If the failures of logical systems can be compared to car accidents, this video is a write off. For just one example, it implicitly assumes that "The Ruling Class" is a single, sociopathic entity. Then, it attempts to rationalize the charged term of slavery into modern capitalism, wherein, as one might expect it really has no application. The typical case of capitalistic enterprise, a hierarchical system of freely associating and rational owners and employees, is anything but slavery: the employees are free to find other work, to save their money, or start their own corporation, resources notwithstanding.
Moreover, the video neglects the numerous and successful popular revolts against despotic governments, and instead rationalizes them via the no true scotsman fallacy. That is to say, that a government that doesn't uphold all rights all the time (a noble ideal, just one that Murphy's Law prevents from occurring) allows its citizens rights simply to "keep them quiet". The problem with such a statement, aside from its no true scotsman fallacy, is that it makes no distinction between Pyongyang hypothetically allowing a weak second party and, as an example, the deep and expansive Bill of Rights or Magna Carta.
Certainly, there will always be leaders and followers, but as long as there are even two people on this earth, the laws of probability demand that one be dominant and the other submissive: a perfect match is next to impossible. The advertised "escape" is indeed just that, a solitary life, perhaps in some desolate, frigid tundra. Overall, the video presents an emotionally appealing but logically appalling point of view.