Haters gonna hate, Sinwin.
Haha, nah, I'm cool with my typing really.
It was once postulated that an INTP 8w7 would be a "badass nerd"
Just had my second dental appointment this week - had two small cavities.
Not bad considering how long I neglected my appointments.
But the bastard numbed me in order to repair some damage caused by my orthodontist a decade ago.. and now my face is all droopy.
I can smoke my spliff if I use four fingers to pinch my lips together and
draggg , haha.
He was a really nice dentist - and completely competent, unlike his predecessors .. and so I'm going to make a regular occurrence out of it... I want to retrain in order to join the NHS, and was supposed to have been in training as we speak as a 'Higher Care Assistant' - but I let that slip through the net .. I've just been told that they have a shortage in terms of medical receptionists and dental nurses , and as I have transferable skills and qualifications to potentially join that sector - I'm thinking about it.
I need to do something.
If only I got paid by the forum post.
Amusingly, I only need one other qualification to become a guidance counsellor... I can adapt well to the various work environments, and could easily get a job... But absolutely none of my friends would recommend me as a counsellor...
Lol, my mate sat next to me said "Your advice would be to just smoke weed and don't listen to the media"
Well, that's some fuckin solid advice. Maybe I should be getting paid for this shit.