The thing is, it’s not just INFJs, ISFPs are almost worse with it seeing as how they care not one iota about transparency. It is also a phenomena stemming mostly from white culture, and concepts such as entitlement. I don’t think everyone is equal, because that means everyone will just think they “deserve” what someone else worked hard for. The meaning of effort and the hard work gets rendered useless.
If you go to a ghetto or third world country and a little black girl or boy comes up to you, or you go up to them and ask what they want to be when they grow up and they say president of America, what would you do? Would you shut their dreams down then, or encourage them even if later on when they’re older they could look back and realize you didn’t know what you were talking about by encouraging them, or just pretended to?
A multiverse or alternate reality is not accessible in the ways you might think, in this lifetime or any.
People in the sector are working on VR and computer technology for realistic sex simulations in a cyberpunk fashion? Why? For obvious reasons. And when that doesn’t work they’ll throw a fit, and watch the world burn because a cheerleader in high school wouldn’t lay them, or too many of their crushes rejected them for a jock or athlete.
So it’s a “dog eat dog world”? People just do the opposite in hopes it makes them more clever because they can “see what’s missing” or attempt to poke holes in logic, probably under the assumption their accused hadn’t already thought of those possibilities. It doesn’t make them more clever.
It’s an artificial virus. If God was there someone would try to kill Him just so they can say they did or that they’re God now, as if that means they “deserve” something for it.
It’s quite simple. Unless you’re a burglar why don’t people give you everything they own when you ask or try to take it? A girl doesn’t have to give a guy her phone number if she even has one, and guys and girls don’t have to respond to catcalls nor statements intending to rape or provoke something out your voicebox or motion from your body.
Life is about breathing air, when you talk you breathe, and actions speak louder than words. People are different, not everyone is an extrovert.
It’s just a game to see if they can make a female president or do the paradigm, consciousness shift into a new age, Age of Aquarius, where it hopefully means female rule. No, it just means more recognition of their consciousness.
Nothing was really liberated. There is no book of answers (I Ching is the Book of Changes, though, as in pattern recognition). What you think is a book of answers is really just a guidebook that only tells you how to do something, it doesn’t actually do it for you. So it’s a game where they try to wrestle things from out of your control.
When Galileo said the Earth actually goes around the sun they tried to kill him. We all know the story of people trying to kill someone so they can take all the spotlight for themselves. I’ve already had NDEs and death/rebirth (resurrection) scenarios so I’ve already witnessed it. It’s a mockery.
Ne probably came first, followed by Ni in a grudge trying to get revenge. Also, like redbaron says, it’s “moving goalposts”.
It’s a joke that got out of hand. At first there was amusement, then it got trendy, and now people don’t get it. Just because you read about something doesn’t mean you know how it works, since you still have zero first hand experience. They say writing letters to your congressman can make a difference, except I don’t think whining or complaining is the same thing as it does not follow a structure of logic or reason - just blind overenthusiasm and shortsightedness.
Just because you know Übermensch doesn’t mean you have to base your life off it. It’s satire, and critiquing people.
They don’t think, just because they were gifted some concept of what they think is intuition (not “women’s intuition”) means that they can just say something, anything, as fast as possible so it seems like there’s depth and they’re quick witted but “they” are usually full of shit just winging it. There’s first impression, inanity, and waiting for something to happen literally behind someone’s back so they can say your IQ is low for not having eyes in the back of your head or while “staring” at them realizing what they were looking at or thinking, or how they were thinking about trying to impress other people by displaying ways they could be smarter than you.
The home town I grew up is known sometimes as the Meth Capital. Not just for the actual drug but behavior, whether it’s faster for impatience or convenience sake is relative and arbitrary. There was supposed to be more stuff about reincarnation through a karma system after death, so white people just feel like they were lucky or some good person in some past life for being who they are now. Then, romanticizing it or lusting after them just makes them reappraise their value so save themselves for a rich athlete or some celebrity who invested in their career and future so that they’re financially stable.
For some people their perception system isn’t even the same thing as others’. Se is mostly sensory, since it’s the reverse of Ni, it’s good for athletes and sports. Higs is an INFJ as well as Artsu Tharaz so while “intellectual” capability is there, it’s mostly just for socialization, as they are Fe “preferers”.
For some people, it’s racist. They just want your typical or average Joe, which is a white dude, nerd or not. Your interests don’t matter and neither does your specialization. People think it only started recently but it’s always been like that. A woman wants you to read her mind instead of wasting time on small talk but if she likes you she’ll make it easy anyway.
Some people think you just look at them, then decide to talk or ask them a question. Others just tell you want you want to hear with regard for truth or anything else.