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The word *nigger*


Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Think of shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. This is not the same as shouting "lights out." Apparently enough people are offended (or enraged) to make it dangerous.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Jan 6, 2009
I'll sum up my views with a story:

Three of my buddies and I are playing spades in a McDonald's, cause that's how we roll. We are all white, and there's maybe a 50/50 split of white/black people in the restaurant.

Anyway, one of the guys on the other team reneges. Seeing my chance for a hilarious one-liner, I quite loudly and intentionally call him a reneger. They stare at me in disbelief. I stare back at them, bewildered that they didn't find it funny. We proceed to have an awkwardly heated discussion about the appropriateness of my comment, during which one of them implies that I'm lucky I wasn't assaulted.
Same experience, except it wasn't around PEOPLE THAT DON'T KNOW ME. So it WAS funny :)


Local time
Today 6:16 AM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Jan 6, 2009
However, that is a one way street. White people being called 'Honkey' or any other derogotory term goes unpunished.

There's no such thing as a derogatory term for whites. Honkey is nothing short of laughable. No white person is seriously offended by this.

I find it amusing how many people think such a non-issue is unfair. It makes clear what these people are focusing on, and the common sense they're ignoring just to make a case against an oppressed race.


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:16 AM
Mar 26, 2012
There's no such thing as a derogatory term for whites. Honkey is nothing short of laughable. No white person is seriously offended by this.

I find it amusing how many people think such a non-issue is unfair. It makes clear what these people are focusing on, and the common sense they're ignoring just to make a case against an oppressed race.

An oppressed race?! A few hundred years ago, yes. Now? I don't think so.

There is no oppression anymore. Opportunities are equal, if not biased to ethnic groups. The police force has a quota to fill, as does the fire service. We are not chosen on merit, rather our ethnic group and whether or not we meet the quota.

I didn't really intend to get in a discusssion about race on the internet, I was just pointing out facts from over the pond that the government likes to presume that black people will be offended at pretty much anything which sets them apart from other people when this isn't really the case.


Senior Executive Lab Monkey
Local time
Today 5:16 AM
Mar 12, 2012
i'm a prize in a cereal box near you, so buy, BUY,
There is no oppression anymore

could you elaborate on that? do you mean in the world or in the civilized world?


Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Think of the purpose of the state of being offended. If one's class is given an unfair deal, and one wishes to protest that deal, then being reminded that one should keep their place by a member of a privileged class will bring on that protest.

Oddly enough, some will believe they have the right to use any word they wish among whomever they wish. They themselves can be offended if told they can't use such a word if they believe this unfair.


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:16 AM
Mar 26, 2012
could you elaborate on that? do you mean in the world or in the civilized world?

Sorry, as per my original post in this thread, i was talking about in the UK.


Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Jul 14, 2012
I suppose the question is about saying something offensive and how offensive do you want to get? Joking about offensive as in the utube is not the same as not being sensitive to people's sensitivity. Some people WILL be offended and others it will roll off their backs. Perhaps it's a matter of social context. Depends on who is saying it to whom and how many. One sensitive person among hundreds may argue to disregard that one person. Yet what if the person were blind or had M.S. and someone made fun of that? There are painful situations in life ... plenty. Pointing to those situations with aid and sympathy is not the same as blame, contempt, disregard, hate, cruelty, deliberate hurtfulness. How can one tell? Perhaps by censorship when one is in doubt. If there is censorship (something I'm not fond of at all), then consider the hurtfulness and do a workaround.

In the case of the word, "nigger" what does that mean historically? It's a word for contempt for a people's who have been enslaved, handed an underprivileged social status that has been going on for a long time and is only now finding modest relief. It's far from over with. There is a clear racial line. So who is using the word? It is used among "brothers" as a recognition of someone in the same boat? It is used by someone having the race of the historical oppressor? It is used in an attempt to create a new context which hopes to erase the old context? Those are what comes to mind.

The word, "cunt" is very similar. The utube comedian tried to create a new context. The audience laughed, so apparently he succeeded. The problem is the context ... a comedy show. That is not when the word is a trouble point. Just as the N-word used by a non-oppressed white person is a reminder of oppression where countering is difficult without trouble, so is the C-word when used by a male as a reminder of female oppression or discrimination.

I know many still using the word nigger. I call them my brothers as well and they are all at http://niggermania.net/forum/forum.php :elephant:


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:16 PM
Oct 23, 2011
I agree with what George Carlin said about the seven dirty words. It's the thought (context suits better for this, but yeah...) that's bad, not the word. Thing about it is that I can understand the historical context which explains why it's considered to be offensive, but I get a bit confused when a black person calls another black person a nigger and it's okay. It still has the same demeaning origin, but it's okay when it's only used by the people that the word was originally meant to be used against? Makes absolutely no sense.

I'm probably not the most valuable input on this subject though. I'm still trying to understand how it's more acceptable to say the word as if you say it like you're from Boston (Nigga) than it is to say it as nigger.:confused:


lust for life
Local time
Yesterday 9:16 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
I agree with what George Carlin said about the seven dirty words. It's the thought (context suits better for this, but yeah...) that's bad, not the word. Thing about it is that I can understand the historical context which explains why it's considered to be offensive, but I get a bit confused when a black person calls another black person a nigger and it's okay. It still has the same demeaning origin, but it's okay when it's only used by the people that the word was originally meant to be used against? Makes absolutely no sense.

I'm probably not the most valuable input on this subject though. I'm still trying to understand how it's more acceptable to say the word as if you say it like you're from Boston (Nigga) than it is to say it as nigger.:confused:
They're not the same word.


Local time
Yesterday 9:16 PM
Apr 20, 2011
I agree with what George Carlin said about the seven dirty words. It's the thought (context suits better for this, but yeah...) that's bad, not the word. Thing about it is that I can understand the historical context which explains why it's considered to be offensive, but I get a bit confused when a black person calls another black person a nigger and it's okay. It still has the same demeaning origin, but it's okay when it's only used by the people that the word was originally meant to be used against? Makes absolutely no sense.

I'm probably not the most valuable input on this subject though. I'm still trying to understand how it's more acceptable to say the word as if you say it like you're from Boston (Nigga) than it is to say it as nigger.:confused:

It is never "what" you say... but "HOW" you say it...

okay, since I hate absolutes, never say never... but communication has very little to do with the content;

for example, girls call each other "bitch" and "slut"-- but if a guy does it, that's a no-no;

"nigger" is just the epitome of words that are insulting but okay in other contexts;

^you could replace the N-word with any insulting word for another race of people and the same could apply;

it really is backed by the INTENT of the message; if your INTENT is to call a guy your "brother," it doesn't quite matter if you call him/her a "nigger" a "bastard" a "Brother" or a "douchebag"-- as long as the receiving party understands the intent;

it just so happens that that particular word was transformed by the same people it was used to degrade

Now-- when others use it in ignorance, or to mock black people, the intent is to humiliate or insult, and it's the INTENT that is perceived, not that particular semantic word itself;

It seems almost common sense but I am responding since I believe you are serious when you say: "Makes absolutely no sense."

Often white kids who ignorantly use this word "nigga" with no foul intent are reprimanded by any black kids in the same vicinity; therein lies the problem because it is the blacks who have made the word popular, yet it is still quite an insulting word when other races use it ignorantly.

I do think it is the responsibility of all non-blacks to be aware of this racially charged word and to just avoid it in all contexts even if you think it's cool to say.

Ever heard the cliche "better safe than sorry" well here's the epitome of the instance where this cliche applies.

If you're not black just don't use the term and if you don't understand then I can't help you and you should probably just avoid all real-life interaction with humans because your empathy is so lacking that nobody can help you at this point.


Local time
Today 4:16 PM
Jun 9, 2012
for example, girls call each other "bitch" and "slut"-- but if a guy does it, that's a no-no;

No. Not really. Sure, a friend, in a joking manner... but not a random woman... that's an insult...

Although from a man it tends to be more sexist, from another woman it is a straight out nasty comment.

Thanks jah I always love to hear Tim Minchin.

I saw this live when the song was new. I can't tell you how silent the audience was... all holding our breath... until the 'reveal'...

I can't imagine why I would ever want to say that 'n' word.


Wait.....now what?
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
May 1, 2009
Next door

I read this article the other day, and while not specifically about race, I think the same arguments can/should be made for the use of any potentially offensive language.

I tend to agree with the position that we should not censor ourselves for the sake of not being offensive, but only in the context of what we are saying is an important and necessary critique of lived experiences. This is what comedians do, and arguably do better than anyone else.

But, that does not give license to every comedian (or every person who thinks they're funny) to use any word in whatever context they want and then get upset or claim censorship because someone took offense. If you can't do it well, then don't get all pissed off when someone calls you out for being a jackass. You may or may not be a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc....but you sure are acting like an ignorant fuck. :beatyou:


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:16 AM
Jan 13, 2012
As a black guy I don't take offence to the word, but then again I don't take offence to a lot of things. I just feel as people we are not defined by our race, beliefs, or culture but we are a reflection of it. So if someone calls me a nigger with the intent to insult that really makes them the ignorant one seeing that they don't know me at all, because my skin color means absolutely nothing.


Local time
Today 5:16 AM
Aug 6, 2012
Personally I dont think Malcolm X can be considered a racist..
He denounced Elijah Muhammad's ideal of the "white devil" on more than a few occasions.
The media, who were extremely biased in that time period, more so framed his words into that context.
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