im trying to understand my own mind. as i write the following
[edit: didn't think i would have anything to say on the topic at all. the more fresh my thoughts are, the more typos i make, sorry for the fucking mess haha]
i sometimes dip into a paranoid psychosis myself, only at night in my dreams, at most once per month, so far. it's like a solipsistic echo. part of it is alienation from one's own cognition. like transcendence gone wrong. incomplete witness mode. i am being made by the fabric of reality. this fabric isn't me. i am nothing. it isn't anyone. but something of me is still unconsciously having the I-thought, the "there is a me, this me is what i am, and what is, is happening to this me" and then it's like: "this is done to me". reality is done to me. by "someone". an unconscious projection of the concept of agency, of will. i know it sounds slightly different then what you describe, but it's related on a level, i can't tell how.
you are thinking. that's what is. yet, the thought aren't your's. you are not making them, you wouldn't know how, you are not god. thoughts occur to you. the experience of thought is claimed by two parties. the ego says: i am the thinker. consciousness sees: the ego itself is just another thought. consciousness sees the i-thought and all other thoughts. that's true for everyone. it doesn't explain why some are blissfully unaware of consciousness, some have a clean awakening (being one with consciousness) and some are unconsciously torn between both views.
now, there is a neurotic version of paranoia, where you project the concept of some god, who is judging you. this is on first sight something else. you have this judging voice, it's a regular part of the mind. the mind is not one. the mind is commenting on itself. the ego can't handle this. it want's to claim thoughts as his property, but when thoughts are too contradictory, well then the ego prefers to deny ownership. let me try it again. you are thinking: "what i did there was so wrong" and then you are wondering about the creative spirit that put this thought into your mind. how do you know, that what you did was wrong? who is this subject, that is holding all of these opinions? how was it created? how did it grew in you? you have this semi-concsious remembrance. once there was a time, when you didn't know about the difference between you and other people. life was like a dream. people were like dream characters. people said: "you are a bad boy". this sentence existed and happened inside your mind. your mind repeated the sentence over and over. this is how the inner critique grew into a complex recollection of possible accusations. you never owned this part of your mind. you can't own it. it's too obvious, that this part of the mind was there, before your ego existed. your ego was born afterwards. you ego grew, as something in you got informed about who you are supposed to be. the information came from "the outside". so you have the feeling that your inner critique is a real entity, observing you, because that's how it started. but who is this entity really? has this entity ever been your parents? no. it's you consciousness, perceiving your parent's voices, holding them, accepting them, comprehending them, forming a vision of their meaning, an image of you. and you think you are that image. this image has informed your egoic identity. so, you, ego, have been created out of the observations of your consciousness. your consciousness' observations of the thoughts about you and the comprehension of their meaning. and now your ego claims those thoughts to be his own thoughts, because your ego want's to be essentially "the thinker" of any current thought. it doesn't know how to be the observer (consciousness, witness, mirrormind). it's just a subtle thought. it can't observe anything at all. so there is the connection between the more psychotic version on the one hand, which is actually a more subtle and conscious version - where you have some witnessing capacity and you doubt thoughts, because all meaning is transparent to the witness, and on the other hand the neurotic version of paranoia - the one where you believe in your thoughts entirely and you only experience a hunch of what's going on, an old echo of transcedent knowledge, plus your believe in the meaning of what the critical voices say.
well i don't know that's the best i can do right now ....