Soul Shade
I don't like all these dirty words. It makes me uncomfortable.
If that makes you uncomfortable i'd hate to see what you'd feel if you knew I meant "fucking profanity" literally. They should call it a turrets blow job.
I don't like all these dirty words. It makes me uncomfortable.
The only one who is the best is Jennywocky because she rightly identified the best Nolan movie by far, also recommended is "Following" which is one he did prior to fame, real low budget stuff, but good.
Wtf bronto if you agree with me I demand you lower your grade of the movie to fucking at least 6/11 pronto.
If you don't do that you are a hypocritical cunt.
The only one who is the best is Jennywocky because she rightly identified the best Nolan movie by far, also recommended is "Following" which is one he did prior to fame, real low budget stuff, but good.
she could have some perceptual deficits, due to a developmental disorder, brain trauma or some kind of inebriation. this information must be included in the picture. creating a breeding ground for the suspension of disbelief is a responsibility of the creator, not the consumer.