn=0.001811,0.003648&t=h&om=1 It's the circular house to the east of Bonny Doon & Shake Mill.)
There's a lot more, but these are what are on my mind for now.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

Someone has a Shiva complex...
but really cool! I had never heard of Mount Kailash. That sounds bitchin. It also looks climb-able, one of the slopes isn't too bad.

Haha, that Shiva thing was really unintentional. Climbable? No.

Wikipedia said:
There have been no recorded attempts to climb Mount Kailash; it is considered off limits to climbers in deference to Buddhist and Hindu beliefs. It is the most significant peak in the world that has not seen any known climbing attempts.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
Re: What is on your life list?

I think it's climbable. I also read the wiki, I got the impression that it would be possible to climb it except nobody has because the Buddhists and Hindus (and heck, probably chinese) would get pissed at you. Either way, we don't know because no one has even seriously attempted it!

It might not have been climbable in the past, but what about now with modern climbing gear? If we can get up mountains like K2 and Everest, surely one could climb Mont Kailash. And then you achieve godhood from doing so, and take over the world.

Seriously. Send me pictures.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

I am not really into religion, but I respect the buddhists. Climbing Mount Kailash just doesn't seem to be right.

Anyways, the trip itself is ridiculously expensive. About 3500€ (4495.05$)!

Vegard Pompey

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Jan 14, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

In order of difficulty, from easiest to hardest:

Learn more about math & physics
Rent an unfurnished apartment
Learn Japanese
Write and publish a novel
Record an album (may include starting a band, but I wouldn't mind doing it alone)
Create a game (I have a certain concept in mind)
Find an easy and effortless way to make money
Become the unquestionable master of the universe
Achieve immortality
Get laid

Vegard Pompey

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Jan 14, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

In order of difficulty, from easiest to hardest:

Learn more about math and physics
Rent an unfurnished apartment
Learn Japanese
Write and publish a novel
Record an album (may include starting a band, but I wouldn't mind doing it alone)
Create a game (I have a certain concept in mind)
Find an easy and effortless way to make money
Become the unquestionable master of the universe
Achieve immortality
Get laid


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:04 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
Re: What is on your life list?

Local time
Today 2:04 PM
Feb 3, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

I think it's climbable. I also read the wiki, I got the impression that it would be possible to climb it except nobody has because the Buddhists and Hindus (and heck, probably chinese) would get pissed at you. Either way, we don't know because no one has even seriously attempted it!

It might not have been climbable in the past, but what about now with modern climbing gear? If we can get up mountains like K2 and Everest, surely one could climb Mont Kailash. And then you achieve godhood from doing so, and take over the world.

Seriously. Send me pictures.
A religious zealot would certainly shoot you down with a sniper rifle to preserve the honor of their mountain.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Aug 10, 2008
Re: What is on your life list?

A religious zealot would certainly shoot you down with a sniper rifle to preserve the honor of their mountain.

Blood stained honor

Da Blob

Local time
Today 8:04 AM
Dec 19, 2008
Re: What is on your life list?

Hmmm I have troubles setting realistic goals
I keep disappointing myself (and others?)

So Setting a goal I know I can reach

Ta Da! I hope to die (applause from said others)
in the meantime I just want to do interesting stuff...


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Jan 26, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

Ta Da! I hope to die (applause from said others)

Can that technically be on a life list? Is dying part of living? I guess part of it is...?
Local time
Today 2:04 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
Re: What is on your life list?

live through playing music


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
Re: What is on your life list?

- get my artwork in a prominent gallery, at least on a local level
- learn a couple other languages
- travel to several other countries
- learn how to dance
- get singing lessons
- learn how to play cello and electric bass guitar
- participate in making a new political party?
- master computers, rather than being merely competent with them
- age well
- have a healthy lifestyle, eventually be one of those cool old people that can beat all the young whippersnappers in sports


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Jan 5, 2009
dirac sea
Re: What is on your life list?

I personally plan on merging with machine technology and living long enough to become part of a universe wide super intelligence.

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 9:04 AM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
Re: What is on your life list?

I personally plan on merging with machine technology and living long enough to become part of a universe wide super intelligence.

I believe Cognisant is working on that very thing. He hopes for immortality that way.
Local time
Today 2:04 PM
Feb 3, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

- learn a couple other languages
Many people plan this and never accomplish it. I hope that you are one of the individuals that do.


Local time
Today 9:04 AM
Jan 26, 2009
Re: What is on your life list?

Really, I just want to accomplish something at least remotely significant.
Say, publish a book or develop a game or make a discovery. I have an actual list of things I wouldn't mind doing.

-Own a pirate ship
-Learn to ride a unicycle
-Learn another language
-Learn (and become proficient in) a programming language
-Find happiness
-Write a novel
-Become well respected

I spend 95% of my time day dreaming, and I imagine all sorts of different cirumstances to happen, and things I wish would happen, and how I hope things turn out for me.

Ermine said:
- learn how to play cello and electric bass guitar

Heh, it's not that difficult :P


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 12:04 AM
Nov 26, 2008
Outside your window.
Re: What is on your life list?

Nice lists guys. Mostly I just want to get the most out of life and experience everything I can within this lifetime. But if I must put it to a list then, hmm:

- become fluent in chinese, spanish and german (I've picked out the course already)
- build a private island for myself
- become a philosopher
- translate linear A
- save someone's life
- contribute significantly to science/math/art
- travel the world
- scuba dive in the great barrier reef (and visit a friend while I'm up there)
- die in a way that makes people laugh (oh yes, and I want to die young)
- contribute my body to science!
- and my stuff to skin cancer research in honor of my mother


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
Re: What is on your life list?

Zealot said:
Heh, it's not that difficult :P
Learning how to play isn't the hard part, it's getting my hands on the instrument for extended periods of time without buying it. I don't have too many connections, and there's no way I can buy a cello or bass in the near future.


To inanity and beyond
Local time
Today 9:04 AM
Mar 24, 2008
Lake Isle Innisfree
Hey guys, guess who's vacationing from the land of forgetting-anyone-else-exists. It's cool to find the forum still going strong...minus it going through a rough patch with bandwidth and attacks and fun stuff like that. Who says the internet is an escape from drama.

Anyway. We're having meetings with our guidance counselors at school, and that inevitabley leads to talks about....ugh....goals.
"What do you want to major in?"
"Are you going to college?"
"What do you want to do after that?"
"Here, let me tell you to do something completely irrelevant to what you just said."

...You know the drill.
Now, being a fairly apathetic and pessimistic person, goals have always been somewhat...challenging for me. I see life as a bunch of little detours all going in the same general direction. Basically...Highschool, college, career/shitty job to pay the bills, retirement, death. Hey, maybe things will get interesting and WWIII will happen during my lifetime.
But! Disregarding that nasty little suspicion that life is going to be predictable, there are some things I'd like to do. I'm curious what everyone else on the forum wants to accomplish in their life as well. I'm hoping you have better answers than people in my class, which all centered around something like "world peace" or "get skinny" or "mcdonalds". (You think I'm joking.)

I'll start.

- Spend as little money during the first part of my life as possible so that I have enough to create an isolated paradise sometime later in my life. Seriously. I want a modest house somewhere, close to a river or lake or something, with maybe an orchard, an expansive garden, complete with internet access and the nearest road not in sight.

- Tame wild animals. Screw working for a zoo, if I want to domesticate a raccoon, I'm going to do it. Or maybe a crow, or a fox, etc...

- Write a book. Even if it doesn't get published.

- Survive in a wild forest for 5 days without bringing anything but a knife and a length of rope.

- Create a material that can almost perfectly mimic muscle tissue for use in robots

I'll add more as I think of them, but I want to hear from other people. Go!

And I need to get my homework done. >>


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Jun 23, 2008
This list is in no way extensive, planned, prethought or valid forever in any way. I jjust make this up as i write this post. Well, i don't 'make it up' so much as i 'write down what i always knew' ;)
  • Make a hiking tour of considerable time (like a week or more) alone through some mountains
  • I want a Holodeck all for myself... :D
  • Make a solosail-tour
  • Find my soulmate (well this should be at the beginning of the list actually)
  • Have the freedom to live my life as i want
  • Find ways to earn enough money to live while not being constantly in the job (unless i somehow find a job/profession that i really love)
  • Be in Space

Ah well, they are maybee not goals as in "I work to achieve those goals" but more as in "I wish this would/will happen in my life". ;)



Local time
Today 2:04 PM
Aug 14, 2009
- ensure a working environment for flora, fauna, and humanity (although we might just have to move out)
- have a family and raise some sensible kids
- have a nice comfy house in the middle of nowhere
- hike loads
- regain some ability to draw and handwrite

hmm, i think naturalist would cover things mostly.


Far too curious...
Local time
Today 9:04 AM
Jan 17, 2009
- to learn as much as possible, a never ending journey (I've been in the dark so long)
- to experience as much as possible (I've seen so little)
- to obtain as much freedom as I can stand (I've been controlled forever)
- to find belonging (I've been so isolated, so cold)
- to dream, unhindered (My mind and my dreams are my own, this is the one thing society shall never wrest from me)

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 9:04 AM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
Well I'm moving to a comfy house on the water in Va far away from others in a few months and I'm trying to write a book but I'm pretty sure it will only get published if I become infamous for some other reason.

I never really had goals. My life is a leaf on the river, going where the currents take me.


is a ze
Local time
Today 8:04 AM
Jul 9, 2008
-Not losing what I have
-Not losing what I have
-Not losing what I have

As Wisp put it, I have post straumatic tress disease. Sry that isn't helpful.

But I actually had goals once:

-Becoming a college professor.
-Becoming an independent writer.
-Becoming a good graphic artist.
-Living in a comfy house with a large private library and a pool.
-Travelling to distant places.
-Speaking 5 languages.

Plenty of it is still possible. I'm just terrified. :o


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Threads merged. Have a nice day, citizens.


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
I basically have two sets of goals, immediate goals and things I'd like to do eventually.

Immediate Goals:

Get an appointment with the plasma donation center so I can get some money
earn and keep a 3.8 GPA or higher so I can get a scholarship for half my tuition next year
learn a bit more about this whole socializing thing
improve time management skills
get a job after this semester

Long Term:

Generally, understanding. I want to understand people, the things around me, what's happening, everything I can.
Other than that, my long term goals are flexible until further notice. But there are a lot of smaller goals under the large goal of understanding.


Man-Child becoming a Dude.... Man
Local time
Today 8:04 AM
Sep 20, 2009
Wisconsin, USA
I don't have finite goals, all my goals are of the infinite variety... to just get better and better and better.

-get better at writing music
-create interesting sounds using computers
-get better at writing jokes/performing stand up/making people laugh
-to understand everything

that's about it...


is a ze
Local time
Today 8:04 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Re: What is on your life list?

Can that technically be on a life list? Is dying part of living? I guess part of it is...?

It's not a goal, it's a default setting.


... runs deep
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
I want design and personally build a 2 story microhome somewhere in Oregon that's somewhat isolated but still has easy access to water, internet, and civilization. Under the house would be a fairly large sound-proofed basement where my own personal studio would be. I'd have a garden, a pond, a spa, and a jeep. I'd also build a treehouse in a nearby tall tree with large windows on all sides. That's where I'd play guitar, read, and meditate. Hopefully this all would be with a partner who is just as crazy because I wouldn't want to live out there alone.

I want to refine my taste in food. One of my friends occasionally cooks for me and every single time I'm in awe of what can be done. It's probably the least cared for of my senses. Likewise, I want to explore touch as much as possible.

Right now I'm sort of obsessed with the notion of exploration through refinement of understanding. I've decided to stick to a single subject of expertise and use my curiosity of everything else as fuel for my work on that one subject. I'm thinking the overall subject should be psychology.

Be more physically active.
Learn contact juggling. (it's just so graceful, mesmerizing, and small..)
Find better music. Get in a position to have and use an amazing sound system asap.
Actually record music that feels genuine. :confused:

Oh.. and find a job that won't eat what's left of my soul.


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 2:04 PM
Aug 14, 2009
Hmm, I know I have more, but off the top of my head, in no particular order:

- Become an astronaut
- Should probably concentrate on getting into college first...
- Find a proffession that has nothing to do with making money.
- Travel the world! I want to visit each continent at least once.
- Climb everest
- Figure out how to use my telescope
- Learn more about: Math & Physics
Genetic engineering
- Get drunk
- Clone myself
- Breed an indestructible species of bird-dragon-giant things
- Learn to dance
- Write a novel
- Write & illustrate a comic book
- Become telekinetic
- Make it to the olympics in some weird sport
- Destroy my boyfriend in a game of chess
- Achieve enlightenment
- Learn how to lucid dream
- Beat the world record for longest lifespan (not in a coma)


Local time
Today 9:04 AM
Mar 25, 2009
-turn a daydream into a series of novels
-turn a desire into a video game
-turn a moment of inspiration into an album
-turn a psyche into a house
-turn my self into something greater
-travel the world
-die a passionate death


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Oct 25, 2008
An immediate goals is to become employed and replace my dead lap top.

Something less practical: I would like to spend a year in the desert being nocturnal and tracking the stars.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 6:04 AM
Jul 14, 2008
My only goal is to discover, but that covers everything, doesn't it?


The specifics change, but the core of it never will.


Mean can be funny
Local time
Today 2:04 PM
Aug 14, 2009
Hmm, upon re-reading my goals, it has become obvious that most of them are in fact half-baked fantasies.

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