The IT barbarian - eNTP - 6w7-4-8 so/sx
We're too self-absorbed to concentrate our effort on screwing other people over. That would require thinking about other people.
I don't think you guys are self-absorbed, more like naive about just how badly the rest of the planet abuses your charity. There is a distinct lack of pragmatism, no appreciation for the civilization you created. Self-hate. You don't see how good you have it imo.
For all the admiration Eastern Europe has for the US... these are things it seems we have recognized in 2015 and don't wish to imitate. The myth has been sort of broken, ^^; there is no way anyone here will whip him/herself in guilt like that. e_e the germans are the worst tho as if ww2 wasn't enough, now they want everyone to share their sense of guilt & charity. Fuck that.
Americans actually use the eastern European mentality as examples to not become more socialist. In conversations I've had with other people, the strongest supporters of our capitalist aspects were people originally from Hungary, Romania, Greece and Croatia. (There are actually quite a few Romanian communities where I currently live, now that I think about it....)
They all liked the attitudes and opportunities presented here than in their home countries.
Most ppl here hate socialism tbh, probably more than anyone in the west (obviously because of communism) and up till 2015 we have seen the west in general, but specifically the US as something to aspire to, the US specifically has been a kind of north star for Eastern Europe ever since the fall.
^^; when I see students from the US talk favorably of socialism and even communism it is like "Wtf is wrong with these ppl!? Don't they know!?".
lol, I don't know my neighbors XD There's rarely any interest, because people are busy and self-consumed. In actual neighborhoods, yes, you can trust them more, but it depends on the wealth of the community. Low-income communities are way more shady, so people stuck in them surround themselves by family, and/or are part of a gang for "protection." I knew someone from Oakland who had to make sure his mattress was under the window, because every-so-often, bullets would go through his window at night from gang fights. There have been a few robberies where I am right now, and a few more instances of rape/sexual assault.
Well yeah... I have seen this part of LA... live through my brother's phone. My brother rented some cheap place in a very bad neighborhood in LA. Looked like it was Mexican drug cartel territory. I have seen gypsy ghettos, but here I was afraid someone will shoot him in a driveby or something. It was truly a shithole. Massachusetts & Vermont were dope tho... California kinda sucked tbh.
That isn't what I'm talking about tho. Over here it is because of communism. Ppl back then were spied on constantly and sold each other out to the communists. Your phone could be wire-tapped, your neighbor might sell you out... your own kids may be brainwashed and made to divulge stuff that is going on at home, stuff the government would send you to be "re-educated" for. You talked to the wrong ppl, said the wrong thing, held opinions that were "wrong" and somehow somewhere someone would sell you out. After the fall the same ppl in power sold the country off to western corporations & they became this parasitic criminal political class creating something akin to Brazilian corruption. All of this makes the overall general social outlook here paranoid, pessimistic & cynical. If you want to get ahead, you have to be corrupt as well. Millenials and genZ here hate all of this garbage. With democracy, we thought we can fix shit. e_e we were fucking wrong... it doesn't matter who we elect, they are all scum.
Its not all that bad tho, I mean we do have the best internet in the world, breaking a leg won't ever put me into debt. Countries here are sometimes smaller than a US state. To snap you out of thinking that Central-Eastern Europe is this socialist backwater of a place, here:
Where I live: