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Today's Flashchat Log - May 30, 2009

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:54 PM
Nov 6, 2008
Arright, everyone. Red Mage pulled a world class awesome today and stored the entire flashchat log for the day. Interesting stuff in there on the topic of XIII, Face, and Haruhi... These first two posts will just be the data - comments and analysis later.

The only changes were to insert Thaklaar's and Anthile's names which were occasionally blanked out, and to change the colors to something consistent, for clarity's sake. Corrections are made in italics in case there is a mistake.

Forgive me if you've been unexpectedly documented... I think disclosure and awareness are important right now.

* * * * *
[The Lounge]: Anthile has entered at 2:55 pm
[Thaklaar] 3:21 pm: Yup. Shocked, I am.
[Anthile] 3:21 pm: ?
[Thaklaar] 3:21 pm: "ps. We miss you Face...come back to us man...come back...." "With regards to the matter of your post script, do not fret."
[Anthile] 3:22 pm: yeah
[Thaklaar] 3:23 pm: So, is there a *good* reason why he's not permabanned?
[Anthile] 3:27 pm: I can't decide such things alone
[Thaklaar] 3:29 pm: *shrug* there are rules, though, yes? and we're all expected to follow them?
[Anthile] 3:30 pm: Yeah
[Thaklaar] 3:31 pm: I've just seen too many good forums go to crap for lack of appropriate moderation.
[The Lounge]: snowqueen has entered at 3:31 pm
[Thaklaar] 3:31 pm: 'lo, snowqueen
[Anthile] 3:31 pm: lack of appropiate moderation?
[snowqueen] 3:32 pm: hi Thaklaar
[snowqueen] 3:32 pm: hi Anthile
[Anthile] 3:33 pm: Hi Snowqueen
[snowqueen] 3:33 pm: are you having a hard time Anthile?
[Thaklaar] 3:33 pm: moderated inequitably or insufficiently. not accusing you specifically of anything. really, I don't know much about the politics up at mod-level here. just making a statement.
] 3:34 pm: not trying to ride you, just asking. curious mostly.
[The Lounge]: Sapphire Harp has entered at 3:35 pm
[snowqueen] 3:35 pm: hi there!!
[Sapphire Harp] 3:35 pm: Hello
[Anthile] 3:35 pm: Hey
[snowqueen] 3:35 pm: wondered if you'd pop in
[The Lounge]: Haruhi has entered at 3:35 pm
[Thaklaar] 3:35 pm: 'lo, sapphire
[snowqueen] 3:35 pm: hello Haruhi!
[Sapphire Harp] 3:35 pm: indeed. I was actually waiting for that PM I saw you writing
[Haruhi] 3:36 pm: Hello snowqueen!
[Sapphire Harp] 3:36 pm: hey Thaklaar
[Haruhi] 3:36 pm: I'm glad to see you here.
[snowqueen] 3:36 pm: lol I forget how easy it is to spy
[Haruhi] 3:37 pm: I think we should talk about world issues
[snowqueen] 3:37 pm: that was @SapphireHarp btw (spying)
[snowqueen] 3:37 pm: You go ahead I'm having a private chat at the mo sorry
[Haruhi] 3:38 pm: Ok
[Haruhi] 3:38 pm: I shall give my views on...
[Haruhi] 3:38 pm: the most important issue
[Haruhi] 3:38 pm: Haruhi
[Haruhi] 3:38 pm: Haruhi is a kind, responsible, and loving individual
[Haruhi] 3:39 pm: His mother calls him an angel
[Anthile] 3:39 pm: Why did you copy Face's posting?
[Haruhi] 3:39 pm: and she is renowned for his sense of honor
[Haruhi] 3:39 pm: oh
[Haruhi] 3:39 pm: Hello, fellow SOS club member
[Haruhi] 3:40 pm: I am currently performing investigations into a potentially extraterrestrial entity
[Haruhi] 3:40 pm: who is communicating through a portal
[Haruhi] 3:40 pm: pretending to be face
[Anthile] 3:40 pm: Odd
[Haruhi] 3:40 pm: The entity admitted to its existence in Face's thread of the same name
[Haruhi] 3:41 pm: so I thought it might be a way to coax it into revealing itself
[Haruhi] 3:41 pm: gtg
[snowqueen] 3:41 pm: bye H - pop in again some time :)
[The Lounge]: Haruhi has left at 3:42 pm
[Anthile] 3:42 pm: Hmm
[snowqueen] 3:42 pm: hahahahaha
[Sapphire Harp] 3:42 pm: yea
[Sapphire Harp] 3:42 pm: you know what I'm thinking
[snowqueen] 3:42 pm: so bloody obvious
] 3:43 pm: beyond obvious
[Sapphire Harp] 3:43 pm: I PMed Ogion and Lor about figuring Haruhi was Face, but they haven't been around today
[Sapphire Harp] 3:43 pm: as you said, Snowqueen, poor Ogion
[Sapphire Harp] 3:43 pm: seriously
[Anthile] 3:43 pm: Why not me?
[snowqueen] 3:44 pm: yeah I feel sorry for you too but I think they have been targeting Ogion particularly because of the irc
[Sapphire Harp] 3:44 pm: I thought two on the team was enough...? I'm sorry. It was just arbitrary. :(
[snowqueen] 3:44 pm: and I did ask if you were having a hard time when I came in
[snowqueen] 3:44 pm: I do care!
[Sapphire Harp] 3:45 pm: Ogion, for sure, because he was in the thick of things
[snowqueen] 3:45 pm: I liked your response to the cult thread Anthile
[Anthile] 3:45 pm: You did?
[The Lounge]: cryptonia has entered at 3:45 pm
[snowqueen] 3:45 pm: especially 'seeing a Face in a pancake'
[cryptonia] 3:46 pm: it's like a party in here... haha, hey
[snowqueen] 3:46 pm: hi crytonia :)
[snowqueen] 3:46 pm: yay especially now you're here
[Anthile] 3:46 pm: Haha
[Sapphire Harp] 3:46 pm: I can't keep up with all this business.
[Sapphire Harp] 3:46 pm: hey Cryptonia
[Sapphire Harp] 3:46 pm: long time appreciator, first time caller... :p
[snowqueen] 3:46 pm: can't read Anthile now he's green
[Anthile] 3:47 pm: Better?
[Thaklaar] 3:47 pm: much
[snowqueen] 3:47 pm: thank you
[Sapphire Harp] 3:47 pm: I set mine to the purple storm background, so I can read you all clearly... :p
[Sapphire Harp] 3:47 pm: even the reds
[snowqueen] 3:48 pm: oh I see - I forgot you could do that
[Sapphire Harp] 3:48 pm: yea, it was helpful
[Thaklaar] 3:49 pm: ah, me it was more had no earthly idea I could do that. how you do that?
[Sapphire Harp] 3:49 pm: with the purple one, the color behind -most- of the text is dark purple and black - it's much clearer...
[Sapphire Harp] 3:49 pm: options button - themes - indigo metallic?
[Thaklaar] 3:50 pm: ooh, yes, much more better.
[Anthile] 3:50 pm: Indeed
[Sapphire Harp] 3:50 pm: I haven't played much with the others
[Sapphire Harp] 3:50 pm: might be a better choice out there, but I'm not sure
[snowqueen] 3:51 pm: is all indigo now
[snowqueen] 3:52 pm: so how are you cryptonia - what's on your mind?
[cryptonia] 3:53 pm: mm... quite alright. i dropped by cause there were a bunch of names here (so i didnt feel like id be interrupting a pair having some intimite conversation), and few of them ever show up in irc
[cryptonia] 3:53 pm: was curious as to what you all might be talking about
[Sapphire Harp] 3:53 pm: aye... the irc channel feels like the wild west to me...
[snowqueen] 3:54 pm: well you just missed a litle visit from Haruhi
[cryptonia] 3:54 pm: as for myself, im reading/responding to some stuff that a few of us who'd split off from this forum started, where we could bible-study in peace
[cryptonia] 3:54 pm: fusionknight, eudemonia, etc
[Sapphire Harp] 3:55 pm: oooh... yea. (guilty at not fostering a safe envirornment for that.)
[cryptonia] 3:55 pm: how was s/he?
[snowqueen] 3:55 pm: I am seeing nia on Saturday!
[Sapphire Harp] 3:55 pm: ...self-centered...?
[Thaklaar] 3:55 pm: feels a touch guilty as well. sorry.
[cryptonia] 3:55 pm: haha nah, it's fine. it's nothing to do with the recent trolls or anything... there were just too many people here
[snowqueen] 3:55 pm: yeah good call Sapph
[cryptonia] 3:55 pm: we couldnt form as close relationships as we wanted
[cryptonia] 3:55 pm: and im soo jealous! let me know what she's like :)
[snowqueen] 3:56 pm: She looks gorgeous in her photo
[cryptonia] 3:56 pm: you guys are an ocean away :(.... but you reminded me of her a *lot*
[snowqueen] 3:56 pm: I think she is a bit nicer than me lol
[Sapphire Harp] 3:56 pm: hahah...
[Sapphire Harp] 3:56 pm: how about 'more exhibiting of kindness'?
[snowqueen] 3:57 pm: no I think nicer is ok, really!
[cryptonia] 3:57 pm: lol
[snowqueen] 3:57 pm: I like to b***h now and then
[snowqueen] 3:57 pm: oops
[snowqueen] 3:57 pm: I forgot the chat is a puritan
[cryptonia] 3:57 pm: she might be. you're both harsh and stubborn when it comes down to it, though
[Anthile] 3:57 pm: http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?p=86332#post86332
[Anthile] 3:57 pm: sighs
[The Lounge]: Sapphire Harp has left at 3:58 pm
[The Lounge]: Sapphire Harp has entered at 3:58 pm
[snowqueen] 3:58 pm: that was sudden
[snowqueen] 3:58 pm: wb
[Sapphire Harp] 3:58 pm: well, that link toasted me, accidently
[Thaklaar] 3:58 pm: yeah...
[Sapphire Harp] 3:58 pm: I'm starting to discover the technical complaints about flash chat were well founded
[snowqueen] 3:58 pm: always right click and open in new window
[cryptonia] 3:59 pm: lol
[] 3:59 pm: that...can't be helping
[cryptonia] 3:59 pm: yea... technical complaints are bad, but.... for the moment, at least, it's a lot more "sensible" than irc
[cryptonia] 3:59 pm: the conversation, that is. irc sort of got overwhelmed with fluff
[snowqueen] 3:59 pm: well the harshness and stubbornness is probably the INTP + british feminist
[Sapphire Harp] 4:00 pm: Anthile, I lost the link... to what thread were you linking?
[Anthile] 4:00 pm: F.A.CE.
[Thaklaar] 4:00 pm: it's certainly not as bad as people made it sound. and it has the benefit of being web-based. the IT folks at my work frown on the downloading of outside chat clients.
[snowqueen] 4:01 pm: Red Toad (slyguy) is posting about being Face's new disciple
[Sapphire Harp] 4:01 pm: yea, I see that...
[snowqueen] 4:01 pm: I think he has found his calling in being the troll slave
[cryptonia] 4:01 pm: ahh i never knew he changed his name, and that was the same guy. that makes a lot more sense
[Sapphire Harp] 4:01 pm: also of note, Haruhi (spelling... whatever!) is encouraging people to duplicate old threads?
[cryptonia] 4:02 pm: where?
[Sapphire Harp] 4:02 pm: last post of SOS club?
[The Lounge]: Haruhi has entered at 4:03 pm
[snowqueen] 4:03 pm: wb H
[Haruhi] 4:03 pm: thanks
[cryptonia] 4:03 pm: hello
[Haruhi] 4:03 pm: hello
[Anthile] 4:04 pm: Do you know Face personally, Haruhi?
[Haruhi] 4:04 pm: What why?
[Anthile] 4:05 pm: You seem a bit obsessed about him
[Haruhi] 4:05 pm: See my ''SOS Club thread'
[Haruhi] 4:05 pm: latest post
[Haruhi] 4:06 pm: I have evidence to suggest that it is not human
[The Lounge]: Weliddryn has entered at 4:06 pm
[Anthile] 4:06 pm: Evidence, hm?
[cryptonia] 4:06 pm: hey :)
[snowqueen] 4:06 pm: Hi Weliddryn!
[Thaklaar] 4:06 pm: hey, weliddryn
[Weliddryn] 4:06 pm: Hello people
[Weliddryn] 4:07 pm: <--- first time using this thing
[Haruhi] 4:07 pm: Yes evidence, from his own post history
[Anthile] 4:07 pm: gets a chair for Welid from the attic
[Haruhi] 4:07 pm: Anthlie, I am dissapointed
[snowqueen] 4:07 pm: I loved your voice on snapbox Wel

[Haruhi] 4:07 pm: as a member of SOS you should so more of an investigative spirit!
[Weliddryn] 4:07 pm: hehe, what's this about?
[Weliddryn] 4:07 pm: And thanks, snowqueen
[Haruhi] 4:08 pm: I am attempting to uncover Face's true race
[Weliddryn] 4:08 pm: LOL
[Weliddryn] 4:08 pm: OK
[Anthile] 4:08 pm: Say, Haruhi, do you think we are stupid?
[Haruhi] 4:08 pm: No!
[Haruhi] 4:08 pm: Remember what I said to you?
[Haruhi] 4:08 pm: After you joined?
[Weliddryn] 4:09 pm: lol, this is already entertaining.
[Anthile] 4:09 pm: Yeah, something what Face would say to me
[Haruhi] 4:09 pm: Are you accusing me of being FacetiousPersona?
[Anthile] 4:10 pm: Are you?
[Haruhi] 4:10 pm: OF COURSE NOT!
[Haruhi] 4:11 pm: I would never be associated with such a paltry creature as a cartoon dinosaur
[Weliddryn] 4:12 pm: Dino's will rule the world. : P
[Haruhi] 4:12 pm: Besides which
[Haruhi] 4:13 pm: Why would FacetiousPersona try to get himself banned?
[Anthile] 4:13 pm: Himself?
[Haruhi] 4:13 pm: I mean, why did he create that second thread
[Haruhi] 4:13 pm: the intro
[Anthile] 4:14 pm: Why not?
[Haruhi] 4:14 pm: I guess we're just different
[Haruhi] 4:14 pm: I don't get it
[Haruhi] 4:14 pm: Sorry, I'm high
[Anthile] 4:14 pm: Seems to be a good excuse to use in flashchats
[Haruhi] 4:14 pm: Don't pay too much attention to me
[snowqueen] 4:15 pm: pats H on the head
[snowqueen] 4:15 pm: don't worry I won't

[Haruhi] 4:15 pm: :-)
[The Lounge]: Haruhi has left at 4:18 pm
[snowqueen] 4:18 pm: patronising works every time
[cryptonia] 4:19 pm: haha
[Thaklaar] 4:19 pm: heh
[The Lounge]: Weliddryn has left at 4:19 pm
[Sapphire Harp] 4:20 pm: wow... he has become conversation killer incarnate
[Anthile] 4:21 pm: scratches head
[cryptonia] 4:21 pm: haha
[snowqueen] 4:21 pm: You lot have been here longer than me
[snowqueen] 4:21 pm: so tell me
] 4:21 pm: he's a troll. that's what they do. conversation not revolving around them and their games are anathema
[snowqueen] 4:22 pm: before this month did you have people coming on and just
[snowqueen] 4:22 pm: starting up major threads totallhy off topic like H has done?
[snowqueen] 4:23 pm: apart from XIII
[cryptonia] 4:23 pm: hm... what'd'you mean off-topic?
[Anthile] 4:23 pm: What do you mean?
[The Lounge]: Weliddryn has entered at 4:23 pm
[cryptonia] 4:23 pm: like, how are threads on-topic?
[Weliddryn] 4:24 pm: <--- connection sucks here, too.
[snowqueen] 4:24 pm: Well in my observation, most new people post in the existing thread
[Sapphire Harp] 4:24 pm: well, dropping in with pre-planned threads is an oddity
[Anthile] 4:24 pm: yeah, wb
[snowqueen] 4:24 pm: wb wel
[cryptonia] 4:24 pm: ^^sorta like sapphire said
[cryptonia] 4:24 pm: but yeah... obviously, threads get started somehow, haha
[snowqueen] 4:24 pm: or they post something much less of personal theory about something not INTP related
[Sapphire Harp] 4:24 pm: I could see someone like coberst doing it, but that's a totally different behavior
[cryptonia] 4:25 pm: yeah, lol.
[Anthile] 4:25 pm: Coberst posts on many different forums
[Thaklaar] 4:25 pm: yeah, that's what I was thinking. coberst, but he's harmless.
[Sapphire Harp] 4:25 pm: exactly
[snowqueen] 4:25 pm: yes Coberst and Gluon
[cryptonia] 4:25 pm: mmhmm
[snowqueen] 4:25 pm: I miss Gluon
[The Lounge]: Seto_Kaiba has entered at 4:25 pm
[Anthile] 4:25 pm: Hi Face
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:25 pm: Someone said there was fun!
[cryptonia] 4:26 pm: the only threads i saw of him were very direct prostelytizing... or however you spell it
[Weliddryn] 4:26 pm: Who are we talking about now?
[Sapphire Harp] 4:26 pm: Coberst
[Sapphire Harp] 4:26 pm: he has a circuit of forums on the internet
[cryptonia] 4:26 pm: no... my line was about gluon
[Sapphire Harp] 4:26 pm: oh, whoops
[snowqueen] 4:27 pm: well he started off trying to promote his website but had a sweet conversation too
[Weliddryn] 4:27 pm: Yes, I discovered that a bit ago.
[cryptonia] 4:27 pm: yeah. coberst genuinely fears for humanity's future, i think. so he tries to cultivate thinking
[Weliddryn] 4:27 pm: Gluon...
[Sapphire Harp] 4:27 pm: *to finish the thought; Coberst writes some discussion starter, and goes and drops it in a dozen forums
[cryptonia] 4:27 pm: yeah
[Sapphire Harp] 4:27 pm: I think there's something to coberst's pieces... but it's hard to want to adopt them
[cryptonia] 4:27 pm: i googled him at some point too :)
[snowqueen] 4:27 pm: yeah>
[snowqueen] 4:27 pm: what did you find?
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:28 pm: The science forum thought that he was illogical.
[cryptonia] 4:28 pm: just what sapphire said, haha. he drops off identical conversation-starting posts in different places
[Sapphire Harp] 4:28 pm: it's a shame he won't really try to keep the discussions he starts going
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:28 pm: I think he simply wishes to maximize the feedback which he receives regarding his thoughts.
[Weliddryn] 4:28 pm: I discovered him by accident.
[Thaklaar] 4:28 pm: to be fair, coberst has gotten much better at responding than he had been a few months ago.
[cryptonia] 4:28 pm: definitely
[Anthile] 4:28 pm: Indeed
[Sapphire Harp] 4:28 pm: has he? I remember trying to engage him and it didn't really go anywhere
[cryptonia] 4:29 pm: at some point someone asked about him, too, and he answered a lot
[snowqueen] 4:29 pm: I find a lot of his posts are more like review of what he has been reading
[Sapphire Harp] 4:29 pm: I'll have to give his threads another look
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:29 pm: He's a retired engineer, correct? He should have the time available to produe all of this material.
[cryptonia] 4:29 pm: i dunno. i dont mind him, but it's hard to make myself read his posts for some reason
[Thaklaar] 4:29 pm: exactly, and he doesn't really want to start a discussion, he wants to get you to follow his reading list.
[cryptonia] 4:29 pm: well... the ones i do read, at least, all have the same point
[cryptonia] 4:30 pm: so i sorta trailed off eventually
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:30 pm: His threads do not exactly promote discussion.
[Sapphire Harp] 4:30 pm: for the most part, yea. It's a civilization level existential worry... but not really anyone on forums can influence that much, so...
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:30 pm: His posts are comparable to an author posting their book online. I would not be surprised if he has plans to write a book - heh.
[Sapphire Harp] 4:32 pm: I'm losing much too much of my day here, so I'm going to head out
[Anthile] 4:32 pm: Haha
[Anthile] 4:33 pm: Byes
[cryptonia] 4:33 pm: cya
[Weliddryn] 4:33 pm: cya
[snowqueen] 4:33 pm: bye!
[Sapphire Harp] 4:33 pm: ciao
[Anthile] 4:33 pm: au revoir
[The Lounge]: Sapphire Harp has left at 4:34 pm
[snowqueen] 4:34 pm: There are many books that could be written from the content here
[Thaklaar] 4:34 pm: I've gotta head out, too peoples. life awaits.
[cryptonia] 4:35 pm: g'bye
[Weliddryn] 4:35 pm: cya
[snowqueen] 4:35 pm: so Seto, what do you make of Haruhi?
[snowqueen] 4:35 pm: bye Thaklaar
[Anthile] 4:35 pm: Farewell, Thaklaar
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:36 pm: It's only XIII attempting to establish an alternate identity, tbh.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:36 pm: I've only interacted with Haru for my own benefit.
[Anthile] 4:36 pm: Odd, my old friend Face said the same
[The Lounge]: Thaklaar has left at 4:36 pm
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:36 pm: I am Face
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:36 pm: Yes. [Seto_Kaiba] 4:37 pm: I'm not harming the forum via accessing this.
[snowqueen] 4:37 pm: what benefit?
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:37 pm: Mutual amusement.
[snowqueen] 4:37 pm: are you friends then?
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:38 pm: No, but it is possible for me to derive entertainment through communication with random individuals.
[snowqueen] 4:38 pm: lol
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:38 pm: We have exchanged PMs on a few occasions, but I would not classify us as friends.
[snowqueen] 4:38 pm: I was mean to Haruhi today
[snowqueen] 4:39 pm: and then felt guilty because I thought it was you
[Weliddryn] 4:39 pm: Yes, he's trying to cause as much confusion as possible, I think
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:39 pm: Why would you feel guilty under the assumption that they are me?
[Weliddryn] 4:39 pm: He literally quoted Face in one thread.
[snowqueen] 4:39 pm: you are very very very naughty
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:39 pm: He's attempting to gain my attention.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:39 pm: He's done this as XIII.
[snowqueen] 4:40 pm: but not nasty
[snowqueen] 4:40 pm: except to Ogion
[snowqueen] 4:40 pm: that was mean
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:41 pm: Ogion's fun to provoke.
[Weliddryn] 4:41 pm: Ogion takes the bait- always.
[snowqueen] 4:41 pm: meanie
[The Lounge]: Chris has entered at 4:41 pm
[snowqueen] 4:41 pm: he's very dedicated and serious
[snowqueen] 4:41 pm: hi Chris
[Chris] 4:42 pm: hello.
[snowqueen] 4:42 pm: amazed everyone is coming in tonight!
[Weliddryn] 4:42 pm: hello chris
[Chris] 4:42 pm: there are quite a few people here
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:42 pm: I'm attempting to untie the wires of my microphone and earphones which are joint. Very difficult...
[Chris] 4:42 pm: good luck with that, seto.
[Chris] 4:43 pm: how's the battle with yugi coming along?
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:43 pm: I prevailed recently.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:43 pm: He is no longer a relevant challenge to my mind
[Chris] 4:43 pm: I'm proud of you.
[The Lounge]: Weliddryn has left at 4:45 pm
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:46 pm: Hooray for an inconsistent connection.
[Chris] 4:46 pm: ok, bye weliddryn.. >.<
[Anthile] 4:46 pm: Hehe
[The Lounge]: Weliddryn has entered at 4:47 pm
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:47 pm: Welcome back, beautiful. [snowqueen] 4:47 pm: wb! you're having a bad time with the connection
[Weliddryn] 4:47 pm: Thanks, Face ;p
[Weliddryn] 4:47 pm: Yes, I do
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:47 pm: ;D Always a pleasure with you.
[Weliddryn] 4:48 pm: lol
[Anthile] 4:48 pm: Hehehe
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:48 pm: I'll persuade Fukyo to come.
[snowqueen] 4:49 pm: wonders if Anthile has been on the laughing gas!!
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:49 pm: Hmm
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:49 pm: I'm secretly the leader of an organized crime syndicate. Who wants to deal?! I have associates.
[Chris] 4:50 pm: I'm running out of henchmen, have any spares?
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:50 pm: :golf:
[Anthile] 4:50 pm: I just found out that our forum has a funny function that I didn't know
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:50 pm: They're all abroa.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:50 pm: abroad
[snowqueen] 4:50 pm: what's that then?
[The Lounge]: Fukyo has entered at 4:50 pm
[Chris] 4:50 pm: Hello Fukyo.
[Fukyo] 4:51 pm: hi
[Weliddryn] 4:51 pm: Hello Fukyo
[snowqueen] 4:51 pm: hi Fukyo
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:51 pm: There's the secondary Queen.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:51 pm: Welcome, ma'am.
[Fukyo] 4:51 pm: hello weli,showqueen
[Chris] 4:51 pm: I don't get one. =3
[Fukyo] 4:52 pm: hi chris :p
[snowqueen] 4:52 pm: lol was that a typo or a joke?
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:53 pm: Chris is lonely. Very lonely.
[Chris] 4:53 pm: Not too lonely.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:53 pm: Deprived from attention- he seeks it online.
[Chris] 4:53 pm: I'm listening to music, I'm appeased.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:53 pm: It's okay.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:53 pm: This is a community for the fallen.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:53 pm: Music will never appease you from reality.
[Chris] 4:53 pm: Don't characterize me, you don't know me that well, yet. =3
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:54 pm: Oh, I do, my friend. I do.
[Fukyo] 4:54 pm: lol
[Chris] 4:54 pm: creepy.. =)
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:54 pm: I've been observing- awaiting the opportunity to approach you.
[Chris] 4:54 pm: Now is that time?
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:54 pm: The moment is ideal for me to disclose my identity and reveal my intention.
[Chris] 4:54 pm: Boy, I'm glad I just showered.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:54 pm: I have been waiting for this.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:55 pm: It was destined for us to engage in a.....D-D-DUEEEEEEL!
[Chris] 4:55 pm: hehe.
[Fukyo] 4:56 pm: he wants to challenge you to a children's card game,obviously xD
[Chris] 4:56 pm: of course
[Chris] 4:56 pm: how could I not have known.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:56 pm: You could categorize chess as a children's game with the appropriate context.
[Chris] 4:56 pm: true.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:56 pm: Frankly, I disagree with any game being dismissed on the fact that they are for children or adults.
[Anthile] 4:56 pm: But they never save the world with chess games
[Chris] 4:57 pm: lol
[Fukyo] 4:57 pm: yu gi oh abridged people! :p
[Weliddryn] 4:57 pm: Actulaly in Shining Force they kind of did
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:57 pm: It is also feasible that numerous people other than the norm or expected audience will enjoy it.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:57 pm: Screw logic, I have confidence.
[Chris] 4:57 pm: Indeed.
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:59 pm: God...
[Seto_Kaiba] 4:59 pm: I feel my alter-ego assuming control.
[Chris] 4:59 pm: How many of those do you have? hehe
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:01 pm: My character, which I refer to as Y, is structed with a myriad of personas- comprising of varying combinations of characteristics.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:01 pm: structured*
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:01 pm: opsie
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:01 pm: Trust none
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:01 pm: They're all a lie
[Chris] 5:01 pm: I trust no one.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:03 pm: It is foolish to think that the temporary consistency of a characteristic is sufficient to warrant the conclusion that it's a genuine aspect of oneself's true personality.
[Anthile] 5:03 pm: I trust everyone
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:03 pm: Hey, I hate everyone.
[Chris] 5:03 pm: I'm glad for you, then.
[Chris] 5:03 pm: that was an oxymoron. [Seto_Kaiba] 5:04 pm: No, it simply reveals subtly that...............no one is genuine and there's no true personality.
[Chris] 5:04 pm: Hence why I trust no one.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:04 pm: Personality is a construct which is updated through experience. It's the nurture element of one's character.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:04 pm: There is a temperament (established through genetics), which is regarded as the nature element of an individual.
[snowqueen] 5:05 pm: which do you think MBTI reflects most?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:05 pm: Elaborate, please?
[snowqueen] 5:05 pm: do you think the temperaments reflect nature or nurture elements
[snowqueen] 5:06 pm: do you think there is a genetic foundation on which experience forms?
[snowqueen] 5:07 pm: I only ask because my 2 daughters have always been totally different from birth
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:07 pm: I think of the temperament as a foundation, which could potentially direct the experiences which one follows. It could be described as a structure which restricts the individual's potential for development, essentially
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:08 pm: it is comparable to an individual having a limited intellect naturally.
[snowqueen] 5:08 pm: why does it have to be restrictive?
[snowqueen] 5:08 pm: Can't it be like a skeleton?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:08 pm: Their mental capacity is restricted via their natural structure, and it is difficult to artificially enhance this with our current technology/knowledge.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:08 pm: I was thinking that this skeleton may be unique for each individual.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:09 pm: Imagine someone being born with a condition which impairs the movement of their bones.
[snowqueen] 5:09 pm: yes but every tree is unique
[snowqueen] 5:09 pm: and yet we can tell a pine from an elm
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:09 pm: They would enter life with a different approach from the natural context.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:09 pm: We tell a human from a tree, too. It is possible for us to examine trees and notice differences.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:10 pm: I like to think of humans as complex in comparison to a tree.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:10 pm: A physical structure is shalllow compared to the complexity that is a human's psychology & physiology.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:10 pm: I mean, a tree's physical structure.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:10 pm: The human's seems to be deeper.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:10 pm: Is this human egocentricity? It's a subjective judgment, yes.
[snowqueen] 5:10 pm: well I don't think trees have psychology
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:11 pm: I simply think a human's potential for complexity is higher.
[snowqueen] 5:11 pm: I agree
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:11 pm: Of course..
[snowqueen] 5:11 pm: but that wasn't the argument#
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:11 pm: I was indicating that a tree may be unique, but it's different to how humans are unique.
[snowqueen] 5:11 pm: yes I understood
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:11 pm: Our potential for this uniqueness is higher with the fact we can have an intricite psychology.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:11 pm: Like you said, trees cannot.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:12 pm: But, I'd love to be a tree.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:12 pm: Replace my brain with seeds, please.
[snowqueen] 5:12 pm: it is quite astonishing to think that trees make themselves from transforming light and soil
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:13 pm: I think the patterns of many species are fascinating when looked at in the right way
[The Lounge]: saffyangelis has entered at 5:13 pm
[saffyangelis] 5:14 pm: wow... lots of people
[snowqueen] 5:14 pm: hello saffy
[saffyangelis] 5:14 pm: Hiya Snowqueen
[snowqueen] 5:14 pm: have you been watching britain's got talent then?
[snowqueen] 5:14 pm: ;)
[Weliddryn] 5:14 pm: hello saffy
[saffyangelis] 5:14 pm: nah, but I did have my little sister running around screaming a minute ago so I'm guessing they announced who won?
[saffyangelis] 5:14 pm: and Hi Welid
[snowqueen] 5:15 pm: yep - I kinda thought you might not be watching
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:15 pm: Who won? =o
[saffyangelis] 5:15 pm: How come?
[snowqueen] 5:15 pm: Diversity
[snowqueen] 5:16 pm: busy revising?
[saffyangelis] 5:16 pm: Sort-of
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:16 pm: hmm
[snowqueen] 5:16 pm: :)
[Fukyo] 5:16 pm: hey saffy! xD
[saffyangelis] 5:16 pm: I'm trying to revise, but I'm lazy and easily distracted
[saffyangelis] 5:16 pm: Hi Fukyo
[saffyangelis] 5:16 pm: also, who's Seto?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:16 pm: I'm Seto.
[snowqueen] 5:16 pm: face
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:16 pm: Kaiba's the name.
[saffyangelis] 5:17 pm: I thought Face was banned?
[snowqueen] 5:17 pm: sorry I should go now!!!!!
[saffyangelis] 5:17 pm: Why hasn't he been banned on all the accounts?
[saffyangelis] 5:17 pm: Bye Snowqueen
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:17 pm: I'm loved, dear Saffy.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:17 pm: Anthile has kindness in his sweet heart.
[snowqueen] 5:18 pm: bye
[The Lounge]: snowqueen has left at 5:18 pm
[The Lounge]:
AllKnowingCow has entered at 5:18 pm

[saffyangelis] 5:18 pm: brb, being told to write out my french again
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:18 pm: Moo.
[Weliddryn] 5:18 pm: Hello cow
[Fukyo] 5:19 pm: hey cow
[AllKnowingCow] 5:19 pm: Hi
[Weliddryn] 5:20 pm: Cya people
[Fukyo] 5:20 pm: bye

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:54 PM
Nov 6, 2008
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:21 pm: Lol @ Saffy complaining and causing an innocent person to be banned.
[The Lounge]: Weliddryn has leftat 5:21 pm
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:21 pm: I'd provided this account to a friend
[Fukyo] 5:21 pm: the sounds this chat makes are very annoying
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:21 pm: Options>Sound>Mute All.
[Fukyo] 5:22 pm: yay
[saffyangelis] 5:26 pm: I'm done now
[saffyangelis] 5:26 pm: My mum's going to leave me alone while she goes through it.
[The Lounge]: cryptonia has left at 5:26 pm
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:27 pm: ...
[saffyangelis] 5:27 pm: XD she was just moaning about one of the verbs, and I had it right (she just checked it)
[Fukyo] 5:27 pm: good luck on your exams saffy,btw saff
[saffyangelis] 5:27 pm: Thankies Fukyo =)
[Fukyo] 5:28 pm: i'm sure you'll do great ;)
[saffyangelis] 5:28 pm: I only have english on monday, so that'll be easy enough. It's Thursday that I'm worried about =/
[saffyangelis] 5:28 pm: But thankies Fukyo =)
[Fukyo] 5:29 pm: what is it on thursday?
[saffyangelis] 5:29 pm: My first GCSE (eep) Science module 1
[saffyangelis] 5:30 pm: *is now messing with the settings*
[saffyangelis] 5:30 pm: lots of smiley pictures.... O_o
[The Lounge]: cryptonia has entered at 5:31 pm
[Anthile] 5:31 pm: :de:
[saffyangelis] 5:31 pm: wb Cryp
[saffyangelis] 5:32 pm: Hey Fukyo....
[Fukyo] 5:32 pm: yeah?
[saffyangelis] 5:32 pm: Click options and then pick Aquamarine from the drop down box
[saffyangelis] 5:32 pm: then tell me what the background looks like
[saffyangelis] 5:32 pm: =P
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:33 pm: D:
[Fukyo] 5:33 pm: i can't be bothered :p
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:33 pm: OH GOD
[saffyangelis] 5:33 pm: =(
[saffyangelis] 5:33 pm: 'twas a dolphin
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:34 pm: I lol'd that Jesin murdered me with someone who became not me
[saffyangelis] 5:34 pm: What?
[cryptonia] 5:34 pm: thanks saffy
[saffyangelis] 5:34 pm: Oh right
[Fukyo] 5:34 pm: and what does science module 1 mean? what will you specifically be doing in that exam? >.> @ dolphin... -_-
[saffyangelis] 5:35 pm: Cryp, did you ask whoever it was in Faeryl if I could know who it was?
[saffyangelis] 5:35 pm: and Fukyo, i'll find you a link to a mock exam
[The Lounge]: Jesin has entered at 5:35 pm
[Jesin] 5:35 pm: Hallos?
[saffyangelis] 5:35 pm: Hi Jesin
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:35 pm: Hey Jesin, thanks for banning someone who I gave my account to xD
[saffyangelis] 5:35 pm: Here Fukyo --> [link edited for size]
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:35 pm: It was funny to see them wtf
[Jesin] 5:36 pm: ?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:36 pm: Seto Kaiba
[saffyangelis] 5:36 pm: I apparently keep over answering the questions ¬_¬
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:36 pm: I gave the password to a friend
[cryptonia] 5:36 pm: i did, saffy. she said she didn't want anyone to know though
[cryptonia] 5:36 pm: sorry
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:36 pm: I entered here before he changed the pass
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:36 pm: Check the IP
[saffyangelis] 5:36 pm: Oh, no worries
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:36 pm: It's a unique one that's not a proxy
[saffyangelis] 5:36 pm: Thankies for asking =)
[Jesin] 5:36 pm: Oh, shut up.
[cryptonia] 5:36 pm: no prob
[cryptonia] 5:36 pm: and lol
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:36 pm: Why so sensitive, eh?
[Jesin] 5:36 pm: Seto was caught by the multiple login detector.
[Jesin] 5:36 pm: :p
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:36 pm: Like I said, I logged in
[Fukyo] 5:37 pm: lol jesin
[saffyangelis] 5:37 pm: Jesin, if you pick the brown-ish background, Seto's replies are harder to read
[Fukyo] 5:37 pm: lol
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:37 pm: But...
[saffyangelis] 5:37 pm: aww
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:37 pm: Who says i'll be consistent?
[Jesin] 5:37 pm: Saffy, I didn't need that advice
[saffyangelis] 5:37 pm: Who says this thing doesn't have /ignore?
[Jesin] 5:37 pm: I'm not using the default background anyway
[saffyangelis] 5:37 pm: Does it have /ignore?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:37 pm: Saffy, it was seriously more pleasant in here until you arrived. D: You began trying to exclude me, etc
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:38 pm: It only provokes hostility, tbh
[saffyangelis] 5:38 pm: I didn't say anything until a second ago
[saffyangelis] 5:38 pm: I asked who you were
[Jesin] 5:38 pm: Saffy
[Jesin] 5:38 pm: click on a name
[Jesin] 5:38 pm: and "ignore" is one of the options
[saffyangelis] 5:38 pm: and then I was wondering why you were allowed on with a duplicate account
[Jesin] 5:38 pm: so I'd assume the /ignore syntax works too
[saffyangelis] 5:38 pm: and thankies Jesin
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:38 pm: I was giving this account to a friend
[Jesin] 5:38 pm: WHY!?
[saffyangelis] 5:39 pm: I wasn't intending to exclude you Face, it was an honest question
[Jesin] 5:39 pm: You know you can be banned for having duplicate accounts
[saffyangelis] 5:39 pm: Also, Becky's boyfriend finally went home =)
[Jesin] 5:39 pm: Why would you give someone an account?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:39 pm: Oh
[Jesin] 5:39 pm: Why couldn't whoever it is just start his own?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:39 pm: His e-mail was not valid for the registration process
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:39 pm: And he was too lazy to create a new -email for it
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:40 pm: I said I've got an account and offered him it
[Jesin] 5:40 pm: Ah
[Anthile] 5:40 pm: Lies
[Jesin] 5:40 pm: Does he use Yahoo?
[saffyangelis] 5:40 pm: How come the email wasn't valid?
[saffyangelis] 5:40 pm: and Hi Anthile
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:40 pm: I don't know.
[Jesin] 5:40 pm: I need to fix that.
[saffyangelis] 5:40 pm: oh, ninja'd I think
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:40 pm: I'll ask him when he's back online
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:40 pm: He randomly went offline
[saffyangelis] 5:40 pm: it doesn't like Yahoo?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:40 pm: yep
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:40 pm: he uses yahoo
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:41 pm: his MSN account is yahoo
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:41 pm: are you sure it rejects this?
[saffyangelis] 5:41 pm: googlemail ftw =P
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:42 pm: anyway, i thank you for banning. his rage was hilarious
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:42 pm: he's an estp
[Jesin] 5:43 pm: Egh
[saffyangelis] 5:43 pm: He got all mardy about it?
[Jesin] 5:43 pm: I don't think Yahoo was banned
[Jesin] 5:43 pm: How long ago was that?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:43 pm: He first tried two months ago
[Jesin] 5:43 pm: I fixed that "no yahoo addresses" sorta recently
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:43 pm: i thought it'd be funny to have him join
[Jesin] 5:43 pm: I think it may have been in the last two weeks
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:43 pm: he's like a combination of melkor and saffy
[Fukyo] 5:44 pm: lol
[saffyangelis] 5:44 pm: In what way?
[Fukyo] 5:44 pm: hmm
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:44 pm: He's very emotional guy
[Fukyo] 5:44 pm: i wonder what he's like...
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:44 pm: He tries hard to be logical too
[Anthile] 5:44 pm: Why didn't you give him your inquiringF account?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:45 pm: He's actually most like Slyguy
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:45 pm: InquiringF!
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:45 pm: I forgot about that
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:45 pm: I'll give it to him now?
[saffyangelis] 5:45 pm: So Slyguy's a mix of me and Melkor?
[Fukyo] 5:45 pm: #$%^&*
[Fukyo] 5:45 pm: lol
[Jesin] 5:45 pm: Either way
[saffyangelis] 5:45 pm: what's up Fukyo?
[Jesin] 5:45 pm: Umm
[Fukyo] 5:45 pm: it censors d*mn
[Jesin] 5:45 pm: Seto-who-was
[Jesin] 5:45 pm: inquiringF is also banned.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: yep
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: i assumed that
[Fukyo] 5:46 pm: i always suspected inquiringF to be face
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: i was only triyng to get you to ban XIII before he begins being abusive
[saffyangelis] 5:46 pm: Right, can I just ask, how many duplicate accounts are there?
[saffyangelis] 5:46 pm: is losing count now =P
[Jesin] 5:46 pm: I really don't believe you about giving it to your friend
[saffyangelis] 5:46 pm: Yay! /me works =)
[Jesin] 5:46 pm: Hmm
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: hmm
[Jesin] 5:46 pm: Well, let's see
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: he says that he's creating his own account now
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: you'll see
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: he's very pissed
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:46 pm: i'll find this funny
[Anthile] 5:47 pm: Funny when you read all these justifications and excuses you could get the mention that Face and XIII are true heroes
[Jesin] 5:47 pm: Including FacetiousPersona, I think
[Jesin] 5:47 pm: Face has had 4 or possibly 5 accounts so far.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:47 pm: I think people need to not categorize offenses together.
[saffyangelis] 5:48 pm: I'm confuzzled...
[saffyangelis] 5:48 pm: Why if XIII got banned for two accounts is Face allowed lots?
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:48 pm: There is a context to each identically categorized offense (ie: two people committing a crime which can be termed identically) which needs to be examined
[Jesin] 5:48 pm: And face, if you want to use IRC
[Jesin] 5:48 pm: you can still use #risque
[Jesin] 5:48 pm: by the way
[Jesin] 5:48 pm: :p
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:48 pm: It's narrow-minded when people generalize the context
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:48 pm: The authority becomes rigid
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:48 pm: You do not see a judge passing identical sentences
[Jesin] 5:48 pm: Oh, great
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:48 pm: There are other variables which need to be considered beisde the superfical nature of it
[Anthile] 5:48 pm: Blabla
[saffyangelis] 5:49 pm: This isn't a courtroom
[Jesin] 5:49 pm: Saffy, now you've got him ranting again
[Jesin] 5:49 pm: :p
[saffyangelis] 5:49 pm: I'm good at that =)
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:49 pm: Yeah, but this is my issue with identical punishment
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:49 pm: it just doesn't work
[Fukyo] 5:49 pm: hm
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:49 pm: there are categories within categories
[Jesin] 5:49 pm: ...
[saffyangelis] 5:49 pm: also, I might have to work out how to use this --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superlearning
[Jesin] 5:49 pm: Yeah, we are judging these cases on an individual basis.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:49 pm: You might categorize me in the general offense, but there are further categories
[Jesin] 5:49 pm: That doesn't mean you won't end up banned.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:49 pm: Like degrees of murder
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:50 pm: They're all murder in essence, but they differ when the generalized category is narrowed down
[saffyangelis] 5:50 pm: I could use it to memorise my stupid french
[Anthile] 5:50 pm: All I read is blabla
[saffyangelis] 5:50 pm: XD "Your lips are moving but all I hear is blah blah blah"
[Fukyo] 5:50 pm: why is everyone so dismissive of what others say?
[saffyangelis] 5:50 pm: I saw that on a T-shirt oncew
[saffyangelis] 5:50 pm: *once
[cryptonia] 5:51 pm: haha, it's a rockapella song actually, too
[cryptonia] 5:51 pm: how d'you mean, fukyo?
[Jesin] 5:51 pm: Hmm
[Jesin] 5:51 pm: Shall I kick the seto who was from the chat?
[saffyangelis] 5:52 pm: Why?
[Jesin] 5:52 pm: He's supposed to be banned, that's why.
[Fukyo] 5:52 pm: never mind me,i have a headache,and i'm not going to go into anything now
[Jesin] 5:52 pm: He made another account to get around the ban.
[Jesin] 5:52 pm: And managed to log in.
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:52 pm: -_- I don't see why procedure has to confine so much
[saffyangelis] 5:52 pm: humm...
[cryptonia] 5:52 pm: lol
[saffyangelis] 5:52 pm: I think I shall take the cop out option
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:52 pm: It's not like I'm harming anyone here
[cryptonia] 5:52 pm: you dont see why because it's being directed against you
[saffyangelis] 5:52 pm: is not joining in with any decisions
[cryptonia] 5:53 pm: if you're using up bandwidth while being banned, you're harming ragnar
[Jesin] 5:53 pm: XD
[Fukyo] 5:53 pm: lol
[Jesin] 5:53 pm: Hmm
[Anthile] 5:53 pm: :ninja:
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:53 pm: the higher bandwidth probably flatters him
[Fukyo] 5:53 pm: bye
[Jesin] 5:53 pm: I think I'll go ahead and do it. :p
[saffyangelis] 5:53 pm: steals Ragnar's bandwidth
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:53 pm: plus, the discussions were calm until jesin & saffy arrived
[saffyangelis] 5:53 pm: throws information at everyone =P
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:53 pm: there were no threats or discussions about banning or booting
[Anthile] 5:53 pm: Duh
[cryptonia] 5:54 pm: no... discussions were calm until you arrived, i think
[Seto_Kaiba] 5:54 pm: I really don't see a need for this
[The Lounge]: Seto_Kaiba has left at 5:54 pm
[Jesin] 5:54 pm: :p
[cryptonia] 5:54 pm: lol
[Anthile] 5:54 pm: Die?
[saffyangelis] 5:54 pm: lol
[Jesin] 5:54 pm: He can use #risque if he really wants to.
[The Lounge]: Fukyo has left at 5:54 pm
[saffyangelis] 5:54 pm: Annoying pop up screen though
[cryptonia] 5:54 pm: he did. he came, and then a bunch of other people came, and then conversation disintegrated into fluff
[cryptonia] 5:54 pm: before that, snowqueen, sapphire, myself, weliddryn, etc, were having fine conversation
[saffyangelis] 5:55 pm: has flashbacks to when they read a travel piece in english
[The Lounge]: Chris has left at 5:55 pm
[saffyangelis] 5:55 pm: Is there really an american junk food thing called Fluff that's marshmallowy?
[Jesin] 5:55 pm: Why are you people in here and not one of the various IRC channels?
[Jesin] 5:55 pm: :p
[saffyangelis] 5:55 pm: umm
[Jesin] 5:55 pm: I find flashchat annoying.
[saffyangelis] 5:56 pm: too lazy to go find my ipod
[cryptonia] 5:56 pm: haha. i saw snowqueen, sapphire, etc, and came in to talk to them
[cryptonia] 5:56 pm: haha
[saffyangelis] 5:56 pm: and I'm not allowed to install an irc client on my little sister's computer
[Jesin] 5:56 pm: We need to get them in the IRC!
[cryptonia] 5:56 pm: then i wanted to keep an eye on what was going on here
[saffyangelis] 5:56 pm: and I'm not using mibbit
[Jesin] 5:56 pm: Why not using mibbit?
[Jesin] 5:56 pm: :p
[saffyangelis] 5:56 pm: I'm fairly sure my ipod's in my room
[Jesin] 5:56 pm: Alternately
[saffyangelis] 5:56 pm: so when I get kicked off here, I'll go on there
[Jesin] 5:56 pm: hmm
[saffyangelis] 5:56 pm: and I have issues with mibbit
[Jesin] 5:57 pm: why aren't you allowed to install an IRC client on your sister's computer?
[Jesin] 5:57 pm: If you can find some way to do it where she'll never find it
[Jesin] 5:57 pm: :p
[saffyangelis] 5:57 pm: because it's her computer?
[Jesin] 5:57 pm: Oh, fine.
[Jesin] 5:57 pm: What sorts of issues?
[saffyangelis] 5:57 pm: and I'm not allowed on Becky's laptop 'cos I installed firefox
[saffyangelis] 5:57 pm: so I only have this one left if I want to be able to actually type properly
[Jesin] 5:57 pm: ...
[Jesin] 5:58 pm: WTF
[saffyangelis] 5:58 pm: and do this --> ¬_¬
[Jesin] 5:58 pm: she should be grateful to you for the wonderful gift of Firefox!
[saffyangelis] 5:58 pm: And I just find Mibbit very muchly annoying
[Jesin] 5:58 pm: Especially if it's version 3.x
[Jesin] 5:58 pm: :p
[saffyangelis] 5:58 pm: I told her it was better than Safari
[saffyangelis] 5:58 pm: she screamed at me
[Jesin] 5:58 pm: Saffy
[Jesin] 5:58 pm: Oh
[saffyangelis] 5:58 pm: and then threw stuff at me, and then I started shouting for mum
[Jesin] 5:58 pm: OK, she has a Mac
[saffyangelis] 5:59 pm: Nope
[saffyangelis] 5:59 pm: Windows
[Anthile] 5:59 pm: D:
[Jesin] 5:59 pm: Oh.
[saffyangelis] 5:59 pm: but my dad has a mac
[Jesin] 5:59 pm: Safari for windows.
[Jesin] 5:59 pm: No reason.
[saffyangelis] 5:59 pm: and he installed safari on all the computers
[saffyangelis] 5:59 pm: 'cos he said it was better than IE
[Jesin] 5:59 pm: Either way
[cryptonia] 5:59 pm: lol
[Jesin] 5:59 pm: I don't see how mibbit could be more annoying than flashchat.
[saffyangelis] 6:00 pm: It's 'cos I made a spur of the moment decision to come on here anyway
[Jesin] 6:00 pm: (Better than IE does not mean good.)
[Jesin] 6:00 pm: (But anyway.)
[saffyangelis] 6:00 pm: I was about to log off, then I saw a load of people on here
[saffyangelis] 6:00 pm: so I clicked it
[saffyangelis] 6:00 pm: and I'm too lazy to go on mibbit now
[saffyangelis] 6:02 pm: lol @ Noddy's advice
[saffyangelis] 6:02 pm: I killed the convo...
[Anthile] 6:02 pm: Yep
[cryptonia] 6:03 pm: haha
[cryptonia] 6:03 pm: encouraging...
[saffyangelis] 6:04 pm: *sobs* everything I touch dies!
[saffyangelis] 6:05 pm: Well, speaking of killing things, I'll leave this to die by itself now
[cryptonia] 6:05 pm: haha
[saffyangelis] 6:05 pm: I'm off, I might go on irc (happy now Jesin?) or I might read for a bit
[cryptonia] 6:05 pm: sorry... little help here. im busy eating a cookie
[cryptonia] 6:05 pm: :)
[saffyangelis] 6:05 pm: still has stacks of books to read from last weekend =D
[Anthile] 6:05 pm: high fives Saffy...and passes away
[saffyangelis] 6:06 pm: anyway, byes
[cryptonia] 6:06 pm: cya
[The Lounge]: saffyangelis has left at 6:07 pm
[Anthile] 6:12 pm: Dumdidum
[Anthile] 6:12 pm: I wonder if Red Mage has died


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 11:54 AM
Apr 7, 2009
There is a flashchat? How come I don't know about this...
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