I'm calling it now, there's going to be an over-correction, the world is going to swing conservative.
Right now conservatism is cool, its edgy, it's what being liberal used to be back when videogames were allegedly brainwashing kids to be murderers and D&D was satanic because the mainstream right now is liberal and conservative is the counter-culture but that's about to change and we're looking down the barrel of 20-30 years of conservatism every bit as bad as it used to be but this time it will be worse because this time it will be justified.
People will cite the early 2020s as the reason why conservatism can't go too far, and it will.
You're godamn right, by the 2030s we would indoctrinate most school children of decadence of single motherhood, by the 2040s the Western would would be implementing Sharia Law, prepare to pay the Jiyza Infidels!... or not.
I think when you meant by the world, you specifically refer to the western world. And in this particular context you meant the US, well Europe is also shifting right
but more because of Demographic shift rather than cultural shift.
I bassically agree with all of your post above except the last sentence.
I see that other than purely arbitrary and tribal value in political alignment, I also see that there is a degree of logical and practival validity that each political alignment or ideology has. Like being cool is great, you know about what's better? being cool AND right. I think there is a certain value in truth.
The Folly of Left Wing Ideology is being too machivelian in their comitment to being a counter-culture against the right that they sort of abandon truth alltogether and to a certain degree self preservation.
Since most people support politics because personal vindication rather than to search for truth, Thereore truth's alignment can not be monopolized by one political group, and the advantage of truth constantly change, back in 1950s and 60s the Cooky scientists were conservatives, I'd say Liberals have the Upper hand in scientific truth up until the early 2000s with all the Global Warming debacle. But not anymore.
They Abbandon self preservation when they support political affiliation openly adversarial against the traditional conservative values, without realizing that the policy they're supporting is self destructive to the vision they want for society, like Liberals in El-Paso wanting more Immigrant without realizing that First Generation Mexican Migrant overwhelmingly vote Republican, (Gays for Palestine anyone?).
Essentially Left Wing Ideology have been rightly identified as promoting sub-optimal social and economic policy, and needs to be changed.
Conservative woman already make more babies than Liberal woman, the western world is slowly dying with their sub-replacable fertilitry rate, they're losing the culture wars, of the Conservative needs a win, its now.
However If the new Over-correction is done by 'liberalized' conservative that tolerates LGBTQs and Liberalism, then the Woke Liberals have won, they needed to get 10,000 Feet above ground, so they climbed for 20,000 feet, failed in their objective, but won the war.