I think you're very far from being alone there.^^ Just want to say, I was fcking in love with that girl for months after I saw her video.
All I want for christmas is to know what this picture means
This should explain everything:
This should explain everything:
That little cretin on the right in the blue dress ate my last box of Jujyfruits.
That little cretin on the right in the blue dress ate my last box of Jujyfruits.
i needed those jujyfruits for my candy enema
i'll get you for this.
oh, thank you!
now ..... would you be so kind as to shove it up either your ass or your urethra?
whichever orifice is smaller, please.
don't ask me why i need you to do this, i'm as confused as you are.
Oddly enough, it's my ass...
Dirty sun spots discredit the bear, but top of the corrupt even phone sevens..
The saying goes, "Dirty sun spots ruin the bear, but top of the corrupt even phone eights"
Did you grow up in a fucking hole somewhere?
Vindicate my torpid undulation! Contest the leak of breakfast sit fest? Lord linoleum crunching the stop, but uncanny leather soothing are profound wetter medicines, even if up hunches butter the gathering. Vulcanize in a pocket gregarious so that peace dodecahedron slips the bed spread and apprehends a louse bucket! Everything silences most of the grueling vestige, or a confession of deliberate gel fiends, always fencing the solace... Motions of help became the lewd castle deep, all over the sabbath of telecommunications. Somewhat rigid my tool millennium, otherwise cake language will delirious a squeamish deed.
September lucid calm of dimmer gorges, but not homage for disquieting lemurs.
But they never said it wasn't. Hard to argue with with 1898, though. Good year... Good year...
Indeed, rudder love of philanthropist slang disreputable custody. Fathom the property from my commission and plane grating. Disenfranchised lexicons often levitate ramifications for diligent confirmation. Decimals sometimes retaliate on force lactation. Eleven battery for all the ruthless sentiments, but never contextual salamanders, because desk corduroy splits the climate justification slates.
But rightly the intermittent colon should fornicate sideways at noon, or perhaps only in the interests of copernicuity should Alfred embiggen machine elves.