I know I type way too much. Do you know if we can put audio clips on this website? Maybe next time I will just do an audio clip! Anyways - please don't feel obligated to respond, or read this! Just more ranting about the genders.
This one is an anti-feminist rant based on an experience I had that made me feel so disgusted with my gender, and honestly, quite rageful - which is a strange sensation for me, as I'm generally a docile creature. Gotta say though, with all of the estrogen I'm saddled with, I can only imagine how these obnoxious females must make men feel. Most males have a degree of self-control and emotional management that women will never,
never understand. It's truly remarkable.
About the gender wars, in general:
So...I think there's probably some reasons behind the gender movement. I've actually given the issue a great deal of thought! I feel like I understand where people are coming from. BUT - the problem is, people have totally lost their minds, their hearts, and their senses! They are acting like crazed Chimpanzees doped up on crack and brainwashed on hate propaganda. It's so hard to get them to "snap out of it". Occasionally I succeed here or there in having a decent convo. I hope it makes a small difference.
My rageful feminist experience:
I've been in the computer science field, and from there I went to computer security. I never felt uncomfortable or unsafe, despite being one of the only women. I had a couple of stalkers but...they weren't in the computer science field, so it doesn't count. Stalkers exist everywhere.
I started talking to people in the hacking community,
Ended up going to DEFCON.
Being a woman at DEFCON was like being a unicorn.
One guy saw me walking down a hallway, immediately threw his head down, turned around, and started quickly walking in the other direction.I walked into their weird little "party, live band" room - and everybody in a 15 foot radius quickly stared at the floor.
They then proceeded to edge away from me while I made my way to the back, and occasionally shot weird, millisecond sidelong glances at me when they thought I wasn't looking. To be entirely honest, I have to admit that it was sort of flattering!
One thing that sucks about being a woman is that a lot of men will immediately view you as intellectual inferior and easy to manipulate. At DEFCON, though, instead of feeling judged for my sex, I felt special. Nobody was aggressive towards me. Nobody stalked me. I didn't get the "you're being hunted" vibe. Everyone was so kind and polite. I really felt respected. The guys there...they were just shy.
The coolest part about DEFCON was that every time I struck up a conversation with someone, the guys were really, really passionate about computer science, and so eager to share what they knew, and teach me new things! I learned so much! Stacks..canaries...it was so exciting!
Either that year, or a year later, some woman came up with a story that a guy had touched her butt. Maybe it was true, maybe it wasn't...but you know, if a guy touched my butt - I would slap him in the face. That's really rude. Rather than handling the issue herself, however, she proceeded to BASH the entire conference to the internet world at large. All abut how DEFCON was some kind of bastion of "toxic masculinity".
I'm sorry...really? Seriously, lady? You knew that there was mostly going to be men there. You had to realize that, like it or not, you're essentially encroaching on their turf. They have a tight-knit community of fellow men, in this small little slice of society where they're free to have their own interests, and passions, and be accepted by people like them. Since they're so often not widely accepted by society at large. You've really got to take that away from them, because somebody touched your butt, and you need to be "rescued"?
Here's what bothers me. I'll never know what it's like to be called a "creep", as a guy. However, I do know what it's like to be the fat girl in high school. Being alienated - it sucks. Having people think you're disgusting - it sucks. Really bad. Being considered a "creep"? I can only imagine that's 10 times worse. What this woman has done is alienate an entire subculture of men who thought they were safe from female rejection. She's the reason these guys lay awake at night, feeling ashamed of themselves for being sexually attracted to women, and feeling ashamed of themselves for being...well - maybe a bit weird. These are the guys that treated me politely, and with respect. And this b*tch is the reason they have absolutely NO self-esteem.
There are places where...if someone really wanted to...I suppose they could use the phrase "toxic masculinity". I had a pretty horrifying experience at a Gold's Gym once. My physical trainer took me in the back where meatheads were lifting free weights, and the exercise machines were not things that reserved girls would typically use in front of men. Someone actually bent down to eyeball me from elbow to toes, and made weird, suggestive, animal grunting sounds a the "view" I guess. It was so disgusting, and so mortifying, I went home and cried and never went back. You know what? That behavior is not okay - and any decent man would 100% agree with me on that. But the poor guys at DEFCON? Well they were just victims of what would best be described as "toxic femininity" - and rather than just affecting one person, she took a jab at their WHOLE entire culture. And the conference where, once a year, they get together with friends in person.
I have very little tolerance for a woman who cries for gender equality, but then turns around and wants the world to rush to her defense.
If you're upset because you feel like no one respects you...well - how about you try becoming a person worthy of respect? Why should people respect you, purely based on your gender? I don't respect men just because they're men. Treating women any differently would be sexist.
Okay! End of rant!