Intelligence is an ability to decipher sensory information and recognize patterns which permits us to predict the future... We may use intelligence to fulfill the conditions of our biological drives (which differ in type, number, and frequency of expression in different organisms).
Maybe we could say that each and every drive uses intelligence to fulfill its own requirements with or without the consciousness of the agent. So, where a drive expresses itself, it "hijacks" intelligence, narrows its possibilities to its own parameters ("concentrates" or "makes a filter" out of the ability) thereby shutting out information that is unrelated to its interests, and configuring to a shape more sensitive to the juicy information. Of-course, not all information it pushes out of its periphery lacks value or resourcefulness to its own requirements, this is what ignorance is, and, further, certain information might be required for other drives, at a different time frame, which is what we can call being short-sighted, or being dominated by a drive, which self-awareness and memory deals by conditioning concentration.
Going a bit further... Drives can get weaker over time, I mean, we could exist in circumstances where those drives lack any of that information which they adapted into scouting for, which leads to fatigue, so, over time, naturally, energy is conserved and the drive slowly fades away, and with it, the intelligence which grew up by it (we can call this degeneration). I mentioned that different organisms have a different structure of drives, and I think it would be fair to say that, organisms that are more closely related to each other generally have more or less similar structures, and thus, produce cultures, or a set of strategies, to the best of their ability, that suits their natures (think "culture shock").
We can also consider people who have a large number of drives and consider that, we do not always exist in ideal circumstances for each and every, or even any, of them. Since I assumed these drives all share the property of frequency and intensity (contraction/relaxation), and that external circumstances may not align at their appropriate time frames, or even be relatively hostile, it follows that a lack of planning and self-awareness, or otherwise, an inability to adapt due to different "drive structures", would lead to a very turbulent state of energetic constitution (e.g. mood disorders).