It's sweet when the lies are accepted as evil. Why care for evil when it's tolerated as natural? Who is to disown evil when it's within us all? Who would surrender their individuality for a taste of freedom which is death?
Will we ever be in the zone for accomplishment when our minds are confined to the narrow realm of humanity? Which standards should we compare ourselves to when aiming for success? Shall the limits of humanity corrupt our view of success when there is potential for much beyond the imagination? Do these possibilities of qualms our very thoughts?
Is it you who cries or the reality which has endured your embrace of it? Can you tell this reality that it's a lie when it has only created the circumstances for one? What is needed for deceit when all is essentially already led as a singular belief?
Where's my time when there is no organization of this reality through the void which is my empty mind? Who is to gauge time when it has ceased, completley abandoning humanity as a construct to support our petty lives? Will our lives continue without fabrication notions to ensure we are maintained?
I am a Lion, and this Lion has no requirement for a watch or firearm to rule. Practiality is nothing when all is that is reality will be destined for destruction through the irony of its contradicting effects. Can you smile to me, dear girl, and tell me you love me?
There is a puzzle for love and the Universe. My love is for the Universe and the entity which we dare categorize as love. Dear Universe, I love you.
Will we ever be in the zone for accomplishment when our minds are confined to the narrow realm of humanity? Which standards should we compare ourselves to when aiming for success? Shall the limits of humanity corrupt our view of success when there is potential for much beyond the imagination? Do these possibilities of qualms our very thoughts?
Is it you who cries or the reality which has endured your embrace of it? Can you tell this reality that it's a lie when it has only created the circumstances for one? What is needed for deceit when all is essentially already led as a singular belief?
Where's my time when there is no organization of this reality through the void which is my empty mind? Who is to gauge time when it has ceased, completley abandoning humanity as a construct to support our petty lives? Will our lives continue without fabrication notions to ensure we are maintained?
I am a Lion, and this Lion has no requirement for a watch or firearm to rule. Practiality is nothing when all is that is reality will be destined for destruction through the irony of its contradicting effects. Can you smile to me, dear girl, and tell me you love me?
There is a puzzle for love and the Universe. My love is for the Universe and the entity which we dare categorize as love. Dear Universe, I love you.