When I played I helped guild members. We all helped each other by running dungeons/quests together, or doing runs to get alt characters geared up.
That's not help, that's teamwork, which is essential in better-designed MMOs.
I sometimes sent a few gold to an unknown newb or ran them through stockade/ragefire when I was really bored.
For your personal satisfaction that you're strong, or for the satisfaction that you've helped a newbie?
Anyway expanding further, I was in a hardcore raiding guild on WoW (server firsts, top50 world on some kills) for a while. The general attitude of the guild was pretty fair. Everyone had to contribute in some way to guild reserves of consumables, materials, scrolls etc etc. All of the necessary consumables etc. were given to members during progression raids. For content on farm people who wanted to pad meters and go for records (me!) would have to use their own (you could purchase them directly from the guild if you were too lazy/didn't have time to farm mats/gold to obtain your own).
Basically our guild's harmony was built around the fact that we all dominated at our given class. On a new expansion, we would help each other power through quests and reach max level ASAP, and start running heroic content with the bare minimum gear.
I couldn't really imagine having played the game any other way, it took a lot of time, teamwork, skill and patience to do the things we did. Most of the guild took it further than I did, and would grind for months for rare mounts, items and titles. I was pretty much just focussed on the raiding part of the game and min/maxing my character. Even though it doesn't take that long for people to 'figure out' the optimal item build for a 'patchwerk' type fight (meaning you just stand still and do as much DPS as you can without dodging stuff), different trinkets, stat weights, weapons etc. all made for different results on certain fights. I had multiple pieces of gear for most slots, to change between bosses. I also had macros to switch weapons DURING some fights, dependent on the phase of the fight.
So basically, dominating was what brought myself and my guild harmony. If we weren't dominating, it was LESS harmonious. As for outdoing each other etc, it was always a pissing contest. But it was fun competing against each other in that way.
Only downside was the outrageous amount of time required to play the game at that kind of level. Though I think it's good that way. I wouldn't like it if I could just go back into raiding without all the rest, I think it's an important aspect of it.