Dora can go fuck herself. She's plagued my life for the past two years.
I dread the fucking words:
"Papa!" *wide eyes*
*points to TV*
Actually "popa", not "dada"?![]()
Dora turns every American child just a little bit Mexican.
How'd you get in her laptop? Sounds like an impressive trick.
When living in the city for prolonged periods of time, one has to learn how to become numb. The only other option is to become crazy.
That is especially true if one engages in such corrosive activities as using public transport.
What do you call it when you can't stop thinking about somebody?
Fucked? Yeah, I've been obsessing a little about someone myself. It can be really annoying. I don't really feel comfortable with uncertainty.
wow. I'm such a fucking lazy slug these days.
Motivation is all just chemicals and hormones in the brain. It's out of your control, you fools.
No, your conscious decisions and lines of reasoning has significant control over mental states like motivation. The fact that every decision and thought may be predetermined doesn't change this. By simply believing/convincing yourself that you are motivated you become motivated. Ergo, a decision on what line of reasoning you use effectively(in a practical sense) gives you some control.
My relatives are so fucked up they are the reason for all my trust issues. Like if family can be this shitty... yeah you see where I'm going with this.
Yet another guy is leaving me because of my OCD.
"Fine!" I said, "Close the door 5 times on your way out."
A Nazi whistled ten widgets under a bridge on Tuesday.