In all seriousness though, it can be a good thing to look back on your past in a humorous way. The quote isn't mine, it comes from a movie. To explain what may seem obvious, you could say that the first part describes a previous way of living while the latter explains how one would seek to live. It wouldn't be a message to others (like "don't do drugs kids") but a reminder to myself, thus being on my right forearm where I used to shoot, so if I ever go back I will have to see that and be reminded of why I wanted to change. Maybe it's lame, but as Rixus said, as long as it means something to me- it's my skin. The quote, in my opinion, can apply to much of how you live your life in general and not just drug use. I have no problem explaining to people that I was that waste man, and now I'm doing my part to help other waste men out of the gutter, because there is and has been a big problem in this country and other countries as well.. and society's response has been to throw the book at people and lock them up with violent offenders rather than rehabilitating these people to become productive members of the community. That's how my environment is becoming a product of me now, even if it's a very small impact, if I can help one person get through the day it's more than gratifying. And while I'm doing that I don't mind posting stupid shit on this website throughout the day, especially when it involves jokes about that lifestyle. Everyone who's now in my shoes will do so, whether it's on a forum or in a meeting, since most of the time people who lived like that couldn't be vocal about it in their darkest hour.. but really they are happy they don't live that way anymore and that they are now striving to be productive in their life.