So apparently I'm 26.
Donnie Darko, Nirvana and Slipknot all make me 'young'
Dirty Dancing, Staind and Aston Kutcher all make me 'older'.
Feminine 29%
Dirty Dancing, Aston Kutcher and Eminem all make me 'feminine'
Whilst Salt, Scrubs and Politics make me 'masculine'.
Big 5
Openness: 36% Conservative & Traditional
Conscientiousness: 29% Impulsive and spontaneous
Extroversion: 10% Contemplative
Agreeableness: 10% Competitive
Nueroticism 70% Easily stressed and emotional.
Dirty Dancing, Eminem and Sleeping made me appear more conservative.
Nirvana, Pink and Slipknot all made me appear more Impulsive
Big Bang, Evanescence and Nirvana all made me appear contemplative
Eminem, Slipknot and Politics made me appear competitive
Slipknot, Evanescence and Korn all made me appear emotional (ha)
and I can't be bothered to copy the rest.
Seems like they used a really small sample of my likes.. Unless I deleted the majority like I intended to do, once upon a time.
Average intelligence.. extremely dissatisfied with life..
Your Likes score around average on probability of being lesbian.
About 7% of the general population are lesbian.
Like which make me appear less lesbian: Big Bang, Slipknot, How I met your Mother
Like's which make me appear more lesbian: Pink, Korn, American Dad
Your Likes suggest that you have Liberal political views
Your Likes suggest that you do not hold any of the religious views for which specific predictions are made.
People with your Likes have a strong interest in IT, psychology, or engineering.
Your Likes suggest that you’re probably not in a relationship.